Woah! We're recruiting...
Background Information: Felixus began in January 2012 as Embermist Scavengers; however, we are now one of the biggest, funnest, and active LD guilds in the game. It usually has 10-25 members on normally, especially during active times. No matter what, we can pretty much always make a non-sub LD team:) We've pretty much achieved having at least five players on at all times, so even people from weird time zones can join in the lucky fun! Now with discord as a chatting site.
Felixus is a group of players who play this game to have fun, friendship, and good times.
We hold semi-consistent events such as raffles, proto lockdown, and jeopardy! There is always something being planned.
If you ask Xacre what our guild is all bout he'd say, "Be awesome, be respectful, and be social. We have plenty of events! Come and have fun!"
So if you like making friends, annihilating Vanaduke, discussing the meaning of life through contrast of Plato's and Socrates' views (yes, this actually happened) then what are you waiting for? Join us! We are always drafting new members who meet recruitment requirements.
Guild Hall: Our guild hall maintains all the functions of haven(except of course pet food) and has tons of cool furniture. It is also the site of guild meetings. Our guild prides itself on not having forced donations (but many guildies choose to still donate). However, we still have managed to collect a lot of cool items.
1. No begging or spamming anywhere... period. These two actions severely detriment from a guild. If you need help, ask the guild politely and we will try to help you on a run.
2. Listen to Guild masters and officers. We enforce rules and mediate conflicts. We're pretty chill about it tho:)
3. Be nice to other players. in and out of guild. Please don't insult people, it is not cool; no matter how much the other sheep might say it is.
4. As more of a guild etiquette thing, ask before joining/inviting others to parties.
5. It would be nice if when you did a clockworks run posted the recipes you found in guild chat so other people can buy them.
6. If you are going to be afk, unless it is explicitly for a short time, please kill yourself first so people do not have to wait(not in real life plz). On the same token, do not kick people who are too low tier. Generally it is okay to kick afk people.
7. In guild LD be respectful. Unless otherwise stated, anything in the pulsar line is not allowed in LD. We also do not allow autotarget in LD. As a matter of etiquette, please capture points....
8. Lockdown games will be held at 6 PM PST every day. This does not necessarily mean games, it just means stuff to do with LD. For example, we will host practices during this time as well.
9. We do not accept subs. If you want to sub for another guild contact an officer first and rejoin within 24 hours.
10. To be on the Lockdown team, you must do 15k damage. You have three chances to do this in 900 point games. Also, caps are 1k dmg each and you can have a maximum of 5.
Do not be rude to enemy guilds and do not spam weapons. However if they are camping or spamming you may break out a Polaris.
11. Also we have a three strikes rule. If you do not follow our rules, after three strikes we will most likely demote or kick you. Members may be inactive for up to a month before kick. Veterans plus are kicked at GM discretion. (This is due to inactivity)
It is fairly easy to rise through FS ranks. There are three main parts: Rules, Dedication, and Time
Rules- obviously follow them
Dedication: be active/help others in the guild
Time: Of course, to become higher rank than a veteran requires a minimum of one month in the guild
How to Join: Talk to any Felixus members. Or PM/Mail Gaelet/ Xacre/ Boss-pnxdz. This thread is also checked daily, so you can post an application here as well.
Why You Should Join:
Besides for the GvG LD and spamming of guild hall to make it crash, we do frequent runs with each other.(SL and vana)
Promotions are relatively quick if you are trustworthy and anyone can become an officer. If you have any questions just PM us. We are a pretty casual guild (no donations required), but always still make upkeeps. We try to support each other or do whatever else you're looking for. You've probably seen us in haven and can guess that we're pretty active. We are a casual guild with minimum activity required, but apparently we're active enough.... Some infrequent guild meetings as well. If you want the supporting, fun guild, you found one here.
Rankings:( one can be skipped)
Up to Veteran at Guild Master discretion
Officer: 100k donation
Show of Skill in LD(max 5 caps caps are 1k dmg)
Gunner: 13k dmg
Bomber: 7k dmg
Swords:17k dmg
Show of Skill in PvE
Vana Solo Elite in under 25 min
It came from Below(no deaths)
You have to be cool/voted to officer as well.
