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15 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Clara-De-Huevo


Shadow Dragon Wings: c/o 19kE b/o 20kE (Bid Ends on June 22nd)
Tech Green Furious Fork: c/o 12kE b/o 20kE
Prismatic Glow-Eyes: b/o 800kcr
[1]CTR Med Brandish b/o 70kcr
Ruby Writing Tendrils: taking offers
Scissor Blades (clean): b/o 950kcr or 14kE
[25] Kat Tribe Fetish: 18kcr each
Polar Night Wolf Hood: 200kcr

- I may trade items x items
- if you are interested on something or do you have any question mail me pls
- accepting cheaper offers if I added "c/o ???" or "taking offers". but If it only has b/o price then maybe not..
- i can reserve up to 1 or even 2 weeks.. depending
- online few times and few minutes per day

* Post transferred to my main knight name: node/61295*

Bild des Benutzers Clara-De-Huevo
Sold and Bought List for reference

Sold Prismatic Glow-Eyes for 6kE [2017]
Sold Rose Aura for 67kE [2017]
Sold Fiery Aura for 80kE [2017]
Sold [4] Haunted Aura for 300kcr (75k each) [2017]
Sold Keelhauled Aura for 14,5kE [2017]
Sold Scissor Blades asi med for 10kE [2017]
Sold Graviton Vortex CTR VH for 9kE [2017]
Sold Bloom Halo for 66kE [2017]
Sold Black Kat Cowl for 8kE [2017]
Sold Celestial Vortex for 56kE [2017]
Sold Prismatic Halo for 9kE [2017]
Sold BK Raiment Normal Max w/Dusky Dragon Wings + Dusky Wolver tail for 55kE [2017]
Sold Iron Wolf Tail for 16kE [2017]
Sold Iron Wolf Tail for 17kE [2017]
Sold Crown of Winter for 13kE [2017]
Sold Iron Wolf Tail for 20kE [2017]
Sold Hacked Aura for 13kE [2017]
Sold Rose Aura for 83kE [2017]
Sold Hacked Aura for 13kE [2017]
Sold Black Kat Cowl Normal High + Stun Low for 12kE [2017]
Sold Apocrean Disciple Wings for 11kE [2017]
Sold Prismatic Glow-Eyes for 6kE [2017]
Sold Shadow Valkyrie Winggs for 13kE [2018]
Sold Voltaic Plasma Wings for 16kE [2018]
Sold [2] Hacked Aura for 25kE [2018]
Bought Love Puppy Sprite Pod for 30kE + Shadow Valkyrie Wings [2018]
Sold Prismatic Cat Tail for 8kE [2018]
Sold [22] CS:GO Keys for Energy + Crowns [2018]
Sold Ship Wheel for 6kE [2018]
Sold Black Plump Gobblesnipe for 7kE [2018]
Sold Black Kat Cowl Pierce Low for 8000E [07/11/18]
Sold [2] Books of Dark Ritual for 37.500E [07/15/18]
Sold Black Kat Cloak Normal Med for 4500E [07/16/18]
Sold Rose Aura for 80kE [07/17/18]
Sold [8] Margrel Slots for 3500E Each [07/17/18]
Sold [5] Heavy Node Contaforers for 80kcr Each [07/18/18]
Sold True Love Locket for 100kcr [07/19/18]
Sold (3) True Love Locket for 100kcr + 2.400E [07/19/18]
Sold Ghostly Aura for 240kcr [07/19/18]
Bought Tails Tails for 22000E [07/20/18]
Sold Black Kat Cowl Shadow Low for 7800E [07/20/18]
Sold Black Kat Cowl Freeze Low for 8000E [07/23/18]
Sold Black Kat Cowl Pierce High for 9000E [07/30/18]
Sold Tech Green Sun Shades + Holly Striped Scarf for 230kcr [08/23/18]
Sold Black Kat Cowl Elemental Low for 8.5kE [08/24/18]
Sold Tech Blue Floppy Beach Hat for 300k [09/11/18]
Traded BK Cloak Pierce MAX for (2) Tech Blue Wings + Prism Tabard [09/18/18]
Sold Black Kat Cowl Pierce MAX for 14kE [09/18/18]
Sold Turquoise Node Slime Wall for 300kcr [09/24/18]
Sold Black Kat Cowl Poison MAX for 10kE [09/26/18]
Sold Black Kat Raiment for 24kE [09/27/18]
Sold Black Kat Raiment Shock MAX for 28kE [09/28/18]
Sold Tech Blue Spiral Soaker ASI H for 33kE [09/30/18]
Sold Pill Eyes for 450k [10/02/18]
Sold Kat Eye Raiment Normal Low for 23kE [10/12/18]
Sold Black Kat Raiment Shock MAX for 26kE + 500kcr [10/21/18]
Sold Black Kat Cowl for 750k [02/03/19]
Sold Black Kat Cowl for 800k [02/07/19]
Sold Illuminating Ward for 4.5kE [02/07/19]
Sold Black Kat Mail Freeze Low for 10.5kE [02/10/19]
Sold Black Kat Cowl for 750k [08/23/19]
Sold Somnambulist's Totem for 135kE + Dreadful Aura + Dread Wings [09/11/19]
Sold Enchanter Aura for 40kE [09/16/19]
Sold Orbit Aura for 16kE + Dread Seal [09/24/19]
Sold Orbit Aura for 20kE [09/24/19]
Sold Orbit Aura for 19kE [09/25/19]
Sold Turquoise Aura for 70kE [09/29/19]
Sold Celestial Valkyrie Wings for 13kE [11/12/19]
Sold Emerald Aura for 30kE + 2 Disciple Wings + Floating Peridot + Opal Crown [11/14/19]
Sold Garnet Disciple Wings for 15kE + Prismatic Glow-Eyes [11/14/19]
Sold Floating Peridot for 25kE [11/17/19]
Sold Turquoise Disciple Wings + Crown for 32kE [11/17/19]
Sold Ruby Disciple Wings for 19.8kE [11/19/19]
Sold Tech Blue Spiral Soaker ASI VH for 46kE [11/20/19]
Sold Hallow Dragon Wings for 20kE [11/20/19]
Sold Blitz Needle CTR VH for 23kE [09/12/19]
Sold Opal Halo for 12kE [01/12/20]
Sold Ruby Aura for 72kE [01/012/20]
Sold Peridot Disciple Wings for 18kE [01/20/20]
Sold Spiralhorn Pod for 38kE [02/28/20]
Sold Aggro Aura for 25kE [02/28/20]
Sold Black Kat Raiment for 25kE [03/05/20]
Sold Black Kat Raiment for 25kE [03/16/20]
Sold Ruby Disciple Wings for 25kE [03/19/20]
Sold Dreadful Aura for 90kE [04/01/20]
Sold Squall Caller CTR H for 35kE [04/02/20]
Sold Garnet Aura for 80kE + Snarbolax Coat w/ Shadow Dragon Wings[04/06/20]
Sold Aquamarine Crown for 18kE [04/22/20]
Sold Ruby Crown for 15kE [04/27/20]
Sold Spiralhorn Sprite Pod for 40kE + Divine Wolver Tail [05/03/20]
Sold Brandish CTR VH for 22kE [05/03/20]
Sold Frenzied Sealed Pauldrons for 23kE [05/06/20]
Sold Magmatic Fanatic Wings for 800kcr [05/07/20]
Sold Ruby Crown for 15kE [05/09/20]
Sold Frenzied Sealed Pauldrons for 27kE [05/10/20]
Sold 2x Brandish CTR Med for 140kcr [05/18/20]
Sold Brandish CTR VH for 21kE [05/20/20]
Sold Recover Armor Rear Accessory for 7kE [05/23/20]
Sold Skolver Coat Fire Low w/ Divine Valkyrie Wings + Crest of Summer for 777kcrs + 850E [05/24/20]
Sold Wings of Frenzy for 20kE [05/25/20]
Traded Dread Wings for Enchanter Aura + 7kE [05/27/20]
Sold Magmatic Fanatic Wings for 12kE [06/02/20]
Sold Grasping Aura for 280kcr + Shadowtech Acc [06/05/20]
Sold Spiralhorn Sprite Pod for 32kE + Black Chapeau [06/17/20]
Sold Prismatic Pylons for 12kE [06/18/20]
Sold Ruby Disciple Wings + Ruby Crown for 35kE [06/19/20]
Sold Snarbolax Coat w/ Shadow Dragon Wings for 19kE [06/19/20]
Sold ShadowTech Blue Down Puffer (Unzipped) + Venom Fiend Mail for 6kE [06/19/20]
Sold Divine Dragon Wings for 13kE [06/19/20]
Sold Dazed + Dusky Dragon Wings for 22kE [06/19/20]

