Fehzor is hiring!

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We at Fehzor are a worker cooperative that’s making great things happen—by changing the way people play the game, and by solving the various problems associated. See where a job with Fehzor can take you on the gameplay or “corporate" side of things.

(View associated picture.)

Interested? Email your resume/CV to FehzorIsHiring@gmail.com along with single paragraph answers to the following questions:

1. How would you manage hyperinflation within Spiral Knights (assuming no UVs/punch or other forms of endgame leveling)?

2. Design a monster family from scratch- how would it function within the game and interact with the existing families?

3. Describe how you would handle gear creation within Spiral Knights- don't limit yourself to the existing materials, crowns, etc. it can be any way you'd like.

We'll get back to you within two weeks if we see you as a good fit to schedule an interview.