♦♦♦ Unfallen Aegis ♦♦♦

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Yamarin's picture

♦♦♦ Unfallen Aegis ♦♦♦

If you're looking for a casual guild with lots of friendly people this is a guild for you!
Anyone is welcome as long as you follow the rules!
We do all kinds of stuff like Vana runs, farm events, joke around in chat, DaN aswell as occasionally Shadow Lair runs!

♦♦♦ Apply ♦♦♦

Mail to Yamarin in-game!
Add me on steam

Or you could just post a reply here with your IGN
and I'll make sure to invite you as soon as I can!

♦♦ Guild Rules ♦♦

♦ Be friendly and AVOID cursing, disrespecting players, and religious/politic debates in the guild chat, be respectful to fellow guild members so
we can keep this guild as friendly for everyone as possible!

♦ If you have some free time over and a Guildmate asks for help, please help. ( This doesn't mean that you should
give them stuff as begging is forbidden in this guild! )

♦ If you are going to be inactive for a long period of time, please send a mail to a Guild Master or an Officer
to let us now so we don't accidentaly kick you cause of inactivity!

♦ Please don't abuse the Storage / Energy Well!

Ranks ~ (Remind an Officer or a Guild Master to promote you if you have fullfilled the requirements!)


This rank is for everyone that's new to the guild! (Obviously)


Member rank is for those who have been in the guild for more than 3 days!


14 Days / 2 Weeks in the guild ~ You'll also have to perform a test infront of an Officer or a Guild Master in order to get your new rank!

The test is soloing Depth 25 in the Lord Vanaduke mission on Elite mode without any sparks while an Officer or Guild Master is dead (so they can spectate you).


Officer rank is only for crazy people. Officers are very loyal to the guild and help to run the guild along with the Guild Masters!


Fozroz's picture
Can I join?

My IGN is "Fozroz".


I would like to join!

My IGN is Foxiboy
