Circle of Magic be recruiting

30 replies [Last post]

Woah! We're recruiting anyone... this really means t1-t3
Background Information:Circle of Magic started in 2013. We've been around for some time and throughout that(even through a hiatus) we have remained fairly active and stable. It usually has over 200 members and currently has 10-20 members on normally especially after 5 PM PST. We are interested in members from all time zones because we want to have a stable showing of members at all times.

Guild Hall: Our guild hall maintains all the functions of haven(except of course pet food) and has some cool furniture. It is also the site of guild meetings. Our guild prides itself on not having forced donations(but many guildies choose to still donate). However, we still have managed to collect a lot of cool items.

1. No begging or spamming anywhere... period. These two actions severely detriment from a guild. If you need help, ask the guild politely and we will try to help you on a run.

2. Listen to Guild masters and officers. We enforce rules and mediate conflicts. A circle (or really any geometric shape) requires order and so do guilds...

3. Be nice to other players. in and out of guild. Please don't insult people, it is not cool; no matter how much the other sheep might say it is.

4. As more of a guild etiquette thing, ask before joining/inviting others to parties.

5. It would be nice if when you did a clockworks run posted the recipes you found in guild chat so other people can buy them.

6. If you are going to be afk, unless it is explicitly for a short time, please kill yourself first so people do not have to wait. On the same token, do not kick people who are too low tier. Generally it is okay to kick afk people.

7. In guild LD be respectful. Unless otherwise stated, please try to avoid spamming polaris(pet peeves). As a matter of etiquette, please capture points....

9. Circle of Magic does not accept subs. If you want to sub for another guild contact an officer first and rejoin within 24 hours.

10. To be on the Lockdown team, you must do 7k damage. You have three chances to do this in 900 point games.
Do not be rude to enemy guilds and do not spam weapons. However if they are camping or spamming you may break out a Polaris.

11. Also we have a three strikes rule. If you do not follow our rules, after three strikes we will most likely demote or kick you.

It is fairly easy to rise through CoM ranks. There are three main parts: Rules, Dedication, and Time
Rules- obviously follow them
Dedication: be active/help others in the guild
Time: Of course, to become higher rank than a veteran requires a minimum of two months in the guild
How to Join: Talk to any Circle of Magic members. Or PM/Mail Drakonnight/ Doppy/ Mister-nice-guy/Noble-ten. This thread is also checked daily, so you can post an application here as well.

Why You Should Join:
Besides for the GvG LD and spamming of guild hall to make it crash, we do frequent runs with each other.(SL and vana)
Promotions are relatively quick if you are trustworthy and anyone can become an officer. If you have any questions just PM us. We are a pretty casual guild (no donations required), but always still make upkeeps. We try to support each other or do whatever else you're looking for. You've probably seen us in haven and can guess that we're pretty active. We are a casual guild with minimum activity required, but apparently we're active enough.... Some infrequent guild meetings as well. If you want the supporting, fun guild, you found one here.

Application Questions: Okay turns out, no one actually wants to answer these, so we're just going to make question 1/2 required.... Have fun!
1. What is your in game name?
2. How active are you?
3. How long have you played SK? (Plz don't lie... it doesn't matter very much)
4. Why are you interested in joining Circle of Magic?
5. What rank are you in game? What is your favorite set? What is your best weapon/star gear?
6. Do you understand the rules?
7. What do you offer the guild.... in terms of personality or skill sets(the answer is not crowns)
8. Do you enjoy GvG LD(coliseum)/what is your favorite LD set and class?
9. Tell us about yourself.(optional)
10. Can you prove you are a bot? Read this msg: 1234567891011121314151617181920212324252627282930
Now type it backwards....
11. Can you prove you are a somewhat possible human:11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 what is the next number? :P


1.Answered above.
2.On pretty much every day
3.I've had an account for it for about 2-4 years (I honestly forgot)
4.I believe it may be more than just completely nothin'...Like most other guilds...
5.Soldier 4-2. Wolver set. Wolver set, 2 star gear, Flourish
6.Yes, very clear
7.A very, very skilled fighter, good at being a striker, and I stick to being a striker most of the time.
8.Nope, don't even know what it is, so technically, N/A
9.Not doing
11.1311222 (I think)


Accepted we can t3 you pretty quickly, so not a problem. You missed the Bonus.


