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Here's a list of all the idea's I would like to discuss in this post:

-New Dungeon for Eternal Orb Farming(TempleofLight)
-New Dungeon for Radiant Fire Crystal Farming(SandRuins/Pyramid)
(Tokens from Boss to exchange with Brinks)

-New Class-Healer Class (Wand/Staff Weapons)

-New Defensive Pet for Blue Minerals
-New Balanced Pet for Green Minerals
-New Uses for Minerals

-New Prestige Rankings - 70,000, 100,000 150,000
1,000,000 (Aesthetic Aura Color Toggle On/Off)

-Reduced Radiant Fire Crystal cost for Level Ups

-LockItem/Buyback Option Feature

-New Monthly Content

So here's a little elaboration on all of my idea's mentioned above:


So I thought of all the current types of area's and ambiences that we already have in Spiral Knights all together, and tried to come up with a dungeon and atmosphere that is brand-new that we haven't seen before and new monsters and visual dungeon designs too, and this is what I came up with.

So the idea is, it will generally look some-what like a Temple in the Sky

Some monster designs for this dungeon that I have come up with for this can be:
-Small Balls of floating Light that float towards you and explode
-Small-winged bat-like creatures with halo's above their heads that shoot small beams out
-Tall Headless Suits of Armor with a glowing White Aura's surrounding them

And for the boss: Angelic Entity
I haven't put too much thought yet into the boss fight mechanics yet, but somethings I have in mind so far:
-Knights should need to stun the Angel before attacking it, by standing on floor switches that randomly spawn around the room, which activate and shoot a bright beam of light at the Angel boss to stun it.
-The room will also look like a normal Temple-looking room initially, and since the theme is that it occurs in the Sky, some floor spaces in the room at random will disappear, and the Knight will fall through the floor if accidentally stepping on one of the spaces, and this will separate them from the team momentarily, having to run back up the stairs to rejoin the fight eventually.

This dungeon will grant tokens in the same manner as (Lord Vanaduke, Roarmulus Twins, Jelly King, and Snarbolax) which you can exchange at Brinks for:
-All types of Orbs of Alchemy (Flawed, Simple, Advanced, Elite, Eternal)
-New themed Weapons, Armor and Helm (that are still in discussion)

This dungeon should be intentionally a new avenue for Knights to easier obtain Orbs of Alchemy. As of now, the most common way to obtain Eternal Orbs of Alchemy is grinding Lord Vanaduke over-and-over, and even then, the drop rates are very scarce for this item.
This dungeon should have higher rates for Orb of Alchemy drops, and for players to obtain Orbs of Alchemy WHILE TRAVERSING THE DUNGEON.
And also as a possible reward from Brinks with trading tokens.

The entire reason that I thought up this idea was simply from the lack of Orbs of Alchemy throughout the economy, and just the scarcity of the item and difficulty to obtain them in general. I hope it can inspire more ideas from everyone and hopefully spark something for the Game Developers.


Same as before, I tried to come up with new ambiances, monsters, and visual dungeon design idea's that we haven't seen yet in Spiral Knights.

The idea is that it will look similar to Egyptian Pyramids

Some monster designs for this dungeon that I have come up with for this can be:
-Small sand dunes that approach the Knight, that damage and slow the Knights movement once they make contact
-Wall Traps that shoot darts at the Knight when crossing the path
-Mummies that will throw bandage wraps towards you which trap you momentarily

And for the boss: The Pharaoh
Same as before, haven't put too much thought the Boss room mechanics yet but here's a few things in mind:
-Their will Sarcophagus' in the room, that will spawn mummies through-out the fight. Knights can destroy the Sarcophagus' the halt the spawn of mummies
-The knights also could become stuck in quicksand that spawns on random floor spaces inside the Boss room, as you're fighting the boss walking on sand. Walking over the quicksand will temporarily leave you stuck in place, but your team can free you by throwing a rope in your direction.
-The boss will throw Sand Tornadoes that will Damage and throw any Knight that is caught in it, in a random direction around the room.
-The Knights will need to use Rope at the boss to trap the boss, and make the boss become vulnerable to attacks.

