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66 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes


Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes


Bild des Benutzers Full-Of-Sins
hi id like to join you

1) Full-of-sins

2) None!

3) None as well!

4) I'm completely new to the game but had my forums acc sorted up before I created a knight.

5) I'm really into the music and design of levels. I love kicking monster butt, and the aesthetic values of the game just appeal to me.

6) Of course! Of course! Im not all too familiar with clan events in this game, but I am in other games

7) At this moment, it's undecided. BUT, I plan on being on for a couple of hours weekly. I'll usually be playing in my freetime

8) i've got a mic, but not really interested in speaking. I'm a shy kiddo

9) If I'm being honest with myself, I'd say a 2-3 irl, but online virtually nothing offends me so i'll say 1

10) Nothing that I can think of

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes

ty for applying matey, I've sent you an invite to join the guild

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes
What a lovely application from Sirkeeghan

(taken down for privacy)

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes
Another application from another individual

(taken down for privacy)

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes
A very nice application from Burnzcd

(taken down for privacy)

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes
An application from Lathspell. Thanks for applying!

(taken down for privacy)

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes
Discord applications will now

Discord applications will now be used as a private way of applying to join. Mail me in-game if you'd like to apply through there.

Application: Humble greetings!

1: Megadude-Yg

2: None

3: I used to be in a semi-casual lockdown guild called Warm Ice back in 2013/14, they've since disbanded

4: I started around 2012, and played consistently until 2015 when i got burnt out of the grind and stopped. I would come back every now and then but
would never stay for too long

5: Lockdown for sure, always enjoyed the fast pace of it

6: I'm a community-driven guy so hell yeah

7: Hopefully indefinitely, this game has always had a spot in my heart even after the dev team was reduced

8: I do have a microphone and i'm cool with speaking to people

9: I'd say 1, I'm a satire comedy type of guy so it wouldn't be right if i couldn't receive what I can dish out lol

10: Just looking forward to the future in this community really, always approachable :D


1. Pinpunch

2. I have a second knight, vladthesweet.

3. I was in one back in 2012. Don't remember name.

4. Joined 2011ish.

5. Boss fights.

6. Yes

7. Play at least 30 minutes a day.

8. I have a microphone. I only want to use it when absolutely necessary.

9. 2

10. My other account mentioned above is a defender elite so I have some knowledge of the game. The current knight I am playing on is recently made so it has very little progress.

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes
ty for applying, i've sent

ty for applying, i've sent both of you invites. Have fun!


1. What is your knight name? Electrosite

2. If any, what were your previous names? I have an alt by the name of Generic-Alt-Acc (very original, i know)

3. What guilds have you been in previously? A good few of the active ones. Illuminaughty, Sexy Knights, Has Issues are some I remember off the top of my head.

4. How long have you been playing SK? 4 years, I think?

5. What is your favorite content in SK? Definitely the PvP games.

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events? Sure, I'm up for it!

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights? Fairly active, I can log on most days.

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members?
Have one, not comfortable. Sorry, I'm a bit of a high privacy guy.

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.? 1-2

10. Is there anything else you'd like to let us know? My alt account isn't that active, so don't count on it appearing.


1. What is your knight name? Sol-Levante

2. If any, what were your previous names? None

3. What guilds have you been in previously? None

4. How long have you been playing SK? 3 days

5. What is your favorite content in SK? None

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events? Yes

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights? Sometimes because my working schedule is messy but i'll be online throughout most of the days

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members? No, i dont have a microphone. No, im not comfortable

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.? 1

10. Is there anything else you'd like to let us know? im new and it will be nice meeting y'all :)

Bild des Benutzers Ctkni
id like to apply

1. What is your knight name? Ctkni

2. If any, what were your previous names? nope

3. What guilds have you been in previously? a guild named sexy knights (Don't ask) but i think the guild maser deleted it for no reasons

4. How long have you been playing SK? for a year

5. What is your favorite content in SK? i really like the design of the enemy,weapon,cosmetics etc

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events? once in a while

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights? 1-3 hours, free on the weekends

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members? i Don't, and i Don't really like to show my voice a lot, i like to text tho