1.Hunter Red Blood
2.Not everyday
3.Had Account for 4yrs
4.I'm here for GvG and PvP plus I'm here to gain bother ship
5.Vanguard 10-1 stuck on a mission (And on I don't need help on it)
6.Yeayea I gotcha :P
7.I got my bothers Back I rather fall in combat protect my team mate or guild mate then letting them fall. And if you got my I Damn show got yours no backing down or running I'm a head on fighter (basically a striker)
8.Well I haven't really got into but I'm always down for some combat
9.Not much to tell 7_7
11.Oh-no they found out I'm panda bear name fuzzy stabs a lot ....... goodnuff -_-?

Solarsoniclol's picture

1. Solarsoniclol
2.Everyday player, at least 4 hrs or so(vacation now so much more :D)
3. Since around early 2013, before GAme changing update.
4. Because, im looking for a good guild to join, you guys seem very active, and i enjoy doing LD, and i'd like to improve my skills, plus i enjoy helping others when i can :D
5. Vanguard (10-3) have all missions done solo in elite from 4-1 till 10-2 (so im pretty much able to do any if you need help), LD: Snarbo armor, Black Kat Cowl, Gran Faust, Storm Driver, Acheron, Arcana; PvE: Chaos set, Acheron, Voltedge, Arcana, and iron slug; Best Weapon, my favorite is Acheron, but my best is my ASI VH Gran Faust (my treasure)
6. All clear and understood
7.Able to do pretty much any rank mission, decentskills (sorry i don't want to sound narcisistic or so) Active Player, decent LD player, happy to help when im free :)
8. I've never done GvG LD, but i do enjoy LD, my favorite set in question Number 5.
9. Kinda quiet guy, but i do enjoy talking sometimes, if enough trust is given, i love RPGs, Shooters, and videogames in general! :D, favorite games: Halo(favorite game series), Fallout(all series), Terraria, SK, and others; I am a usual soloer, but if chance is given, i help whoever i can :)
10. 03827262524321202918171615141312111987654321
11. umm, idk i'll just post a random answer o3o : 1131122211

Dagunner's picture
an honest application

1. dagunner
2. extremely inactive
3. started a bit after beta ended
4. seemed intresting
5. vanguard, currently playing around with random sets
6. yes
7. nothing much to be honest
8. I am horrible at LD


2.some day
3.i played this last time 10 months
4.i wanted to revist the game again
5.squire costume is the heavenly guardian set i going to get the defender
7.i can bring my skills i will farm
8.nope never heard of it
9.i like rpg
10.1234567891011121314151617181920212324252627282930 039282762524232120291817161514131211101987654321
11. i dont know

Dejection's picture

We currently have 275+ members. Keep it up folks!

application (With the answers, I go the answers Kanye!)

What is your in game name? Tayvion
2. How active are you? I play almost everyday, for a couple of hours each day, more hours than I should.
3. How long have you played SK? (Plz don't lie... it doesn't matter very much) I've been playing Spiral Knights for a couple of years since 2013 or 2014 maybe but on my alt. But for various reasons I can't play as that character anymore so I am using this one.
4. Why are you interested in joining Circle of Magic? My brother is in the guild and I have many friends in the guild like Urdailyapple. I am also interested in boosting my LD skills and I decided I needed a better environment for that.
5. What rank are you in game? What is your favorite set? What is your best weapon/star gear? Right now I am a Knight Elite but I will easily fly through that rank and the next ones up to vanguard in a couple of days.
6. Do you understand the rules? Yes I understand and have reread all the requirements of this guild.
7. What do you offer the guild permission to say they have one of the best players of Blast Network in their guild and hopefully Lockdown too. I hope to help this guild surpass other guilds such as Echo of Silence in LD. in terms of personality or skill sets(the answer is not crowns) I am an outgoing person who makes friends easily and has many connections from my alt. I could easily get more recruits into this guild.
8. Do you enjoy GvG LD(coliseum)/what is your favorite LD set and class?
Honestly right now I cant play with the rest of the guild since I am not currently (but soon to be) a Vanguard. On my alt I have GvG and was pretty good at it. It seemed fun at the time but for now I haven't been able to play LD much because I am in Tier 2 and it is surprisingly hard to get people to sign up for t2 LD. I don't have a favorite set for LD because I haven't tried them all.