This dungeon will grant tokens in the same manner as (Lord Vanaduke, Roarmulus Twins, Jelly King, and Snarbolax) which you can exchange at Brinks for:
-All types of Fire Crystals (Cracked, Dim, Warm, Glowing, Shining, Radiant)
-New themed Weapons, Armor and Helm (that are still in discussion)

This dungeon should be intentionally a new avenue for Knights to easier obtain Fire Crystals. As of now, the most common way to obtain Fire Crystals is grinding Lord Vanaduke over-and-over, and even then, the drop rates are very scarce for this item.
This dungeon should have higher rates for Fire Crystal drops, and for players to obtain Fire Crystals WHILE TRAVERSING THE DUNGEON.
And also as a possible reward from Brinks with trading tokens.

The entire reason that I thought up this idea was simply from the lack of Fire Crystals throughout the economy, and just the scarcity of the item and difficulty to obtain them in general. I hope it can inspire more ideas from everyone and hopefully spark something for the Game Developers.

I've always found an interest in a Support/Healer class for all types of MMO's, it usually fits perfectly in a 4-man team, and rounds out and covers the rest of a team's weaknesses.
There's already been a type of enemy in the game that exists a Healer, so why not? (Referring to the Gremlin Mender enemy)

So the Class in general can typically heal the team and protect them from damage and statuses. My idea is that, the healer would use Wand/Staff weapons, that target allies or create area's of effect that temporarily heals allies

New Wand/Staff Weapons
There is alot of potential idea's that could be thought of in this section
(I'll leave this section up to whoever is interested xD)

Since we already have the Seraphynx Pet, I think it's also a really nice fit for this class.


Just as mentioned before, this would be a great use for the Green and Blue Minerals which essentially currently do not see any use.

Defensive Pet (Blue Minerals) - (Turtle)
This Pet will be primarily focused on Defensive Stats such as (Normal, Elemental, Shadow, Piercing) and Status Resistances (Poison, Fire, Freeze, Shock, etc)

1st Skill : Slams a small space in the ground that knocks away enemies
2nd Skill : All Defensive stats and Resistance's will be boosted temporarily (Similar to Drakon's 3rd Skill Firestorm)
3rd Skill : A 5 space-wide wall, that can be held in any direction in front of you, to temporarily block projectiles, push enemies back, and protect your team members from harm

Balanced Pet (Green Minerals) - (Robo)
This Pet will primarily be focused on the Balance of all Stats, having no weaknesses, but at the same time no strengths in all categories

1st Skill : An AoE Spell that will grant 1 random status effect (Stun,Freeze,Burn,Poison,etc) to enemies in an area
2nd Skill : Grants all team-mates a random buff temporarily (Speed,Attack,Defense,Resist, etc)
3rd Skill : Create a Duplicate of your own Knight to temporarily fight with you

Since as I mentioned before the idea I had of making a Healer class, I thought the Seraphynx made a pretty good fit for it already, so I think we could adjust Seraphynx to match the class more if necessary.

- Daily Prestige Points for distributing a random color of mineral once or a few times a day
- (Coming soon)
- (Coming soon)

(As of now, Minerals do not find many uses so just trying to think of new idea's which we could use them for, instead of keeping them in the inventory collecting dust xD.)

-New Prestige Rankings - 70,000, 100,000 150,000
1,000,000 (Aesthetic Aura Color Toggle On/Off)

This is just an idea for the hardcore players that already achieved the highest rank, to give them some motivation to keep playing.
(1,000,000 might be way too high, but I think there should be some kind of unique distinguishable visual reward for players who achieve that high of a rank)

As of right now, currently I feel like it is way too expensive to take a 5* equipment from level 1-10, gathering the heat isn't too bad, but the balance for the Fire Crystals is very-off, especially since at level 7, it costs 30 Radiant Fire Crystals for a 20% Chance level up (20% CHANCE).

I think either the percentage chance should be increased, or the cost should be decreased

Just in-case you accidentally sell a valuable item that you didn't want to sell

Now I just believe that if we want to keep the game thriving and alive, we just need to have new and more content updated regularly. (New Bosses, New Dungeons, New Depths)

This is just a small-pipe dream, but new content would keep the game going

So, What do you guys think of these idea's?

(This post turned out to be a lot longer than I expected xD, but I am very glad I wrote it all down, and thank you so much for reading this much, it is humbly and greatly appreciated by me <3)

The whole goal for writing this was to hopefully try to provide new content for us, and increase our player-base at the same-time. I know you all love this game the same as I do, the player-base has dropped off for a while, and this is an attempt to bring more life back into the game and hopefully increase our player-base again, and keep this game alive. Spiral Knights is a very unique game and I've always had fun playing it. It has so much potential as a game, and to see it thriving and lively again would be a dream come true. Thumbs up if you agree xD.