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.? 2

10. Is there anything else you'd like to let us know? none


1. What is your knight name? Unkingdude

2. If any, what were your previous names? Aiaken

3. What guilds have you been in previously? I don't remember

4. How long have you been playing SK? Since 2011, but quit in 2015 and logged on today for the first time

5. What is your favorite content in SK? Grinding equipment

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events? Yeah

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights? Depends on how many events are going on

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members? Yeah I'm fine with that

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.? 1

10. Is there anything else you'd like to let us know? n/a

Erased my old Guild and looking for a better player base of fun

1. What is your knight name?
2. If any, what were your previous names?
3. What guilds have you been in previously?
Fateless Onez
4. How long have you been playing SK?
Since Beta
5. What is your favorite content in SK?
KATS!!!!! i love halloween and these plus the dungeon with all the Candles are my fav
6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events?
Long as im not working...but im a barista soooooooooo..... theres a big IF
7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights?
much more now that im back into playing it
8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members?
yush n yush
9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.?
um im Gay so i been thru the ringer like a LOT but im not really offended by much honestly
10. Is there anything else you'd like to let us know?
not much :o
except i LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!!! :3

heeeeey i was in this guild.

heeeeey i was in this guild. good to see yall are still alive and kicking.


You can apply to join by answering these questions:

1. What is your knight name? Nanolockage

2. If any, what were your previous names? 3. What guilds have you been in previously? Resistance

4. How long have you been playing SK? Uuuuh... Years... I don't remember how long, but from after Beta

5. What is your favorite content in SK? I love just doing stuff, runnin' around and dropping bombs and fighting things, doesn't really matter what.

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events? Most likely

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights? I want to finally finish getting up to rank 10, so at the very least probably every day after work.

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members? I do, though it is a bit glitchy, and yes.

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.? I give it about a 3.

10. Is there anything else you'd like to let us know? I stupidly went for the heavy weapons first so now I've used all my orbs on em...


1. What is your knight name? Captainmeroka

2. If any, what were your previous names? Just Meroka is fine

3. What guilds have you been in previously? I cant name them its been so long. i use to be in about 3 different big guilds including a pvp focused guild

4. How long have you been playing SK? well i started in 2011 and have been on and off for awhile but ive been sticking with it for awhile now

5. What is your favorite content in SK? Pve content such as bosses, arcade, and just chatting

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events? YES!!!

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights? hopefully getting on daily

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members? Yes, and yes i am okay with talking

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.? 1

10. Is there anything else you'd like to let us know? I love this games community

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes

Welcome to all newcomers! Have fun!

Guild Recruitment

1. What is your knight name?

2. If any, what were your previous names?
I forgot my previous names

3. What guilds have you been in previously?
Lot of them, some back to old days like Knightmare and Jempire
Astraea, Wish Feather, Tokyo, Arya, CoM,

4. How long have you been playing SK?
8+ years

5. What is your favorite content in SK?
BK Set, Chaos Set, Nova Driver, and people.

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events?
Of course, i like to vibe

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights?
Everyday, won't be active in school year much cuz im going to University

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members?
Yes, not really I don't vc much. I pretty much put my mic on mute and eavesdropping lmfao.

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.?

10. Is there anything else you'd like to let us know?
Grey Havens sux


1. What is your knight name? - Cuculainn, even though I go by Moon-Mouse here. She's just cuter
2. If any, what were your previous names? - None
3. What guilds have you been in previously? - None, I haven't been playing long
4. How long have you been playing SK? - Maybe two months
5. What is your favorite content in SK? - Running through missions in a team!
6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events? - Depends on the event, I don't like competition
7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights? - Fairly active. Maybe not on every day but
8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members? - I do not have a microphone and I also don't have a private place to play, so I wouldn't be comfortable using one
9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.? - I honestly have no idea how to quantify this. 5 maybe? Average, I guess.
10. Is there anything else you'd like to let us know? - This is my first guild and I'm just hoping for a nice community

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes

Apologies to those whose applications were not accepted. For more information on why yours particularly was declined, add me on spiral knights.
Welcome to any newcomers as well


1. What is your knight name?

2. If any, what were your previous names?
Vespermole, Vesperite, Bemoseemo, Vespermola

3. What guilds have you been in previously?
A bunch of old guilds, Pasta's guild that died, 'Is a Vampire' which was a big 2014 guild, Slime Kingdom until just recently when it defaulted and all the members left, this guild for some time before I went inactive

4. How long have you been playing SK?
Since not long after release which was like 7(ish) years ago

5. What is your favorite content in SK?
The Snarbolax boss fight (concept and model not the actual buggy fight)

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events?
Events are what keep the fire burning, absolutely

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights?
Afternoons when I get off work, and when I'm not trying to level in Apex Legends

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members?
Yes, but my Microphone is pretty low quality so I avoid using it unless my team/guildmates also have them

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.?

