Plate viability

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Legacy Username

I was just curious if the plate set, specifically Volcanic Plate, was considered any good. The defense and whatnot on it looks amazing, however I am concerned since I primarily use the Sealed Sword line at the moment and that set downs my attack speed. I considered using a Vog helmet to counter this, but all in all I am just clueless about what I should be aiming for at this point.

Storm-Crow's picture

Sealed sword has lower attack speed to begin with, but makes up for it with it's power. But with Volcanic Plate's additional attack speed reduction, I imagine it would really make your swings slow.. Don't worry though, there is a shield that you can get to up your attack speed - the Swiftstrike buckler :P

It gives your attacks high speed. Bet that'll be enough to negate the negative speed point, low, from the plate. If you want your sword slashing even faster you could gradually get the Vog Cub. I think at that point your attack speed might become maximum or something close to that.

That, or you could get a helmet that will give you some decent piercing damage protection. Swiftstrike only has normal defense and Volcanic Plate gives you normal and elemental defense.