Application Questions:
1. What is your in game name?
2. How active are you?
3. How long have you played SK? (Plz don't lie... it doesn't matter very much)
4. Why are you interested in joining Felixus?
5. What rank are you in game? What is your favorite set? What is your best weapon/star gear?
6. Do you understand the rules?
7. What do you offer the guild.... in terms of personality or skill sets(the answer is not crowns)
8. Do you enjoy GvG LD(coliseum)/what is your favorite LD set and class?
9. Tell us about yourself.(optional)
Bonus:(extra stuff we'd appreciate knowing)
1. What time zone are you from
2. What server do you play on
3. What type of player do you consider yourself(Merchant/LDer/Pver, etc.)
4. Are you comfortable joining voice chat or an app like GroupMe or skype for contacting each other? Also, we might use steam groups as well.

"we are now one of the biggest, funnest, and active LD guilds in the game"
Laughing way too hard at this.
Felixus is currently looking to build up a LD team, so if you are interested in LD, come join us!
A few people have asked me about the point of the guild, and I have answered with the oh so novel answer of: make friends and learn to play the game. To some others I have said to make the game fun again. And yet to others I have said it is to take over a dying game. Unfortunately, my plan is the third. So if you are a potential recruit who wants anything from a casual troll guild to a maniacal cult trying to summon Nick and rule the world, Felixus is the guild for you.
We are trying to move into BN. If any of you are one of these classes/ BNer, you are welcome to join Felixus!

1. What is your in game name?
2. How active are you?
Once or twice a week for little stretches of time. 30 minutes max. I do plan to get more active when summer rolls around, but I will also have summer classes so there's that as well.
3. How long have you played SK? (Plz don't lie... it doesn't matter very much)
Since August 2012, but took a year long break in 2015, some in 2014. This year, not as much, but still absent at times.
4. Why are you interested in joining Felixus?
Entelechy contacted me will I was playing LD to get my tokens. The features he described made in interested.
5. What rank are you in game? What is your favorite set? What is your best weapon/star gear?
Vanguard is my rank. As for my fav set, Vog cub set as it has served me well in FSC and in general. Best weapon is Final flourish with damage bonus towards fiends med. Although I have the Crimson hammer DLC, a DA, a Valiance with damage toward Gremlin high, and other quirky weapons.
6. Do you understand the rules?
Very easy to follow and I plan to obey them.
7. What do you offer the guild.... in terms of personality or skill sets(the answer is not crowns)
I like to crack jokes and make punny puns. Also am a understanding person and all around cool guy.
8. Do you enjoy GvG LD(coliseum)/what is your favorite LD set and class?
Not that much of a LD myself, but am willing to learn. Don't really have a LD but I do like the Recon class.
9. Tell us about yourself.(optional)
Already stated in #7
Bonus:(extra stuff we'd appreciate knowing)
Connection is not as good as can be, so I'll load longer than other members. Still playable and can dodge stuff, just slow loading time.
1. What time zone are you from?
Pacific Standard Time (PST)
2. What server do you play on
3. What type of player do you consider yourself(Merchant/LDer/Pver, etc.)
Exploring the clockworks is my jam, so mostly PVE, with a side of merchanting. I also like to play BN, and prefer it to LD.
4. Are you comfortable joining voice chat or an app like GroupMe or skype for contacting each other? Also, we might use steam groups as well.
I'm cool with using Skpe and other voice chat. I hear discord is good as well. But as a heads up, I don't have steam.
1. What is your in game name?
2. How active are you?
I'm very active, I log in at least once per day and like to play for hours.
3. How long have you played SK? (Plz don't lie... it doesn't matter very much)
I've been playing since 2013 but I had to stop because of some technical issues but, now , Eld is back baby!
4. Why are you interested in joining Felixus?
I really like this game and all this time that I've been playing I never found a truly active one. Also, I like doing boss runs and having fun with others in the meantime. Moreover, I plan on crafting the snarbolax coat and cup meaning that I'm interested in raiding SL
5. What rank are you in game? What is your favorite set? What is your best weapon/star gear?
My rank is Defender Elite. My favorite set is the snarbolax one and I really love the brandish family of weapons. My best weapon and gear are a Combuster heat level 7, a Polaris heat level 4, the Aegis shield heat level 5 and also got other swords and weapons for piercing/shadow damage as well. I'm not really a bomb person, although I plan on making some bombs.