10. Is there anything else you'd like to let us know?
I'm an old member who went away for quite a while due to lack of a working PC


1. What is your knight name?


2. If any, what were your previous names?


3. What guilds have you been in previously?

Oracion, Shadow Overlords

4. How long have you been playing SK?

Eight years, but had very long breaks

5. What is your favorite content in SK?

PvP, sadly

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events?

As long as they match my schedule, why not

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights?

Can not tell, depends on university and work

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members?


9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.?


10. Is there anything else you'd like to let us know?

WTS Electric Cat Tail (not cord) Lovely Wings G1 / Glacial Clockwork Crest/ Tech Blue Checkered Scarf/ Volcanic & Divine Wolver Tail/ Golden Laurel/ Volcanic Dragon Wings.

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes



was not trolling

shut it troll. thats exactly

shut it troll. thats exactly what a troll would say


1. Ryuzu-Yourservant
2. I have no previous names
3. Uh, if i remember correctly a while back i was in tokyo briefly and was in starlight cradle for a bit
4. Ive played since like 2016 or something
5. hmmm, probably romulus twins fight, or firestorm citadel
6. yes
7. ill probably be on minimum 3 days a week, may change if uni work gets in the way
8. yes, yes
9. 2
10. not really

Guild Application

1. Akin-Artifact

2. Anitadriverlicense

3. Ages ago I was in a 200 (ish) man guild, way back in the days of mist energy, but I forgot the name. I was in a guild called Umbrae after I returned to the game for a few months, followed by Tinkering Gremlins, before starting college and not having much time to continue.

4. I don't know exact years, but I remember being around for mist energy, logging in every day to get crowns from that

5. Hard to say. Strangely, I actually find enjoyment in grinding Vanaduke for crowns. Other than that i'd say the Romulus Twins are pretty fun.

6. Of course!

7. I can't say i'll be on every day, however I plan to play a few days a week at least. As mentioned earlier I left SK when my freshman year came around. Now that I'm starting my sophomore year, things are getting a bit more manageable school wise.

8. Yes; yes

9. 2-3: I pretty rarely get offended.

10. I'm open to almost any question that people ask about me.

1. Erlandr 2. none 3.

1. Erlandr

2. none

3. Inventors recently, don't know before that

4. since ~2012

5. Operation Crimson hammer

6. sure

7. every other week

8. sure

9. 1

10. I like to earn crowns

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes
All applications have been

All applications have been read and declined or accepted accordingly. For information on why yours particularly may have been rejected, add me in-game.

Bild des Benutzers Zaireo
Guild Application

1. Gilded-Evil

2. alex7859 (not sure anymore)

3. Nights Watch

4. since 2013 till 2018 regularly then 2019 on and off then i stop till now

5. near end game content is interesting for me although i have not reached Firestorm Citadel yet

6. yes but im more focused on reaching vanguard and getting 5 star gear crafted first

7. weekly or monthly since i have Uni starting in August, will tell you if i have a big project to do.

8. No but i will get one at some point this year hopefully

9. 2 or 3 not much bothers me for the most part as long as it isnt hatespeech

10. from the forum post it seems you guys or one of the only active guild still around, and i need ingame friends uwu and people to help me do runs

Guild application

1. What is your knight name?
2. If any, what were your previous names?
3. What guilds have you been in previously?
In my previous account I was in Team Philippines and eventually The Exceeds (got kicked due to inactivity)
4. How long have you been playing SK?
I've been playing since 2013. Was at vanguard rank but stopped after entering highschool. Now that I'm in college, I've decided to start playing again.
5. What is your favorite content in SK?
The community in general I guess, the game's no fun without friends or other people to play with.
6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events?
7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights?
At the moment I'm quite addicted to the game again, but I'm sure this will die down eventually and I'll most likely be playing once a week.
8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members?
I do but I'm quite shy to speak.
9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.?
I live in a country under a fascist government so I guess around 1!
10. Why do you want to join us in particular?
I wanna be part of an active community since the game's kinda dying! Also I'm not as strong as I used to be so I will be needing help around runs and other things.

