Vega Recruitment,we are very nice!

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Greetings and Welcome to Vega!

We want to gather all the players that hates farming for Alchemy Orbs,so if you're a new player that hasn't been exposed to farming that much in your gaming career,or maybe you are a Vanguard that has run out of Elite Orbs to make new gear and doesn't want to farm for them again,you might want to consider joining our crew! But we still would welcome anybody that just wants to make more friends and have fun,but as everyone can expect,we don't have an "infinite" amount of Alchemy Orbs,our beggining stock is:(240 Advanced orb;120 Elite orbs;64 Eternal orbs),and we will replenish it every summer between the months of June and September.

Rules Of Vega!

1.Be Nice,so respect the other members of the guild,and drama overall shouldn't go into the guild chat
2.If you want Advanced,Elite or Eternal Orbs of Alchemy you will need to show us the item that you want to upgrade at its required star/level,so
-If you need Advanced Orbs you will need to show us a 2 Star item being at least Level 1
-If you need Elite Orbs you will need to show us a 3 Star item being at least Level 5
-If you need Eternal Orbs you will need to show us a 4 Star item being at least Level 10
3.No Self-Advertising,or advertising other Guilds.
Note:We will note the items that are shown to us and the person,just so nobody can show up with the same item and get orbs,and also after anybody gets 3 of any kind of orb they will have to wait 1 day until we agree to give that kind of orb again,but this can be negotiable.


Be recognised as playing the game actively and have fun while playing and socialise with the others!
A Member will have to be able to Solo the missions "The Sovereign Slime" and "Built to Destroy!" on the Elite Difficulty while being examined by an Officer or Guild Master to become a Veteran
A Veteran will have to be able to Solo the mission "The King of Ashes" on the Elite Difficulty while being examined by an Officer or Guild Master,But also take participation into helping to Replenish the Alchemy orb stash during the months between June and September,with as much as they can offer to become an Officer.ㅤㅤ


To join you only have to send a Mail to the Knight named Sar-Er,don't bother leaving a reply on the forum post since it will not be checked too often.