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"Sorry, Thanks And Bye To Spiral Knights ---------------- Giveaways For Alls: (1050000 Energy And Nice Value Items) " :)

511 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
IGN Rostock

IGN Rostock

Portrait de Hershey-Kiss
IGN: Hershey-kissis it too

IGN: Hershey-kiss
Discord: Icecreamkingdom#5028

is it too late to join?

Portrait de Angryisosceles
this seems exciting
Good luck to anyone
Portrait de Pokovan
I'll try too, rainbows up

IGN : Pokovan

Wish u all the best

IGN: Lunwinghim-Hk

Portrait de Azulavis
4,000 energy
I've won 4,000 energy. Thanks, Panlla!

I recommend to reconsider your decision about deleting your account. You may want to keep it for nostalgia purposes.

Portrait de Chainguy
Thanks for hosting!

Thanks again for hosting this, a raffles a raffles regardless of the quality of the prizes. Hope your future is a good one!

I'll agree with @Azulavis here as well that you shouldn't really delete your Knight, who knows you may one day decide to come back, or just take a peek. I didn't touch this one for 4 years and was still there, so hop'd right back in when i could.

Thanks for doing this!

IGN: Subject-Xi

it's super nice that you're giving back to the community!

Portrait de Panlla
Last Update and Bye To Spiral Knights :)

Hello, the raffle is over, I thank you all for participating, and I apologize if there were any inconveniences or errors with some players.

I will still be here, since I still need to finish sending some prizes out, but everything is already finished here.
-------------------------------------------------- -------

By doing all this, I have realized that I feel much better and happier than living my whole life attached to things. It is a good feeling and a good emotion.
"The best feeling in the world is to realize that you can be perfectly happy without what you thought you needed to be happy"

The world is changing now more than ever, and I think everyone sees it, well I only recommend doing something about it, since there will come a time when your whole life will pass before your eyes, and you will realize, if you did things right or wrong, and depending on that, your life will be better or worse.
We all always have a choice to be the best of the best every day, and in all life, the key is to be in the present and to be happy, not to live in the past, not to live in the future. The point is that if you change everything changes.

"Man, Know Yourself, And You Will Know The Universe And The Gods"

Thanks !!


Farewell knight!

IGN: Beaniemaximus lolmyprofilepicisahairysack/