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes

Welcome to the gang

Guild Application

1. What is your knight name?
- Memesterist

2. If any, what were your previous names?
- Never used a knight name change pass before so none.

3. What guilds have you been in previously?
- Ethereal Kittens (left because guild was inactive) and Twinkie Town (left because it got pretty boring)

4. How long have you been playing SK?
- More or less 2 months, can't properly remember.

5. What is your favorite content in SK?
- Mostly PvE with other players, and the amazing soundtracks.

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events?
- Of course, any event as long as I'm able to participate.

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights?
- As long as I can be to be honest. It seems I've fallen in love with the game.

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members?
- No mic, and no, I'd prefer talking via chat.

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.?
- I'd say about 5-7 depending on my mood, maybe a 4 if I'm on a good mood..

10. Why do you want to join us in particular?
- Mainly because there aren't many guilds that are active, but also to have a fun time :D

Guild Application

1. An-Alarming-Alarm
2. I'm not sure if this is asking if you've had previous characters or if your current character has changed their name, so I'll answer both. I don't remember most of my previous characters, but my 2 most recent were Revognah and Borkinator-Ninek. I haven't changed my name before.
3. I've been in Chumpians and Twinkie Town previously.
4. I honestly don't remember when I started playing SK. The earliest date I have definitive proof of is Feb 13, 2014 since that was my first purchase on SK through Steam, but I had been playing on Newgrounds before that. TL;DR: At least 6 years.
5. My favorite content in SK is the core gameplay itself. As cheesy as it is, I really enjoy the strange mix of genres that make Spiral Knights and how well-made the combat is.
6. I would be interested in participating in guild events as long as they're in-game. I also would be interested in providing items for giveaways if you do those, but I doubt any contributions I could make would matter a lot overall.
7. I usually log on every day, but sometimes I take breaks due to burn-out.
8. I have a microphone and am comfortable with using it.
9. I would probably give myself a 7. I try to stay level-headed but I'm really not good at it.
10. I want to join this guild because I've been looking for a guild that has similar values to yours (especially the priority of community over inviting everyone you can) and a friend of mine (Draconismagnus) seems to enjoy being in this guild.

Guild Application

1. Slugish

2. Bloody-Scarlet

3. Tinkering Gremlins

4. On and off for the past like 6 years

5. I love when the Harvest Festival and Shroud of Apocrea event overlap

6. Yes

7. I plan on playing most days. I have goals set beyond the missions to keep myself interested.

8. No, I am not comfortable with voice chat.

9. Like a 2.

10. I just recently got back into the game and I really want a fun active guild and haven't gotten any random requests for one yet.

Guild App

1. Michaelwhiting

2. No aliases

3. Solaire

4. Not sure, i reviewed the game in Dec 2011; so a bit before then

5. Shadow Lairs

6. Yep

7. I login everyday and do the prestige missions minimum, anything else is dependant on mood and others

8. Yep and Yep

9. I'm British, -5 nothing offends me in the slightest

10. I want an active guild, hard to find nowadays.

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes

Welcome to all newcomers!

Guild Application

1. Dante-Alleghari

2. No other aliases

3. I have been in no previous guilds.

4. I've been playing SK for about 4 months now.

5. My favorite content for the game would probably be the different festivals, the Harvest festival especially though. That's an awesome one.

6. Definitely.

7. Logging on at least once a day.

8. I do have a microphone, and I'd be fine with chatting with other guild members.

9. Probably a 2, since I really hate to see situations escalate out of control.

10. I've seen this guild around quite a bit and see consistent active members, you guys have an awesome guildhall, and a friend of mine from Twinkie Town recommended me to join this guild saying it was pretty awesome and super chill.

