Aegis Team Recruitment Thread

Hello! Welcome to the Aegis Team Recruitment Thread. Yeah.
About Us
Aegis Team has been around since 2011 when it was created by a guy named Chrizmaniac, who remains our main Guild Master. For more of our history, check out our hilariously outdated wiki page here. Aegis Team's greatest quality throughout all these years has been the atmosphere and culture around the guild. Everyone is very social and always has time to talk. We've got a steam group and a skype chat which we use to coordinate different events and just keep in touch with each other.
How to Join
Just ask. Really. Post here saying you want to join or ask anyone in Aegis Team ingame. Just say "I come from Artist's Aegis Team forum thread" or something similar.
Other Cool Stuff
Aegis Team Anthem:
Aegis Team Trailer:
So yeah. That's about it. If you join, trust me, you won't regret it. This guild is something special. I joined Aegis Team in early 2012 and I never looked back. We look forward to you joining. :D

What's up man? Been a while! I sent you an invite ingame.

Tell him I'm Utrex -> Rhanthyxemyniad -> Abelisk
I would love to join your guild, sounds fun!
The name's Suyumi
Looking forward! ^w^

I told Chriz you said hi! Also, Icecreamboy wanted me to say "hey" from him. I sent you an invite to the guild too!
Welcome aboard! I sent you an invite!
Hello there!
It's been a while since I last played Spiral Knights. Well, more than a while. Since 6 years ago maybe. :P My friends and I all quit and I recently just rejoined and am in dire need of newer friends to play and raid with.
So what I'm driving at is, can I join the guild?
My IGN is Symbolexpected.

Absolutely! Sent you an invite ingame.

Hallo, I'm looking for a guild for one of my alts. I would have my main join Aegis Team, but I'm keeping her in her current guild for sentimental reasons, so...
I heard about Aegis Team a while back (and saw the artwork! :P) and it looks like a guild I would enjoy being a part of. Count me in!
My alt's IGN is Chrissy-Noelle.
~Angel-Girl the Valkyrie

Sweet! I totally understand what you mean by sentimental reasons, no problem. I sent your alt an invite ingame!

/me wants to restore guild to unchecked epicness.
King will probably let me sub, I'll go ask.

Haha, awesome. What's your IGN (I'll send you an invite)?

Same as forums. Quintinius-Vergnix.
I'll get sub authorization from Kingtinkinzar, then I can join.

I found this guild on /r/spiralknights. My previous guild the Catalyst of War is in deep slumber, no one is ever online. I stopped playing like 2 years ago.
Now that I found some real life friends to play with, I have been a lot more active in SK. Started playing last month.
Would appreciate an invite into this clan. Thanks.
IGN is the same on the forum, Wheetastic.

Sent you an invite!

Thread seems dead but I'd be very thankful for an invite, IGN is same as forum name

It's only been 3 days since the last comment...
Regardless, I sent you an invite!
may i join? i am a returning player and in need of a friendly guild
my IGN is Tohenboku

Sure! Sent you an invite.

Heya o/
I'd like to join this guild as it seems friendly and helpful!
Also, (after many struggles) I fixed your ancient Wiki Page guild logo :]

I sent you an invite! Thanks for fixing our logo and being the first person to comment on my songs. xD
hi i would really like to join your guild please ,thank you, btw
my friends recommend this guild
this is a edit
my nickname is cody

Sent you an invite! Glad to have you.
Do you guys have room for one more? IGN: ZNemerald
I haven't played since 2011 but I am interested in trying to get into this game again.
Would like to join your guild, its been a while and i just got back in the game, former guild is inactive and im looking for new freinds.
IGN: Sinchee
Thanks, take care

I'll invite both of you once I get the chance. Unfortunately I am away at a camp until Friday and won't be able to access a PC until then.
New player but I'd like to join if you'll have me, same name in game. :)

I'm back and available to recruit once again! I invited everyone here who didn't get an invite yet!
hey im a new player and im lookin for nicce guild just like a familly and with a voice tchat so i wann to join
MY IGN : Remy-Nation
MySteam :RémoNation[FR]
My Skype :


Art! You're all alive! You can send me an invite you want, but I'll likely just be dead inactive. I don't have time or really want to play sk anymore with more schoolwork and other games, but I've kept up with the forums from time to time. Please say hi to the guild for me! I'll try to drop in sometime soon!

Hey! It's been a while!
I am new to this Game but i have many years of MMO raiding expirience
i am 25 Years Old, male and from Germany
Please Contact me
Skype: Evilkali
Steam: Kali
Can I join? I started playing this game back in 2014 but got bored of it. Now as I'm back I was searching for active guild.
My IGN is Dadealus
I just started playing this month and I'd like to find a group that is actively playing. I'm happy to do runs and LD.
I'd love to be in a active and nice guild, so thought I would ask to get in here.

Heya Art!
You'd probably forgot who I am, but it's Topo. Thought Aegis Team was dead, was rummaging through the forums and am extremely suprised to see it back up and alive.
Send me an invite please?
IGN: Topogaming
wheres the damn post button. my IGN is Mcsnickers
I would like to join your guild
My IGN: Tebabo

I'd like to join this guild- If I'm not too late.
My IGN is Sutanix.
Hello y'all. I've been an SK vet for a few years, but recently dropped off the radar after my computer was stolen. I was in a guild before that, but after they graduated, they basically were never on. I myself won't be able to return for another month or two, but I'm wondering if I might still be hired, so that can advance in a way that only a guild can make possible. Please? And thank you for your consideration.
I would like to join this guild.
EDIT: IGN is Mindfreaked.