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The Best endgame gear -Gunner-

4 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Tolsgaard

I Was thinking about what the Best endgame gunner gear would be...

..............................| DMG | ASI | CTR | MSI |
Black kat Cowl.......|.. +3 ..|. . . . |. . . . .|.. +1 ..|
Black Kat Reiment.|.. +3 ..|. . . . |. . . . .|.. +1 ..|
Battle Spirit Perk....|. . . . .|. . . . |. . . . .|.. +2 ..|
Weapon LvL 10......|. . . . .|. . . . |.. +2 ..|. . . . .|
Unique Variants.....|. . . . .|.. +4 .|.. +4 ..|. . . . .| Very High ASI + CTR on all weapons
Elite Quick Draw....|. . . . .|.. +2 .|. . . . .|. . . . .|
..............................| Max | Max | Max | VH |
Random Trinket
Random Shield

i Think this is the Best gunner loadout if you can get VH UV's on all your Weapons...

Sorry for the ugly looking skema... xD

Bild des Benutzers Flowchart

You don't even need the elite quick draw, just use swiftstrike buckler.

Bild des Benutzers Tolsgaard
Why use a 3* shield when you

Why use a 3* shield when you loss 1 ASI too the cap because it Can not be +7 and you Can have a good 5* shield even With everything max

Bild des Benutzers Neometal

You are correct, this is indeed the best loadout in the game, the reason why bk is better than chaos in the ultra late game - if one can get there.

Throw in gm(ctr+asi vh) swords and vh ctr bombs, the swiftstrike and then you can have 3 maxes for both your swords and guns, 2 maxes for bombs and that sweet sweet vh msi. And you still have 2 empty trinket slots, which you can use for extra resistance, or +hp I guess.

Although I personally (using this setup, hehe) prefer having a stronger shield (gos, skelly, etc) + a gun and sword asi trinket. For fsc however, I use the swift + two 5* fire trinkets, cuz it's just fsc lol.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
yes and

Yes, and notice that it has nothing to do with gunning, especially if you replace the trinket with Swiftstrike Buckler. The amazing thing about this loadout is that you get everything maxxed on all weapon types (except just ASI+3 on bombs).

This is all covered in the Glass Cannon section of my armor guide.