6. Do you understand the rules?
Yes, I do and I plan on following them.
7. What do you offer the guild.... in terms of personality or skill sets(the answer is not crowns)
I try to socialize and make in-game friends and love to discuss for hours and have fun. I could help with Platos and Socrates, I'm Greek after all.
About the skill matter... Hm I can't really say that I'm the strongest player in game but I can help whenever needed.
8. Do you enjoy GvG LD(coliseum)/what is your favorite LD set and class?
I have never really paid much attention to coliseum games but I plan to do so. I want this Voltedge.
9. Tell us about yourself.(optional)
I like joking around although sometimes I may overdo it, also I'm a responsible person that's why I won't be online much during exam season. If you have any kind of problem I would love to help ^^
Bonus:(extra stuff we'd appreciate knowing)
1. What time zone are you from?
Eastern European Time
2. What server do you play on
3.What type of player do you consider yourself(Merchant/LDer/Pver, etc.)
I can spend my time endlessly in the clockworks and killing mobs. I would consider myself a PVer
4. Are you comfortable joining voice chat or an app like GroupMe or skype for contacting each other? Also, we might use steam groups as well.
No problem with using Skype and voice chat in general. Steam groups are fine with me.
1. What is your in game name?
- The_Otaku_Boy
2. How active are you?
- i play the game always but not during exams or revision
3. How long have you played SK? (Plz don't lie... it doesn't matter very much)
- 2 days im a noob
4. Why are you interested in joining Felixus?
if it cool guild and friendly and its more then a guild its a familly that unite players
5. What rank are you in game? What is your favorite set? What is your best weapon/star gear?
The wolver set and the swords 2*star gear
6. Do you understand the rules?
7. What do you offer the guild.... in terms of personality or skill sets(the answer is not crowns)
well i can help any new player and othere players during runs and tchat with him if theye get bored
8. Do you enjoy GvG LD(coliseum)/what is your favorite LD set and class?
nevere play LD
9. Tell us about yourself.(optional)
Im algerian im 16years old im a otaku gamer a big fan of anime and manga and video games
Bonus:(extra stuff we'd appreciate knowing)
1. What time zone are you from
1- central afriqua.west
2. What server do you play on
-From IP
3. What type of player do you consider yourself(Merchant/LDer/Pver, etc.)
4. Are you comfortable joining voice chat or an app like GroupMe or skype for contacting each other? Also, we might use steam groups as well.
-Well i have skyp - teamspeak-mumble- and discord so yes its cool and its cool too for the steam groupe
1. What is your in game name?
2. How active are you?
arround 3 or 4 days a week or more depends if im playing overwatch
3. How long have you played SK? (Plz don't lie... it doesn't matter very much)
i started playing overwatch a really long time ago i dont think its more than 4 years but i have bad memory so i cant tell this question but im sure it is at least 3 years
4. Why are you interested in joining Felixus?
i want to play with a guild and have some fun
5. What rank are you in game?
What is your favorite set?
my fav style is the kat hats and the seerus mask with the vog cub coat
What is your best weapon/star gear?
i think its my glacious (print: http://prntscr.com/b5rmiq )
6. Do you understand the rules?
7. What do you offer the guild.... in terms of personality or skill sets(the answer is not crowns)
i have really good reflexes to my actions but its not aways... mostly in the mornings and i aways do full runs so you guys will se me alot telling the recipes
8. Do you enjoy GvG LD(coliseum)/what is your favorite LD set and class?
i dont like pvp in games but i like the tank class
9. Tell us about yourself.(optional)
I have 18 years i live on brazil my real name is Ghabriel
"i dont know what else to say" =b
Bonus:(extra stuff we'd appreciate knowing)
1. What time zone are you from
BRT "brazil"
2. What server do you play on
i dont know...
