Proper steam support for the Native Linux client.

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I am a Linux steam user, who has their steam account linked with SK.
There are currently 3 Methods of playing SK in Linux:
1: Native in a web-browser (unavailable to linked steam accounts)
2: Through the official native Spiral Knights Linux client downloaded here on this site (also unavailable to linked steam accounts).
3: Through SteamPlay on Linux via Proton, with varying degrees of compatibility.

If you are a Linux steam user, then the only (official) way to play is via compatibility tools that introduce overhead, despite a native client being available.

Crawling around reddit, steam community forums, and old posts here, I'm not the only one who desires native steam support. Most posts resort to unofficial methods of "tricking" steam into thinking that it's running Spiral Knights AppID when launching the native linux client.

Limited man-power issues aside, what are the roadblocks from integrating valve's steam API with the existing native SK linux client?