Vardiction. Not your typical guild.

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Have you been looking for a guild, but they are either to strict in their rules or you just feel like an outcast? Are you looking for a group of people whom you can not only talk to, but actually play the game with you and actually help you along. Are you looking for a guild where your effort will actually be appreciated?

Well, then, look no further, Vardiction is the guild for you.

Vardiction, a guild and family with a rich history the extends beyond the reach of Spiral Knights.

Message Mimi-Cicoo and/or Curisake for a invite (Guild Masters)

As for the officers Message Hex-Plays, Alzenon and Spiral-Knight-Lance

We look to aid all new comers to Spiral Knights.

We do have a website ( currently in the works ) along with a Steam group.

We have our written Guild Rules ( or The Guild Guidelines, as we like to call it )

Welcome Letters to our new members.

We actively monitor guild member activity.

More in depth Guild details can be found by messaging Curisake ( founder ) in game

We look forward from hearing from you

King-Of-Echoes's picture

More information, please? All I see is questions, no answers to them either.