Mod Renaissance

1 respuesta [Último envío]
Imagen de Geomec

What's up, it's your boy: Geo.

So, basically, I'm curious if Gray Havens has any plans to work with game modders. I know the ToS has said for many years that modifications of game files isn't allowed but I think there's a case to be made that modders could heavily improve the state of the game and should be worked with, not against.

For years we've asked for simple fixes, some of which people've already created patches for (Example: Neutralizer's incorrect damage values, Humbug Hat exclusion) which haven't been implemented despite already being finished by modders. It's clear that Gray Havens isn't really in a position to create content and, to contrast, the community has been thirsty for content for many years. This community cares a lot for the game and so do I. I wish strongly that you consider supporting modders in this community and work with them to improve content production. Heck, most of them seek no self benefit from their work and only seek to improve Spiral Knights.

I understand that some mods exist to hurt the game and that's what you're truly against. That's entirely fair. But I think that it's time for a change in the system to support the mods that wish to improve the game for the dedicated fans who've stuck out after all these years despite seeing so little in return. Let us help you, Gray Havens. I'm sure this isn't an easy decision but I hope you give it some thought; I'd greatly appreciate it.

From the community to you, Gray Havens.
Thank you for your time.


Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Or we could just stagnate for eternity and ban mods harder.