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Some more ideas for equipment overhauls

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Portrait de Slyqouta

After a while of thinking prompted by a conversation with a few others, Ive got a few idea's to make a few more items viable during the endgame.

----- Low Level Utility:
-proto weapons buff defense, speed and attack for a few seconds to bomb, gun and sword respectively by about 10 or 20% (every enemy hit counts towards the buff,LV1-4=1 second per hit "low" LV5-9=2 seconds per hit "medium", LV 10= 3 seconds per hit , stacks at 10 seconds) (The buffs would probably be some modified variant to self status infliction like the faust or fang of vog.)
They are set up or mobility weapons

-punch gun: extremely high knock-back at LV 10 (gets progressively more with levels and much more difficult to heat up to continue progress through mid and end game.)

-Pummel gun: extremely high flinch at LV 10 (gets progressively more with levels and much more difficult to heat up to continue progress through mid and end game.)

-Vitasuit: extra emergency revive that only heals 25% of your health

-Vitasuit plus: Lets you revive friends like the old days but has a 15 second cool-down (to prevent party wide sonic the hedgehog mechanics with 1 pip of health.)

-Vitasuit deluxe: very small chance to inflict heart attack status with any move, not sure how to link armor to a status attack, could be difficult coding.

-Scale set: uncaps buffs, attacks have a minor chance to inflict a status that increases chances of dropping a attack, defence or speed orb (Adaptive fighter, AE) (probably altered heart attack battle sprite code. at LV1-9 each piece has AE low, at LV 10 each piece has AE medium, armor is bad but can be good support.)

-------Low Level Gimmick attack armor:

-Fencing jacket: LV1-4=invincibility during shield bash and the environment cant hurt you when dodging. Fencers Finesse, FF) and sword damage bonus medium; LV5-9= prior effects and 1 second off of the dodge cool-down when shield bashing but takes a extra 8% shield gauge per rank (Escape artist, EA, Low) LV 10= FF, EA medium. (difficult to code)
how to avoid damage and destroy your shield with 1 easy trick.

-Cyclops Cap: gun damage bonus medium; all Bullets moves slower, fire rate is greatly reduced but all bullets bounce and pierce (Cyclopian Shot, CS). (difficult to code)
why many bullet when few do trick?

------Weapon ultimate options.

---Wild hunting blade ultimates:

1- each swing gives a different attack buff for a second or two (so it all doesn't just get added to one buff counter, maybe two buff counters with one buff for "high" hits and one for "low" hits) (stacks with proto blade) (The buffs would probably be some modified variant to self status infliction like the faust or fang of vog.)
strong if you land all your hits.

2-Wild hunt: Charge attack inflicts a debuff that spawns a friendly phantom alpha wolver for 10 seconds if the monster dies. (The wolver would have the old tracking AI that aims as it bites, like gorgos.) (it would be a modified heart attack battle sprite status where it spawns a wolver instead of hearts or orbs,- might have problems client side.)
The wild hunting blade was a bit better with its charge attack due flinch.

---Dread venom striker

1-each swing has a chance to inflict defense down (stacks with the poison debuff to defense and attack)
Very good at debuffing defense

2-Can move unhindered when attacking. (may be difficult to code)
generally a good set up weapon.

---Catalyzer line ultimate's:

1-pulls enemies together on occasion. (momentary vortex effect)

2-explode upon the enemy attacking. (changing parameter of what damage activates the orbs, might explode from the environment damage panels depending on how the code works.)

As always, thank you for you time for reading this. :]