Now that the slightly immoral and questionable strategies for making cash have failed to produce a good experience....

9 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de The-Ancient-One

I don't even know where to start with you. Every time I log in to play the servers are like dying, no one has the gear to go on runs with me because it costs hundreds of dollars and all my frens that left me are coming back for two weeks and leaving again because again, you can't pay for good servers or something. I could go on. But anyway.

I feel like you've nickled and dimed your way to failure. Instead of content ya pumped out the cosmetics, instead of producing playable fun you made a casino, instead of letting the players help you you turned them all away for fear of losing a dollar. Good job. And like while I legitimately think it's funny as hell to watch you fail, I'd rather see you succeed.

You could just do the right thing.

Make a free mixer. Let people help create skins for the game + design levels. Reduce the price of boxes. Balance armor for christ's sake. Make UVs less trash. You've done a lot of stuff to this effect in the past and that's helped, hell it's been your saving grace. Do more of it. Learn. It's not even hard.

Just do it.


My thoughts atm

Make a free mixer that is a shadow lair reward and costs like a million crowns to craft

Do NOT add shock to divine avenger just to make it match gran fausts curse, it will stop monster from riding the full wave of its charge. People need to stop suggesting this

Nerf biohazard so it matches Neutralizer's damage, it is a common misconception that normal type weapons have to be weaker than specialised weapons

Imagen de Almondtasterad
That fact is...

I think the biggest step that the GM's need to take in this regard is better communication with the playerbase. In my opinion, and using context from another game i just started playing recently (Runescape 3), the more connection that there is between the playerbase and the devs, typically the community is at least a more happy community knowing something of what is going on. Jagex likes to utilize regular streams and announcements to inform the playerbase of their plans or what is coming up. (At least that is their common forms of communication that I can see).

The GM's don't need to do anything big in this regard, but guys, you really need to step up your game in terms of talking with us about what you are up to. Maybe more common visits to Haven where you can chill and answer some questions from us? The best thing in order to reach the whole playerbase and keep us informed, of course in my opinion, is to utilize the announcements sections in both the forums and in-game, instead of just linking to the newsletter. Even just announcing basic things happening at the start of the week would be great.

Keep us informed. Give us some sort of information on what you guys are doing. Let us talk with you somehow and give you our ideas. Let us help you. We really do want to help, but I feel that the community is getting tired of this non-communication that has been so problematic for so long.

Anyways, just my two cents on the matter. Cheers.

Imagen de The-Ancient-One

The problem with communication is that it implies them being honest with us about what they're doing. Saying "We have a bunch of premade content and can't go anywhere with the game and are just milking you" isn't going to be good PR for them. They have to behave ethically first, be honest with us second.

Imagen de Zxup
my thoughts

Context: I'm an old returning player that played during 2012-2013, I used to play SK religiously when I was younger, more than 3000+ combined hours without a doubt. I returned to this game 2 months ago and played a fair amount since then. I've joined some spiral knights related discord and gotten pretty familiar with what the discord community thinks of this game.

The game's popularity has massively dwindled since I first played, understandably so; spiral knights has departed from it's original company (three rings) and been bought out. It's pretty obvious they no longer have the ability to put out regular updates like they did back in 2012. But from what I've noticed, the current developers have poor decision making when it comes to things that affect actual gameplay.

Promo boxes are fine, people like cosmetics, it's the main way GH makes money from this game. But if the gameplay isn't right, new players will quit before they even think about spending money on this game. People wont buy cosmetics if they don't have anyone to show it to, this is the long term effects that GH fails to see.

Here's a couple ways of making gameplay more fun:
The Grinding Aspect

Make crown drops more in arcade and lower the drops from vanaduke, that way it encourages people to play arcade opposed to just spamming vanaduke, since it's more worthwhile. The current situation is that vanaduke gives far more crowns than arcade and therefore there would just be no point in playing arcade if you can play vanaduke.