Can you prove you are a somewhat possible human:11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 what is the next number? :P
he next pattern in the sequence is Drum role please: 1113213211, and then you could also have 31131211131221 13211311123113112211
Thank you thank you, far too kind! thank you thank you very much!


1. Rianessa. As said by name, 2. Mostly all the time. 3. about 3 or 2 days. 4. Seemed like a really nice guild. 5. did not decide yet. 6. Mostly. I might forget so ill hold up this forum to check. 7. My skill set is odd. I am weird. yet at the same time really positive. 8. I like guardian but also Dasher. (I am not a bot but I cant really think what to do on the bonus)


1. Tekuki
2. Daily
3. play it for like 1-2 month 3 year ago and now im a returning player since yesterday
4. im looking for a group of ppl i can chat with and help out
5. 4-2 - liking the gunslinger - autogun/2
6. Roger
7. funny guy :D and
8. ummm can't even get a match ready ;-;
9. Number 7
10. 039.. i give up
11. 1213123131 :P


1. Reckless-Chan
2. Hm... Bored.. Lets JK
3. Since the game was launched.. Buuut the art of reseting my acc is rly somethin..
4. Because, login in and playing all missions alone sucks.. rly..
5. 6-2, Nameless Poncho with perfect seruss? 3 star things? Lel?
6. U God Damn Right?
7. "Chan help? Sure why not"
8. Hate LD because i suck ;-; and brazil lag wont let me hit ppl..
9. Nice dude.. 20s.. Looking For Action
10. 03928.. aw what ever Bip Bop Bup imarobot
11. Fuck math :v

Xtremeking's picture

im not here to join you guys but how have its been in COM i was one of the oldest member in the guild i use to be an GM in there where did Elviskerr go? Say hello to drakon too said it was form me and noble-ten also hope they still rmb me LOL xD GL

We're revived

Yay!!! Also if there are any old CoM members reading this, log on? It'd be great to see you guys again :) T,T I'm the last 'un.


Hello! Here is my application! :)

1. My ign is Cubitoverde.
2. I play this game a lot of my free time.
3. I started not long ago, about 6 days ago.
4. I have been browsing the different guilds that were recruiting and this one seems one of the best ones that is also willing to more or less help new players get better.
5. I am rank 5-2. I am trying to get a 3 star gear to move on, am halfway through. Best weapon is a tempered caliber.
6. Yes I do.
7. I know I am a new player and I still need to learn a lot of things, but I hope that you will help me through these beginner times that everyone had to go through at some moment. I am always willing to learn new things and improve my ability to become a good player and be able to help the guild.
8. I am more of a PvE player, I don't usually play PvP, but I can do it if it is needed.
10. *half hour later* 0392827262524232120291817161514131211101987654321
11. 1113213211. I feel specially attached to this riddle because it's one of the first riddles someone showed me. <3

Saint-Aggin Application

1. My IGN is Saint-Aggin
2. I play mostly in my free time and I try to play as much as possible
3. I started in 2012, pretty long ago, I quit twice due to an energy "impasse" and bad connection but these ain't my problem anymore, I stay active as much as I can now.
4. I'm looking for a good guild with alot of active players who I can party with on missions bosses and coliseum. I do enjoy talking about SK and helping others when they're in need. I see alot of players who belong to Circle of Magic around so that means you guys are super active.
5. Vanguard (10-3) Every mission completed. I usually have my Vog Cub on for Vana runs but Chaos set is still my favorite. I have my Argent Peacemaker, Voltedge and Final Flourish with me every Vana runs. For Gremlines and Slime, I go with Acheron, Dark Retribution and Black Chaingun. My top choice is the Voltedge with ASI on High.
6. I clearly understand the rules
7. I'm very good at timing and surviving and mostly on my swords for high DPS (Striker), although I'm pretty horrible at throwing stuff. I make up for damage and surviving. I love helping others completing clockworks and missions.
8. I do enjoy GvG, I used to play quite alot but now I stopped because there aren't alot of people playing anymore but I would love to join the coliseum again if I get any invitations from the guild or my friends. I usually go with Final Flourish and Vog Cub set
9. Quite talkative guy if someone starts a conversation. Love rpgs, especially SK, the only game that I come to after quitting. Happy to tag along and help others.
10. 03928272625242321202918171615141312111011987654321
11. I have no idea xD


