Offensive chat and timeout

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Qever's picture

As every online game Sk has its Toxic people.I noticed recently a person to continually cursing,he was using probably an alt account as it was low level with no important items

I know the game has some mechanincs to counter this problem.First of all you can ignore and second you can file a complaint.Also the system can detect bad words and filter them(profanity filter).My question is when a player continously cursing during a short of timer period with the system already detecting his bad words why he is not blocked automatically and receive a warning?At least a timeout or something..We get time out when we spam but not when we curse?Seems very weird

Also what happens if that person got banned?Only the character is banned?Can he make new character?Because making proto chars and run havoc means nothing..

I believe it is very important not to let unpunished people who do not respect the community.

Orangeo's picture
I believe it's not

I believe it's not

The-Ancient-One's picture

We should just not ban anyone anymore. Just let people be. If they're spamming slurs in Haven that's fine-- they'll fit right in with the toxic gamers that comprise SK. Maybe they'll even buy a swastika to put on their armor.

Qever's picture

@Orangeo I am always open to discuss,I do not expect to agree wtih everyone,or I might be wrong etc.
But when you tell your oppinion,it is nice to justify it.

@Wrench-Wizard I do not think tha they toxic people in SK are so many.If they are then its quite sad.

There is a system of a sort in place

I have found out in the past when trying to tell other people what someone said somewhere else on the internet (or I think it might have been trying to use the proper definition of faggot, meaning a bundle of sticks. Not sure), that if you do try to use a really offensive term, like the n word, it wont even let you send the message, even if you censor parts of it. Also, some people just curse a lot in their everyday speech. No offense in it, they just arent as sensitive about it as most people are. It would be unfair to punish them for that when there is a filter. To be clear (because I mentioned sensitivity), I'm not including those who use actual offensive terms in this, just those who say thing like fuck or shit a lot