Looking for a guild? Look no further, Chefs is here!
Sat, 11/11/2017 - 13:56

Hello there, my name is Enigmatism (in-game) and I'm here to discuss something with you!
- Have you ever been in pursuit of a quirky fun loving guild with members from all walks of the clockworks?
- Have you ever wanted to be able to relax in a massive hall that never runs out of stuff to do?
- Have you ever wanted to be a Chef?
Well, even if your answers were no, today is your lucky day!
Chefs are reviving from an inactive period and we're looking to recruit YOU!
Our guild is seeking to invite players who want to join a fun loving community and are Knight+ with their rank.
What perks are there!? Tell me more about Chefs!
- We use Discord!
- We have a large, full, Guild Hall!
- Upcoming event and party plans!
- No membership fees or required donations!
If you are interested either friend/mail me in-game at Enigmatism or post a message here!
Well to answer you :
1- yes i'v been
2- yes i'v been
3- No i' didn't wann to but i'l try
4- if you wann more info just mail me your questions my IGN: Remo-Og