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Make Turbillion's Tornado suck

6 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Rakaraka

I mean come on! How can you not make a literal TORNADO suck? Please GH

Bild des Benutzers Nethorse

It would really help Spur weapons if the charge projectile pulled enemies instead of flinging them around in seemingly random directions.

Bild des Benutzers Slyqouta

Ive heard rumblings of this idea,this would help fill a niche, the conclusion we came up with in the end was basically put a moving vortex bomb effect in the tornado,

Bild des Benutzers Fishysh

Make charge move slower, be a bigger boi, and have the suction of a 3 or 4 star suction bomb.

Put the existing charge on the last swing of the 3 hit chain as well.


Just offering my support for this idea, would give players a neat alternative to the vortex bombs. A sword and vortex in one. I think it would make a great side-arm for gunners that could use the vortex power but still want to stay at range, and might make for a good get-off-me option. Unlike the vortex bombs, the Turbillion's tornado doesn't explode (I mean the tornado has an exploding animation but I don't think it does anything) and thus wouldn't scatter enemies everywhere (including towards the player and their team). The Turbillion would be able to fill an almost uncontested niche. Would probably pair especially well with the Pulsar lines, in order to both bunch up enemies for the expanded shots and keep enemies away from the player and in the Pulsar's effective range.

Bild des Benutzers Gome-Xyz

S u c c

Yes please!


since this is dead forum might as well vote :^)