1. Pokuijiju
2. Hard to tell i'm on and off the game a lot but now i'm taking an interest again and i'll be somewhat active
3. I started to play in 2012 but have since left and returned to the game.
4. I checked your guild hall and it's super impressive, and by checking the motd i saw that you have guild events and help each other out a lot.
5. Vanguard (10-1) My favorite set in the game is definetly the Chaos set. My best current weapons are my Acheron and Glacius (no super crazy variants though).
6. The rules are very clear.
7. I hope to offer a helping hand and just a friendly guy to talk to, also you mentioned in the post that you're interested in members from all time zones and i'm pretty active during GMT so there's also that.
8. I don't go to LD that much but Recon is my go to pick. I just like sneaking around :)
9. I'm a chill guy, when i'm not in guild hall just checking things out i'm usually helping out guildies (back when I had them :/) Currently going to university studying Medicinal Chemistry so that might ruin my activity in some days but it should not be too much of a loss.
10. 0392827262524232120291817161514131211101987654321
11. 1113213211


1. What is your in game name?
- Yamicss
2. How active are you?
-like 2h a day, 4h on weekends
3. How long have you played SK? (Plz don't lie... it doesn't matter very much)
-i started 2 months after official release, in june 2011
4. Why are you interested in joining Circle of Magic?
-i am seachring for an active guild, i enjoy fsc, SL and LD a lot, so i hope i can play gvg LD with you guys
5. What rank are you in game? What is your favorite set? What is your best weapon/star gear?
- vanguard 10-3, Chaos Set, GF, FF,Voltedge,Vali,etc all stuff with asi med uv's, chaos set with fire high and shock max
6. Do you understand the rules?
-yea sure
7. What do you offer the guild.... in terms of personality or skill sets(the answer is not crowns)
-i can help if there are any questions, would help at missions if someone needs help and play a lot fsc / SL/ LD (gvg)
8. Do you enjoy GvG LD(coliseum)/what is your favorite LD set and class?
-i really love it! i play chaos set, weapons: Acheron, FF, GF, Vali, no AA for sure., class: Striker always!
9. Tell us about yourself.(optional)
- 19 year old male from germany, playing this game for almost 6 years
10. Can you prove you are a bot? Read this msg: 1234567891011121314151617181920212324252627282930
11. Can you prove you are a somewhat possible human:11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 what is the next number? :P
-1113213211 :PP

Applications have been processed

K invites have been sent also @yamicss Woah Du sprechst Deutsch

Looking To Join Your Amazing Guild

1. What is your in game name?
2. How active are you?
4 Hours a day on the weekend though cannot really get on weekdays
3. How long have you played SK? (Plz don't lie... it doesn't matter very much)
Two years though just started a new account (this one) recently after taking a break from playing
4. Why are you interested in joining Circle of Magic?
Seems like a great community and just need people to play with :)
5. What rank are you in game? What is your favorite set? What is your best weapon/star gear?
Defender Elite One 5* From Champion I love to use guns and am working on a gunslinger set
6. Do you understand the rules?
Yes and I agree fully
7. What do you offer the guild.... in terms of personality or skill sets(the answer is not crowns)
Like I said I am working on a gunslinger set to help provide support to other strikers
8. Do you enjoy GvG LD(coliseum)/what is your favorite LD set and class?
I am looking to get into GvG though currently I do not participate.
9. Tell us about yourself.(optional)
10. Can you prove you are a bot? Read this msg: 1234567891011121314151617181920212324252627282930
Now type it backwards.... 039282726252423222120291817161514131211101987654321
11. Can you prove you are a somewhat possible human:11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 what is the next number? :P
Oh No please no :(


1. Lydeana
2. I log on at least once a day, although I'm in the GMT+1 Timezone
3. A few weeks at best
4. I love the community that doesn't just want to troll everything in sight
5. Currently Knight 5-2. I don't have a favourite. 2 star gear/ Calibur
6. I do understand them
7. I'm quite social in the right environment and can easily cut the tension with a pun or two
8. I haven't tried it, though I'm not sure if it fits my general play style
9. I'm talkative, I'm logical, I collect more loot than I kill enemies, though I think this also fits my play style quite well
10. 0392827262524232120291817161514131211101987654321
11. 1113213211, I think

Can I join please?

