"Sorry, Thanks And Bye To Spiral Knights ---------------- Giveaways For Alls: (1050000 Energy And Nice Value Items) " :)

They told me that they are raffling things and I want to enter xD, I am sorry for my brutal honesty but when I saw this publication I also felt that nostalgia that things are over and even that I do not know you I think we know how it feels, so I wish you luck with all sincerity.
I don't plan to convince anyone just that I don't like to see people leave, without reminding them how good it was while they were here, every time I see people leave I always think about it.
IGN: Annkha

The raffle list will only be up to number 403, I still have some emails and knights to verify, so there are probably only very few spaces left, or maybe none, You can still put your IGN in the comments, but I don't promise anything, since I have to see if there are still free spaces to enter the raffle.
Thank you all for participating and for being patient with me and with the raffle :)
IGN's Scionwish, not the name listed above, haha. Apparently Steam Account isn't linked to any emails or accounts so I had to make a completely new account to be able to reply to this. Never knew you, sadly, but it's kind and nice to see people willing to give to a community after they've finished playing. Returning player from 2013, so nice to see this game still alive. <3
Everything happens for a reason. Stay strong and thank you, kind stranger ^_^
IGN: General-Rukacedia

IGN: WorldWeary
Thanks for doing this! I hope it helps clear mind and resolve things for you.
IGN : bbeastyplays
Steam Username I Have No Life with sk picture :D
Thank you for the Giveaway :)}

IGN: Nuclear-Lynx
Hope it is not to late to join, I know there is only one spot left but I thought I would give it a shot. If not then that is fine, I wish everyone good luck in the giveaway!

The steam raffle is now over, so you no longer have to enter your steam link.
The raffle list for the sk items raffle and the energy raffle is already complete, but maybe I will accept some more, but I promise nothing, anyway it's just a fun time and I wish everyone the best. Thanks :)
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058748092

Medio tarde, pero dejo comment por las dudas.
Creo que hicimos prestigio un par de veces hace unos años, una lástima ver qué dejas el juego pero al mismo tiempo me parece una de las mejores formas de salir.
Ign : Lxniqo
Hello xD
Ign: Doom-Angel
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I've already reached out to you on discord, again if you ever feel so inclined feel free to reach out/call so we can hang or game ^ ^
IGN: Jaketeal
Steam: Jaketeal

This Sunday, May 10, 130 Winners(100 Winner Of Energy Raffle And 30 Winner Of SK Items Raffle), are chosen in the Legobuild Twich channel, here is the link: https://www.twitch.tv/lego2build
What is missing, I will raffle it later.
1050000 Energy - (the prize will be 4k energy, I have decided to help and give almost all participant a prize, and that is why I lowered the energy prize a little to 4ke for each winner, so all or almost all will win something, or others will win items sk , I know it is not much, but at least it is something, so as not to leave empty handed).
Thanks !!

Nice :D, so its at 7pm EST that lego2build streams right?
I posted a comment to participate a couple of days ago and it got deleted, what was the reason of that since I haven't been contacted to verify or anything
Hey Panlla,
I really appreciate that you're doing this for everyone and you're being so generous.
Also, I really appreciate the small consolation you offered me.
With your decision you didn't have to, but you did anyways.
However, since you're well versed in the law of karma, I wanted to share with you that I am pretty sad about your decision.
I noticed that pretty much everybody that applied got on the list.
But I feel bad that for whatever reason you decided I'm not worthy for the giveaway.
At the very least, after thinking for quite a while, I felt I deserved at least an explanation.
Is it because I wore basic equipment as my avatar? (I like that as my visual but I actually equip pretty good gear)
Is it because I have only played for ~2 months?
Is it because I am Champion and not Vanguard? (I like that rank and plan on not doing more missions so I can keep it)
Anyways, I really do wish you well regardless.
It was probably due to this: post #2. Seems like posts made just before the forum maintenance weren't saved.
Hello Panlla, this is Shamanalah and here is my farewell letter to you:
We've known each other for a while and we been through a lot. While we may not agree on everything, we still had a lot of fun together.
I hope everything goes well for you in the future. You are a sweet dude with a big heart.
Stay safe my friend and keep moving forward.
P.S. Hit me up on Steam if you want to talk <3 Timezone may not be on our side but I'll answer you when I see it :)
Thanks for clearing that up Nitonicx, shame I'm not entered in the raffle cause of that, could've used the energy since I'm not even vanguard yet
IGN: Wolflip
Steam: WolfX4
Thanks for the giveaway! :)