They Lurk In the Shadow..

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Maxi-Pad's picture

Hello One and All, And Welcome to the Shadow Crawlers Guild Recruitment Thread. We feel that this game might be dying down a bit, and are looking for anyone who is still active. We are a fun-loving, Close Bonded, down to earth brothers and sisters who always have something going on in the guild. From playing Lockdown, To Running clockworks, To farming bosses, we do it all. We have a lot of members who have been playing for a long time, or even since the game came out for some. We are currently still building a foundation, but we are looking for mature, (preferably) experienced players who enjoy running clockworks and also just chilling back and talking about life.
So if you are interested in joining what will become the next big active guild of SK, all you gotta do is comment answering the following questions:

1. Your IGN
2. How old are you?
3. How often do you play (be honest please)
4. What's your spirit animal?
5. Favorite Genre of movie (actually relevant)
6. Are you more of a heavenly costume weare in the game or a fiendly costume wearer
7. How many times a day do you usually run the clockworks?
8.What star is your gear? (not important, just for keeping records)
9. Are you good at getting along with others?

Lets call this an application. We arent picky about who we choose, but that being said we aren't the Burger King Kids Club, handing out memberships to everyone who wants in.

We are a Shadow themed guild, but that doesnt mean anything about our personalities. there is always something fun going on in the guild, like a lottery, or a raffle, or even mass trading/pawning off accessories and gear on guildies. In addition to all the fun we have, we still have to be a little serious. we dont ask for you to give much back, but every once in a while we'll be crafting boss trophies and need people to pitch in materials or a minimal amount of cr (usually not even 100 per person) and call it "Donations to the guild". But on top of everything, we have fun and make sure that everyone is happy at the end of the day.

You should join, there are a lot of adventures ahead! If we like your application, sou will get a message or Invite in game from one of the Guild Masters, Thanaots or Sexysaurus-Rex.

There will be an updated initial post soon, with more details

and most importantly, have a nice day everyone!

Guild Application

Hey it's Nelson and I've visited your guild the other day and I seem to take a huge interest in joining and I would love to join the community!

So here's my application:

1. Snarbolakz
2. I'm 19 years old
3. 4 times a day
4. Snarbolax is my spirit animal lol
5. Comedy/Horror
6. I'm in fiendly type of armor and weapons
7. Most of the time, I help others grind but most of all I run through clockworks for gear upgrading
8. I'm still at a 2 star gear
9. Yes :) I enjoy having a good time with other Knights (and trolls if there are any)

Yari-Okami's picture
Don't read this. You just had to. Didn't you?

I'm glad that people are still playing this game~
Uh, on point.

Yeah, I'd like to apply, seeing that playing this pretty little SK is boring alone.

Here are the answers you're looking for~

  1. My IGN is Yari-Okami (as you can see on the left)
  2. I'm turning 19 in a month~
  3. It really depends. I can play around 4-5 hours per day, but it's usually more like 1-2, since it's hella boring alone.
  4. As much as I love foxes and cats, it's none of those. Owl.
  5. Criminals/Sci-Fi
  6. I prefer fiendish gear more, but I like both.
  7. Depends, usually 1, max 2, because it takes too much time alone.
  8. I'm full 3 star and I'm already climbing on 4 star gear.
  9. I think yes, however it really depends on the other person.

I hope this is isn't outdated.

So, yeah, that would be it.

Guy looking for guild

1. ArmaDominus
2. 14
3. About 5 times a week for about 2 hours each
4. Chameleon (But if they actually camouflaged)
5. Any good movies, but I'd say action in particular. (Huge fan of the marvel movies).
6. Fiendly
7. Once or twice
8. I'm at 2 star right now but a year ago when I really played a lot I was at 3-4 stars
9. Very good.

Came back to this game after a long time and found out my guild was disbanded. I really like the coop in this game so I am looking for a guild.

King-Of-Echoes's picture
I Had A Dream Once..

I Had A Dream Once..