1. Grey-Haka-Lord
2. Online for about 2 hours on weekdays between 4 - 6pm (ACST). Online usually on Sunday, sometimes on saturday.
3. About 18 hours so far (Don't judge please)
4. I want to join because this seems to be an interesting guild and comparing it to other guilds this one seems to fit me the best.
5. As of now I am rank 5-2. I don't have a favourite set because I use what I need to depending on the situation. My best weapon would be my Magnus, as it is my only tier 3 weapon
6. I understand the rules and will do my best to follow it and not break it. Although I will probably not be able to get into LD games, because I will be at school during the lockdown times.
7. I like socialising with people and making friends. I also cooperate well in parties when dungeon clearing. I am also able to use tactics to help my party when we are in dungeons.
8. I can't exactly say this because I've never tried LD.
9. I'm from Australia, so I lag fairly often. I also love gaming and have been gaming since I was 6. My shortened nickname for most games is "Haka"
10. 0392827262524232120291817161514131211101987654321 :D
11. Um is it 14223321??? (I can't work out patterns ;( But I'm definitely not a robot(I think))

I hope that I will be added to your guild, and be an active member to your community.

Guild Application

1. Soggy-Crouton

2. I play daily if my schedule allows, I usually end up playing 4-6 days a week

3. Since 2014

4. Seems like a very cool community and I haven't played SK in awhile and I really want some cool friends to play with.

5. Knight Elite (6-2) All of the Bomber suits, I just love the big fat sleeves, they look so cute. I recently started this character as I got back into the game and am playing Bombs-Only, so my best gear is my 3* graviton charge.

6. Yes I do, I like the idea of 3-strikes. Good policy to keep people in line.

7. Playing Bombs-Only really forces team-play in order to succeed on some levels and I really enjoy being able to support other through status effects of my bombs. I am also very social and love to be part of guild chat and make some friends. <3

8. I used to play LD a lot on my old character which no longer exists but I would use Striker with gran faust, I had a lot of fun but was never very good. I think joining this guild will help me focus on my LD skills.

9. I am 18 years old and a senior in highschool. I live in the Mountain Time Zone. Not sure what else to say. :)

10. 0392827262524232120291817161514131211101987654321

11. 1113213211

Guild Application

1. Toxicole

2. Not very active, partly because I have no one to play with...

3. I've played since... Sorry I can't remember, steam says 80 hours in all. I can say that it wasn't on a single character so my guy has like tier 1/2 gear?

4. I'm interested in Circle of Magic because then maybe I would have some people to play with.

5. My rank is 5-2, I like bombs but I'm better at guns, my highest star is 3 right now on one thing.

6. Yes, pretty much they sum up to be respectful, ask before you do and stay committed.

7. I offer a character that will help if they can and that's kind of it :) .

8. I have not played GvG or LD, I spectated a game and they are pretty action packed.

9. I hate cheating. Not really anything else I can think of.

10. 0392827262524232120291817161514131211101987654321 I think...

11. really confusing... 12221131? Somehow it grows, what's the trick?

We're back

Circle of Magic is currently reviving.... except this time we plan to be more of a weekend guild(for those of us who are lazy in life) YAY!

Circle of Magic: We're recruiting

We do lots of cool stuff such as this if you want to join.
Our theme was Norse Hunting ^^
We've had a lot of fun coming up with our theme. *Coughs*
Circle of Magic tries to make our guild awesome, so if you're guildless and reading this, considering joining us! We're a fun community that does lots of random crap together. I'm a bit busy nowadays, but we can still have them good times.

