Looking for a guild

2 replies [Last post]
Flaresphere's picture

Hiya! I'm a new recruit in the game, I'm a 23yo girl and looking forward to enter a cool and friendly not-too-big guild. Any recommendations? :3


Heyo! Me too,
Please try and give Recommendations, Don't give names of Big guilds, Give names of small ones which Do not impose any rules against what many people consider **Bad** Language, Or **Borrowing** (<<-- Thats to you R.C) . Whilst also being fairly Active

Dunreave's picture
Ello ello

Hey Im recruiting people to play with, guild currently only has 3 members sooo its pretty small.

PM me IGN Dunreave.

Ill be on in about 9 hours to respond, or you can talk to another member such as Lycinius