4* -> 5* Gears
In what planet, does it make sense to have a 5* level 1, be weaker than a 4* level 10. Not the mention how impossible it is to grind radiant heat crystals if you are crafting multiple 5* items. What is my incentive to craft 5* item, if I know I know I wont have enough rads to heat to level 7? (level 7 is the breaking point of when 5* item becomes the same as a 4* level 10, in terms of power)

Radiant Heat Crystals
Radiant heat crystals are the most ridiculous thing in this game, make them more accessible from depths 23 onwards. Let party finder find parties after d23, this helps with people trying to farm radiant heat crystals.

Rare Items Drops in Arcade
Arcade is actually super fun compared to grinding vanaduke, but the problem is that it's not worthwhile when compared (because of the loot differences). To encourage people to play more arcade (besides just rebalancing the drops), you can add more secret rooms that help expand the lore. Allow monsters to drop super rare item drops that are event exclusive (things similar to promissory note, like books or reskin gears), obviously you would make the chances extremely low, like 0,0001%. But having the possibility there alone, would encourage people to actively play the game.
Similiar to impostocubes, make other monsters have a chance of spawning with different outfits, that upon dying, give a low chance of dropping said item.

Better Communication
Create a roadmap of things you are working on or will be releasing in the coming months and post it in announcement. Be it reruns of events or boxes, that's totally fine. As long as you are communicating with your playerbase. It's one of the most important things gamemakers and developers should do, maintain a good relationship with their community. Don't leave your playerbase in the dark.

These are all suggestions, they aren't necessarily the correct ones to implement, but it's worth the thought.

for contest:
also i like turquoise rose :d
discord: kenzy#2624

Some more thoughts

Update the game's performance to run with 64bit java and the well-known tweaks to java garbage collector to reduce stuttering. The game literally crashed every time for me when I ran it after a reinstall and charged my freaking 4* Tundrus on the lowest video settings, and stops crashing and even runs smooth when I apply the 64 bit java. This should just be the default and is 100% the single most important reason players quit the game to never come back and is easy to fix if it would just ship with those settings.

MSI is a big problem when it comes to armor balance because you can't really not play without MSI if you want to keep up with party members. They should make the somnambulist totems a rare drop from Sloombargos or something which would encourage people to play levels rather than farm FSC to open slime boxes. And its value needs to go down so people can realistically get them. Not way down like with darkfang shields though, but like grand solstice rings would probably be good. And perhaps nerf the somnambulist totems to only give +1 MSI when the player is below 20% hp? It fits into the sleep theme where you sleep until you take damage, you walk at your usual pace until you take enough damage (below X% hp) and realize you need to step it up (+1 MSI), and it helps to ensure parties have an easier time keeping up with each other.

Maybe adding monster damage bonus trinkets could be cool too. Something like high dmg bonus to gremlin for all weapons. That would allow to run different combinations of more defensive armor with these trinkets to help max out on damage for the level. Still inferior to using max dmg black kat with +2 MSI, but at least you could equip royal jelly set and still use dark retribution, phantamos and acheron in the same loadout with 2 high dmg vs slime trinkets.

Letting players help to create skins and new levels would be awesome.

Permanent trinket slots would be loved by a lot of people, I don't know if it could have some negative impact though. Advantage is definitely that players like to be able to max out and if you make it cost like 2-3 years worth of trinket slots for a permanent slot, you're still sinking the same amount of CE and faster than with monthly slots and a lot of veterans who normally play without trinkets would probably buy them as well, because something permanent feels less of a scam compared to stuff that expires.

Disable AT in Lockdown. Lockdown when you think about it is actually a pretty nice game mode with some strategy potential to it for guild vs guild. AT just makes it impossible to play seriously because it is impossible to dodge hits when the enemy uses AT. You can't make them miss their hits by moving erratically because it will lock onto you and hit you anyway. So it just turns it into a game where people suicide into each other. High stakes lockdown could be a fun gamemode. Instead of 200 cr entry fee it is 20k. Perhaps only as an option for GvG because it would probably be abused by toxic throwers in random lockdown. Embracing lockdown as a serious gamemode (= disable AT) allows for a lot of replayability for endgame SK players.

