Come Join Us To Revitalise Paradoxx --Events-Giveaways-Shadow Lair Events
Mon, 05/09/2016 - 08:26

WELCOME ALL! im happy to announce that the guild Paradoxx is being revitalised and in need of energetic, young, and strong recruits! of any rank
drop a comment, or send Biggeoff an email in-game with any questions, or if you'd like to join!
once added, you will need to be a recruit a full week, and be active during that first week before we can promote you past that.
just so we can be sure you're active
Theres Only a few rules which are below
1 no begging we will help you grind if available
2 no random invites if free we will join if needed
3 no rudeness we need harmoney <3
dai-mubai-- inactive atm
This guild was forgotten but now its time to be ALIVE !!!!
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood))