t(._. )t ~~Manlet's House Recruitment Thread!~~ t(._. )t

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Manlet's picture


If you're in this thread and interested in joining, then I guess you heard the rumors, and yes, they are true. Manlet's House is the most prestigious house in all of Cradle. As the supreme leader of the House of Man, I do my best to accommodate all of my residents. Manlet's House is a place where you can goof off and aren't obligated to really do anything other than be pro as fuck. The qualifications to join the house are somewhat strict, but know that gaining entry means you have finally reached the pinnacle of Spiral Knights perfection.


To become a member of this legendary household, you must have all the following prerequisites:

- Deal 30,000 damage in Lockdown at least once in your lifetime.
- Be capable running Vanaduke in <25 minutes.
- Have a prestige value higher than 45,000.
- Most importantly, be great friends with Manlet for at least a year.*

These requirements might be daunting to the general populous, but it is my duty as the head of Manlet's House to make sure that we are all strong. As the ancient Egyptians once said, "You're only as strong as your weakest link." We at Manlet's House pride ourselves on being the very best and most elite fighters in all of Cradle. Weakness isn't part of our job description. If you think you have what it takes to join us, feel free to leave a message here or drop me a PM/mail with a list of your achievements.

*It is possible to gain entry into Manlet's House with only this requirement.


There are currently 7 members of Manlet's House:
- Manlet (GM)
- Bakapuff (Officer)
- Tobutori (Veteran)
- Lya-Latte (Member)
- Nikolai-Bartolf (Member)
- Zero-Chill (Member)
- Uvyy (Member)

Krissychu's picture

Hi. Hello.


(nice house)

Manlet's picture