Turn AT off by default in the entire game. Aside from the fairness argument that goes for Lockdown (where AT is actually very powerful), there is a similar argument to be made for AT in PvE (where it is bad). Aiming your attacks in PvE is not hard and people are generally fast learners. But by having AT on by default, new players are tricked into thinking they actually need it. And it does more bad for them than it helps them, because you can't manipulate enemies to hit multiple at once with narrow swing weapons (like cutters, warmaster rocket hammer dash, flourish 2nd and 3rd hit) when AT locks dead on target for you. Not only that but AT will also make your weapon less predictable and pull you into traps. Overall players are weaker if they have AT on in PvE. AT is actually a noob-trap. And then you release a new level like grinchlin assault where there's loads of spike walls for AT to pull you into, loads of enemies from all sides to make AT unable to focus down 1 target, and next thing you know the forums are on fire with 'vanguards' asking for nerfs to the new 'punishing' difficulty. Turning AT off is better for new players because they won't be gimped by the game settings that they are reluctant to disable because it sounds very helpful and 'probably isn't safe to turn off for someone new like them'. Instead leave it as an option players can turn on if they feel like they need the help.

Add more Shadow Lair craftables, like a mixmaster, void weapons (celestial weapon reskins in pink+black theme). Maybe even turn pet reskins into expensive shadow lair craftables (e.g. snarby maskeraith for like 30 nightmare manes and 1 million crowns and gun puppy drakon for 30 schemer scraps and 1 million crowns). Each shadow lair material is the equivalent of like 3 hours of work in game (from farming the key cost, getting a team together at D18 all the way through completing the shadow lair). This would probably put their price well above 50k crowns each meaning a pet reskin would still cost at least 2.5 million crowns to someone who wants to have other players farm it for them. But this way players have something to work for rather than waiting for old promos to return after 5+ years.

Imagen de Almondtasterad
(Removed post for not being

(Removed post for not being relevant to the posted topic)

Imagen de Fishysh

I think this thread, if bandwagoned on hard enough, might get some sort of attention, but all of these super duper intensive, intricate suggestions are an udder waste of time.

Neutralizer, a 5 star, deals less damage than a three star should. This is due to around 5-6 faulty lines in the code.
We have literally emailed grey havens guides as to how to fix this. Again, the work is done, all that needs to be done is to follow a guide.
A guide to fix this has been sent 9 months ago, another more recently.

Nothing has been done. The fact that it took 2 days to test an auction house update that the community wanted reverted almost immediately speaks strongly as to how much dissonance is taking place here.

Aside from neut, there's another simple fix we are DYING FOR.

Tier four does exist, and it is unhealthy.
If you look into the code, enemies are coded to scale to the end of tier four (depth 40) in shadow lairs. Base health and base defense is LITERALLY DOUBLED. Enemy base damage is 1.52x stronger. And, the weight loot can scale up to is maxed at depth 30. Why is Gh okay with this?

Who knows.

If they were to give any word as to what they're even trying to do with this game we'd all love to hear it

We don't actually want what was promised all those years ago, like a finale to the game, or an infinite pve dungeon with global leaderboards and rewards based on rank. We want communication, and any sign of any sort of dedication. The game is a shell of what was envisioned for it and we don't care. Balance is shit, the community is small, the game lacks variety, but we don't care.

We want any reason to believe grey havens can manage this game better than the community could themselves.

Imagen de The-Ancient-One

"udder waste of time"


Best not try then. Thanks for the info bro.

Imagen de Fishysh
All I'm trying to say is that

All I'm trying to say is that these posts always go on multiple tangents and tangents and tangents about random, unimportant brainstorming for ideas for completely new content that will never happen. It dilutes your initial post's purpose, which was basic balance changes and any sign from gh that they care about the longevity of their game.