Brandish, Vog Cub gear

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Legacy Username

Hi i'm planning on ending up with this 5* gear: Vog Cub Coat/Cap, Combuster

I have a sort of two-part question

1) Is the Combuster a good choice for an end-game weapon? It looks awesome and stuff but is it any good?
2) Does the Vog set go well with the Combuster? I was thinking maybe an armor that reduces charge time would be more appropriate as the Combuster has a good charge attack.

Thanks in advance for any help. ^_^

Bigfootm's picture
Get glacius instead. With vog

Get glacius instead. With vog its is better assuming you are gonna go on vanaduke runs.

Legacy Username
But glacier is exactly the

But glacier is exactly the same except it does frost instead of burning.

Bigfootm's picture
Exactly. FSC is all

Exactly. FSC is all fire/undead. Do you want to go burning them?

Legacy Username
Yes i want them to

Yes i want them to burn....muahahahahhaHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Plus it goes with the suit ;)

Bigfootm's picture
True but they can't really be

True but they can't really be burned.

Bigfootm's picture
Also, go for avenger and

Also, go for avenger and divine avenger for FSC. look up slag walker and slag guard on the wiki.

Bigfootm's picture
My end game stuff is: Vog Cub

My end game stuff is:

Vog Cub Coat
Vog Cub Cap
Divine Avenger
Gran Faust
Argent Peacemaker
Graviton Bomb (Soon to be Graviton Vortex)
Grey Owlite Shield
Heavy Plate Shield (Soon to be Volcanic Plate Shield)
Freezing Atomizer (Soon to be Shivermist Buster)

You can't get much better than that.

Legacy Username
Combuster in FSC

Some people do bring their Combuster into FSC, since it is normal/elemental damage it works just as well as Glacius, just don't expect to set slags on fire. If you see a trojan though, burn it. Burn it BAD. There are only a few places where there are oilers, just don't use your charge attack there and should be fine.

The Glacius' charge attack is marginally useful due to the prevalence of Shivermists now, almost every party has one (or two, or three...)

DA/Levi get more love in FSC because they both have powerful charge attacks and wider arcs than a Combuster, the DA moreso.

Re: Question 2 - There is no armor that reduces charge time, Vog Cub only increases your attack speed which is a separate stat.

Legacy Username
Geez. All of you people

Geez. All of you people telling everyone to base their equipment investments SOLELY on how well they'll be able to farm what is currently the only T3 boss we have. Isn't it obvious that more bosses are on the way? More end-game challenges? And really how many times can you farm the same boss before you A) acquire enough tokens to get everything. Which you apparently aren't going to use anyways because it won't help you farm the boss you have to farm to get it in the first place, and then B) get bored after the hundredth time you've beaten the same boss.

Stushla, go with what your heart tells you. You want a big red sword that matches your armor and incinerates roomfuls of enemies in no time flat? You go and you do that and when we get some kind of GIANT EVIL SNOWMAN BOSS you can just laugh at everyone running around with shivermists.

I've got a Blizzbrand, myself, but it tooooootally goes with my brute-jelly-helm, plate-mail (costume. But using boosted underneath), and wyvern shield. Also unlike most people I see I actually know how to use freezey weapons properly, so there's that. Anyways, have fun with your fireburst line, dude. :)

Chisgule's picture
To give perspective, I

To give perspective, I imagine that it will be at least 2 months before we see another T3 boss. I'm pulling that number out of thin air, but given that a new T3 boss hasn't even been announced yet, I imagine that it will be a while.

To me it makes sense to plan on what's currently here, get that to farm status, then branch out.

PS: Farming for a fang of vog (aka current T3), will probably be super helpful against a GIANT EVIL SNOWMAN BOSS = ) Just sayin'!

Legacy Username

You sir(e) have won yourself these cookies

Thanks to everyone else who helped as well. I'm going to go with Combuster for now but when I get it maybe i'll start going up the tree for the Glacius so that I have them as wep 1 and wep 2.