3. What type of player do you consider yourself(Merchant/LDer/Pver, etc.)
PVE player
4. Are you comfortable joining voice chat or an app like GroupMe or skype for contacting each other? Also, we might use steam groups as well.
im a bit shy but i have no problems :)

1. What is your in game name? King-Valour
2. How active are you? Pretty active, but I'm not on ALL the time due to college classes.
3. How long have you played SK? (Plz don't lie... it doesn't matter very much) 5 years.
4. Why are you interested in joining Felixus? I like its setup, and hopefully its a very welcoming guild.
5. What rank are you in game? What is your favorite set? What is your best weapon/star gear? Vanguard, my favorite set is my chaos/bkc, and my favorite weapon is the voltedge.
6. Do you understand the rules? Yes, indeed I do.
7. What do you offer the guild.... in terms of personality or skill sets(the answer is not crowns) I'm a vanguard, i'm open for any runs or helping any newcomers out.
8. Do you enjoy GvG LD(coliseum)/what is your favorite LD set and class? I do enjoy GvG, I'm very competitive, but my favorite class is the striker + my set is the chaos set w/ gran faust, barbarous thorn blade, storm driver.
9. Tell us about yourself.(optional) You'll know soon enough, I'm an open person.
Bonus:(extra stuff we'd appreciate knowing)
1. What time zone are you from? Pacific.
2. What server do you play on? USA.
3. What type of player do you consider yourself(Merchant/LDer/Pver, etc.)
4. Are you comfortable joining voice chat or an app like GroupMe or skype for contacting each other? Also, we might use steam groups as well.

1. What is your in game name? Hinokaa
2. How active are you? ive come on every day since i joined, and dont plan on stopping (especially because school just came out, heh)
3. How long have you played SK? (Plz don't lie... it doesn't matter very much) joined yesterday (may 24, 2016
4. Why are you interested in joining Felixus? i'm looking for a guild with nice, relaxed people in it in which i can feel "at home"
5. What rank are you in game? What is your favorite set? What is your best weapon/star gear? at the time of writing (well, typing i guess) this, im a squire (rank 3-2). my favorite "set" is the padded armor, padded helm, cyrotech alchemer, and the zapper. my best weapon (again, at the time of typing this) is my cyrotech alchemer
6. Do you understand the rules? yes, and i will follow them at all times
7. What do you offer the guild.... in terms of personality or skill sets(the answer is not crowns) although im obviously not the best knight out there, i will try my best to help anyone out however or whenever i can, whether it be an arcade run, or finding a recipe
8. Do you enjoy GvG LD(coliseum)/what is your favorite LD set and class? i've never tried it honestly, i will after i send this
9. Tell us about yourself.(optional) i'm 15 years old. i don't really know how i am in other people's eyes, tbh, so i'll leave that for you guys to decide!
Bonus:(extra stuff we'd appreciate knowing)
1. What time zone are you from central time zone
2. What server do you play on english
3. What type of player do you consider yourself(Merchant/LDer/Pver, etc.) when i become strong enough, i will become a LDer (gunslinger, to be specific), but at the moment, im a PVEer
4. Are you comfortable joining voice chat or an app like GroupMe or skype for contacting each other? Also, we might use steam groups as well. typing in these? yes. actually speaking? no
ths server reboot is taking agesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
You realize this is a guild recruitment page? Do you want to join us?
1. Narutobleach
2. i come on when i want to troll
3. may 24, 2016
4. i'm looking for a guild with nice, relaxed people in it in which i can feel "at home".....jk lookng for a trolly guild
5. My fav set is ice queen set. im a knight elite
6. yes, and i will follow them at all times..jk never
7. me.......
8. ice queen just said this in question 5......and striker
9. i'm 52 years old. i don't really know how i am in other people's eyes, tbh, so i'll leave that for you guys to decide!
Bonus:(extra stuff we'd appreciate knowing)
1. central time zone
2. english
3. What type of player do you consider yourself(Merchant/LDer/Pver, etc.): A prostitute
4. Are you comfortable joining voice chat or an app like GroupMe or skype for contacting each other? Also, we might use steam groups as well. typing in these? yes. actually speaking?
:idk, sure
but 11 is