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The Last Giveaway (40k Energy)

5 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Panlla

"I want to make it very clear that after all this, and in the next few moments, my knight Panlla will no longer exist in Spiral Knights, so if later they see someone with my name, well they are no longer the same person, but since I am at a step from being completely banned from sk for a long time ago, I suppose it will be difficult to do that, I don't know, Anyway i just left this last notice. Thanks "


Apparently spiral knights doesn't want me to leave the game, recently I was trying to finish some pending things for sk, and I realized that some emails from the previous draw that I did, were not accepted, and sk sent them to me again, If they had been things, I would have checked my list of winners from the previous draw, and would have resend them to those who won those items, but since it is only energy, it is more difficult, so the only thing I can do is give away what I have now, and this will be the last of me in sk.

you do not need to put your ign here, the draw will be tomorrow Saturday at 4:00 pm GMT-5, and it will be with questions in game sk, and the one that answers correctly will win 5k energy, there will be 8 winners, and if you won 5ke, you can no longer participate for another 5ke, and the last question will win 5ke more everything else I have (it's not much, just They are mats and some usable), after all that I will be completely left with nothing and I will have given everything, but I will have earned an uncountable amount of Happiness.



The Questions with their respective Answers:

1. who was the creator of Alternating current (AC)? - Nikola Tesla

2. Who invented HyperSearch, and who greatly influenced the creation of the Google algorithm? - Massimo Marchiori

3. Who invented the first affordable automobile, known as the Ford Model T? - Henry ford

4. Steve Jobs finished university? - no

5. who are the founders of Valve Corporation? - Gabe Newell and Mike Harrington

6. who is known as The Oracle of Omaha? - Warren Buffett

7. Who was known as the king of steel, and Who gave the 90 percent of his fortune, and Built over 2,000 public libraries, After retiring in 1901? - Andrew Carnegie

8. What does it say on the door of the temple of Delphi in ancient Greece? - Know thyself

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It has nothing to do with sk, but before I leave, I would like to leave this link of this person who inspired me a lot in my life, and will continue to do so, I am not from the United States, but to be honest he did a lot for that country, so I would like to do something very good in real life, for the benefit of everyone and my life. Thanks!! :)

Bild des Benutzers Gome-Xyz

4pm in which timezone?

Bild des Benutzers Panlla

Hi, is GMT-5.

Thanks for your interest in the Giveaway.


Seems like a fun way to help others!

Hey There

You are honestly the nicest, not because you are doing yet another giveaway but because you changed, I did not meet you before, I do not know you know, but I took the time to read your story then, and just based on that I can see you changed, you are a good person, you decided to be a better person, and no one can take that away from you. You made mistakes in the past, but the past is the past and what is important is you are making sure you become a better version of yourself. Be pround of you!

Bild des Benutzers Panlla
@Sinnerslayer - Thanks.

Hello, Thank you very much for your Good Words, and Thank you all for Participating in the Giveaways.

Well To be honest We all have the option to Change in life, be it in digital life like this game, or in real life, it depends on each one.

¿How did all this start?

If I'm not mistaken, it all started when I got the thunderous plate mail for a high price, and a lot of time and effort looking for it. and I thought(Mhm ... so much work to get an item, mhm ..., since if the game closes tomorrow, the game will take the item and all my work. Better I dedicate my time to more beneficial and productive things for my life in general, and to be really happy), part of me wanted to use it, and another part didn't, maybe it was exhaustion, but there I realized that although I was already happy to get it, but I still did not use it, that was just a momentary happiness, and not lasting, and then after I was going to want something else, and so all that was going to be repeated forever, if I didn't stop it, so I said better, I will give it for free to another guy, since I knew that there was another guy who also wanted it and was looking for it for many years, if I am not mistaken.
I also knew in my mind that I had done some things wrong in the past, so I also said to myself, this is the time to decide whether to do things right or wrong, no matter what others think, and I thought ¿can I use that expensive costume, or can I also give it for free to another guy?, and well from there I began to organize everything to pay the debts, and also dedicate myself to helping others (players and guilds) in many ways and according to the resources I had in my hands, until now with the giveaways, and that is the End for me in sk. and the Beginning of a new adventure, although each sunrise is a new opportunity to do things well.
it is very likely that there are people who still do bad things in sk, in different ways, some less, others the same, or others worse than me, anyway the judgment and the decision is in the hands of each one, in the end the karma It always pays. and it is very likely that after a while all this, including myself, will be completely forgotten, anyway I do not seek to be remembered, but I am very happy for everything and with myself, and what I know is that the universe and life are always in motion, so we must change and be better than before, for the good of others, those around us, and ourselves, since we have come to this world to evolve, and evolution is to be better and better.

I decided to do this, because I wanted to do things well, since if the game closed before doing this, I would have had it in my conscience, and I would not have felt well, although it is already things of the past, and we only have to look at the present .

Thanks !! :)
