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Adding the ability to trade usable items in at the last elevator in exchange for CR

4 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

The idea is to offer a crown reward for each usable item picked up but not used at the end of a mission.
Ideally this would challenge players to use as few items as possible with a sliding price reward
For example:
100 cr-health capsules, remedy capsules
50 cr-summonables (mecha, recon, turret, bombs, ect)
25 cr-vials and shields

The purpose of this would only be to make levels harder as players would be encouraged to not use the usables they acquire in order to later trade then back in; it could be pitched as Haven buying back supplies gathered from the clockworks or something.

Bild des Benutzers Qever
Hmm.Ok so the idea is to have

Hmm.Ok so the idea is to have more pay out and raise the difficulty right?

That generally,doesnt seem bad but why to make it that way,I would prefer a harder difficulty like super elite or something but how it will affect the game on the other hand?

Also the total pay out will be like max 900 cr extra that in a vana seems an ok bonus but I believe as you cannot find easy summonables it will be less,around 700cr maybe even less.

I cannot see the majority not use capsules in vana for 2 reasons,players in vana usually get hurt and they need capsules in order not to die and use a spark that is expensive,futhermore it is not rare for the game to lag,it doesnt depend always how good the player is.I believe most people will keep using capsules.Even if they do not use all the profit again is low so why bother..

I am speaking for vana because if you put in an easy run those money then they are too much.T2 vials caps etc.should give less.A jk run is 2-3k adding 700 cr more it makes it very profitable,in the same time giving less cr I believe no one would care.For 100-300 cr I would be bored to lose time to exchange it,its the same reason why people do not take minerals when they can gather them make sprite food with mats and sell them,because the profit is low so why bother?

In my oppinion if we have to think that the game needs to be more challenging with a reward as motivation,I believe we can find another way.

I agree, it is valid that

I agree, it is valid that lower tiers would have lower value rewards and the reward could be less overall;

I would fully expect people to continue to use their capsules as needed the system would merely reward players skilled enough to not need them

in terms of your comment that an addition such as super elite is more desirable, well yeah, of course it would be nicer but that would involve a ton of work by the devs; a system such as I am proposing could easily be added with minimal effort and could function automatically when you reach the elevator leading back to haven eliminating any player involvement

There are definitely better ways to improve the game, but Im trying to be realistic here, we arnt going to get a major change/addition

Bild des Benutzers Qever
I do not want to be a bad guy

I do not want to be a bad guy or whatever,I really enjoy and I think it is good thing that people keep suggesting things,but in that occasion I do not think it will be usuefull.

Also,in other aspects of the game,many people have suggested good ideas that demand minimum effort.Seems that minimum effort or not does not change anything.Maybe the one thing that the game developpers need to do is to communicate with the community.Of course I do not mean to listen to us,but a word from them would be nice.

Bild des Benutzers Sir-Pandabear

People already don't use their items enough, no need to incentivice that.

Since it wouldn't change anyone's playstyle, it's only a slight economy inflation.