* Post transferred to my main knight name: node/61295*

Bild des Benutzers Diosim

Would you accept an offer of 36 tf2 keys, valued at 1.7ke each for the vortex?

Bild des Benutzers Clara-De-Huevo


Prisma Halo

Interested in buying prisma halo. IGN: Cfynar

Bild des Benutzers Clara-De-Huevo


Bild des Benutzers Im-Noob-Too
Apoc disciple wings

Heya I'm interested on the apoc wings, shoot me a mail and we can talk about



Bild des Benutzers Clara-De-Huevo

Bump x28

Bild des Benutzers Theirillusion

I'll take a margrel slot plz

Bild des Benutzers Clara-De-Huevo

Bump x66

you selling the chaos cloak

you selling chaos as a set or would you sell the cloak and if so what price pm me in game thx crowwkd

Bild des Benutzers Clara-De-Huevo
The chaos was already sold as a set..

bump x40

Bild des Benutzers Zatroco
Sending Offer

For privacy reasons, I have sent you in-game mail about my target and offer, thanks!

Bild des Benutzers Clara-De-Huevo
Somnambulist's Totem sold

bump x21

Bild des Benutzers Mechasir
WTB Garnet Aura

Hi I would like to Buy Your Garnet Aura! Please Message me In-Game @ Sir-Mechasu

Bild des Benutzers Clara-De-Huevo

bump x27