JOIN us "COCYTUS" we'll accept anyone xD

greetings!!! Hello people So me and fort create a guild called "cocytus" our guild is nothing special. We are just a normal guild but come and join us nothing is better than growing together in a group help us grow and let us help you "grow" if you need help you can ask us 24/7 i'll do my best to carry you to your join us!
RULEs they are simple
1.Dont beg for money if you need you can borrow.
2.Dont ask to get promote if you've done great we will promote automatically
3.Never!! Steal a stuff in the storage
4.Thats all!!!
Anyone can joined like i said but can you past the test?
The test is just I will ask you 5 question.
THE question
1.can you tell me your name?in SK tho.LOL XD
2.can you fallows the RULEs?
3.whats 20+5-8*9=?(LOL just kidding ) the question is do you have any question
4.what will you do to help this guild? (Its can be anything aside for CR but if you wanna hand us that you can)
5.just mail Me if you want to join!xD
Enjoy your stay.lets COCYTUS help you if you help us. xD
Guild master,XTRemeKing

I do i still play but i got an problems with my mac it doesnt load up java IDK why can you help?
Xtermeking are you still playing.