In addition, we also have an active discord with poems and other things ;P


1. Adventerur
2. i play during weekend but daily if during school holidays
3. i'm new to this game
4. playing alone is hard and cant clear a lot of mission. so plan to join a guild to have some more fun
5. currently progressing to rank 2.
6. yes
7. friendly and help in filling empty slots? =P
8. i havent particiate in at GvG before so i dunno about this
9. high school student in asia
10. 0392827262524232120291817161514131211109876543321
11. i dont know man... too confusing

Lethalspectre's picture
Application for the ○ of Magic

1. What is your in game name?
IGN: Lethalspectre
2. How active are you?
Used to be active for the duration of 5 years, for now until the exam frenzy is done, then I can be active now that I got the whole summer to myself.
3. How long have you played SK? (Plz don't lie... it doesn't matter very much)
I've been a veteran for 5 years, now I've started anew and wanting to make a fresh start, besides making friends and progress is alot more rewarding.
4. Why are you interested in joining Circle of Magic?
My interest is become part of the 1 guild's progession: to become better.
5. What rank are you in game? What is your favorite set? What is your best weapon/star gear?
Currently, just an apprentice, but will soon evolve!
6. Do you understand the rules?
Yes, I do understand loud n clear
7. What do you offer the guild.... in terms of personality or skill sets(the answer is not crowns)
Once I become vanguard, I offer myself to guide newer and fresh guild members so that we can keep the guild integrity and become a more stronger guild.
8. Do you enjoy GvG LD(coliseum)/what is your favorite LD set and class?
Used to play LD tier 2/3, now, I basically retire, but it wouldn't hurt to try it out once I regain my potential.
9. Tell us about yourself.(optional)
I make attempts to be and stay neutral with everyone. If here's someone in need, I try to help (but atlas, unable to help with financial situation since myself have little to no funds).

Thenoobishnub's picture
Application for Guild

1. Thenoobishnub
2. Activity level varies, but currently playing 3 to 4 hours a day. Going to be a casual for the most part.
3. I started like 5? years ago, when there was still mist energy and took a break at like 2 or 3 star gear. Came back when crafting changed and made the push for 4 star and proceeded to take another hiatus because soloing everything wasn't that fun.
4. I want to join a guild as a casual, and curious to see how a guild functions. I wasn't very involved in my previous guild I got invited to randomly.
5. I am currently Defender. My favorite set is Mercurial Demo, mainly because its a silver jelly set. My best weapon is Silent Nightblade. Edit: I derped, I meant the quicksilver set lul.
6. For the most part, not sure if LD participation is mandatory.
7. I offer a helping hand? If someone wanted help or company, I would offer myself up when I'm on. Mostly just as a nice guy?
8. Haven't done much LD, but I think it was guardian?
9. Currently second year college student on east coast of the US.
10. 0392827262524232120291817161514131211101987654321
11. 113112221, I have no clue what this is supposed to be.

Raven-Tail's picture
1. What is your in game

1. What is your in game name?
2. How active are you?
Fairly active
3. How long have you played SK? (Plz don't lie... it doesn't matter very much)
Since 2013 (with VERY LONG hiatus breaks every now and then)
4. Why are you interested in joining Circle of Magic?
I need friends... And a few ppl I knew where in it.
5. What rank are you in game? What is your favorite set? What is your best weapon/star gear?
Vanguard. Personal Preference of guns.
6. Do you understand the rules?
7. What do you offer the guild.... in terms of personality or skill sets(the answer is not crowns)
Uhh... memes? And entertainment in chat.
8. Do you enjoy GvG LD(coliseum)/what is your favorite LD set and class?
Uh I don't really do much GvG. I might consider it...
9. Tell us about yourself.
A meme type of guy
10. Can you prove you are a bot? Read this msg: 1234567891011121314151617181920212324252627282930
Now type it backwards....
okay.... 0392827262524232120291817161514131211101987654321
11. Can you prove you are a somewhat possible human:11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 uhh.... 1

Yay! Also meh

Okay, I've invited everyone up to here and actually remembered to write about it
So that was the yay part!
The meh part:
Well, turns out we don't really care if you answer questions anymore so I guess feel free to skip them (Will post on the original post as well about this) Just like tell us how active you are RIP