Hallowed Be Thy Knight Art Contest

Greetings, Spiral Knights players! Quite the eventful spooky season we've got going on, am I right? Let me add to that.
Buckle up, for some Halloween themed artwork, with the obligatorily named contest: Hallowed Be Thy Knight.
The task is simple. Artists are to draw a knight celebrating Halloween, as one would in the real world. How you may imagine or choose to draw this is entirely up to you, the artist. Some imaginations of this that come to mind, for example, would be drawing a succubus themed custom armor/costume/accessories set, or a knight with their base armor (say quicksilver helm and azure guardian armor for no particular reason * cough*) wearing a maid outfit (please), or even a real world human dressed in your spiral knights costume. As the artist, you have full creative freedom on how you want to imagine or draw this.
Judging will be done primarily based on concept, with the art itself being secondary but still somewhat relevant. Judges will be either retired players, real life friends, or other online friends from outside of spiral knights, to remove any bias or favoritism, scoring each piece from 1-10, and taking the total score from each judge.
Prizes will be between:
Black fowl set (Sponsored by Grey Havens)
Book of dark rituals
Baleful aura
Black kat cowl
Ghostly aura + Hallow vertical vents, devious horns, scarf, wings set
The top 3-5 placed winners (depending on participation) may choose one of the above rewards each, on a first come, first serve basis.
The deadline for this contest is November 1st 4am GMT/12pm EST (or paste in discord for a tracker) and players may submit entries to me via discord message (@sylvieonmtf). All entries will be posted on this forum thread on the last date for the event.
Thank you all for reading, thanks to Kozma's Backpack staff and Grey Havens for helping with this event, and I hope to see some great art work from you all!
The event has ended and the results are in!
Congratulations to the 3 winners in order:
I will be contacting the winners for their choice of prize shortly.
Thanks to everyone who participated and drew some amazing pieces, you all did great!
The entries can all be found here https://imgur.com/a/spiral-knights-halloween-art-contest-2024-AssR62Q
Additionally, some judges have left some feedback on pieces in case participants are interested. They can message me on discord to ask for it.
I hope everyone had fun with this, and I'll be seeing you all in the next event 👋