Guild Application

1. What is your knight name? Rakyat-Rbg

2. If any, what were your previous names? none

3. What guilds have you been in previously? Rakyat Unity it is a small guild formed in 2013 but has disbanded in 2017

4. How long have you been playing SK? Playing for about 4 Years from 2012-2016 before taking a break until just recently

5. What is your favorite content in SK? The festivals of course

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events? Sure

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights? Playing Occasionally to relieve some memories, might be more active though

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members? Yes I do, comfortable? depending on the person though cause i'm not native english

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.? 1 not gonna boasts or anything but real life trains me to be like that

10. Why do you want to join us in particular? Well youre one of the oldest guild around and an active one at that so might be great if I can just play and chill with the old veterans and new ones alike

joining for some help

1. What is your knight name? Whitethief-Kid

2. If any, what were your previous names? Kirtika

3. What guilds have you been in previously? legend killer and some other 2

4. How long have you been playing SK? not sure

5. What is your favorite content in SK? christmas

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events? not sure if my boss tells me to sure

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights? currently not all time cos my hand damaged might farm some time later

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members? no cos i broken em

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.? hmm idk

10. Why do you want to join us in particular?cos my pal in there i join for no reason

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes

Heyo, meet me in-game and we'll talk


1. What is your knight name?

2. If any, what were your previous names?
N/A (new to the game)

3. What guilds have you been in previously?
N/A (new to the game)

4. How long have you been playing SK?
This is maybe day two or three? I played it once a very, very long time ago

5. What is your favorite content in SK?
Tactical boss fights, grinding for decent gear & the events

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events?

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights?
I've been playing it for a fair few hours a day so far and don't plan on slowing down just yet; ultimately it depends on how well I can enjoy the game, and I'm hoping a good guild will help with that

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members?
Definitely, it's not my first online game

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.?

10. Why do you want to join us in particular?
I was looking for some help in Haven and some of your guild-members (Grievous-End & Milford) went through a lot of stuff with me and sorted me out; I hoped to join so I could be a part of that community, plus the name is pretty cool...


1. What is your knight name?

2. If any, what were your previous names?
veki, don't remember others

3. What guilds have you been in previously?

4. How long have you been playing SK?
Since 2011, with many long breaks. Starting playing again on 18th of August 2020

5. What is your favorite content in SK?
The grind and the community (if that's content)

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events?
Of course!

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights?
Not so much through the day, probably in the evening.

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members?
I have a microphone. I think I could get used to speaking to other people in a VC.

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.?
A 2.

10. Why do you want to join us in particular?
I met a group of very nice players from this guild and this seems like a great guild, so I would be very glad to join!

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes

Greetings and salutations to all newcomers!


1. What is your knight name?

2. If any, what were your previous names?

3. What guilds have you been in previously?
Jelly Kings

4. How long have you been playing SK?
Started playing 7 years ago

5. What is your favorite content in SK?
Monthly events, bosses, shadow lairs

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events?
Yes, although I've never been in one

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights?
I'm online everyday

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members?
Yes, I'm fine talking with anyone.

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.?
2, little insults won't bother me

10. Why do you want to join us in particular?
I chatted with some of your members, and they're friendly. I'd also like to meet a lot of players, especially new ones. Doing runs with guild members must be a fun thing. Salted also recommended me to join this guild. My previous guild consists of 95% retiring players. Would love to join!

Bild des Benutzers Aayy-Lmao

1. What is your knight name?
- Aayy-Lmao

2. If any, what were your previous names?
- I used to play as Detective-Taco until about 3 years ago

3. What guilds have you been in previously?
- So far I've been in 2 guilds - Declassified (around 2015) and Heros of Destiny (2016-2020). I used to be a GM for HoD until I left recently due to almost everyone being inactive for months and years.

4. How long have you been playing SK?
- I've been playing close to around 6 years now

5. What is your favorite content in SK?
- The game loop is pretty solid and unique compared to the other dungeon crawlers. The grind could be enjoyable too provided its not radiant farming heh.

6. Would you be interested in participating in-guild events?
- Sure, anything to break the monotony right now

7. How active do you intend to be on spiral knights?
- I am usually on at least every 2 days, could keep that up for quite a long time I think

8. Do you have a microphone? Are you comfortable with speaking in a voice chat with other guild members?
- Nope, no functional mic right now (though if I had one I would be alright with that)

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily offended are you if 1 is not at all and 10 is by everything.?
- 1, give it your best shot ;)

10. Why do you want to join us in particular?
- The premise of the guild looks promising especially with the very long history associated with it.

Bild des Benutzers Graevy
Ayy Lmao - Application Accepted!

Welcome to EMS!