Artifacts Artifact Weapon?

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I'll yammer for a moment. Best bet considering sans energy.

My toon has compiled 3 Artifacts. At the expense of blargin posture, I hope this is going somewhere.

I did a bit of a forum search afor I post dis. Even the last 4 posts considering Artifact, non on da gig of workin towards a dope Artifact creation. Ultimately not trying to repeate conversations. So I looked.

Without the best of my media research, what is the Consensus amongst we Spiral Knights ? What do we want Artifacts to become? Any peeps with tha twees, insite on tha early mid game of this (what I think should be some clutch gear, hope a gun (but bomb owners, And I love me some thwart sword may dissagree).

Artifact build ?

Mayhaps Armor. Fatty hat or some solid board.

Anyhow, Nick, Poseidon either of you have any spoily tale towards this? A crumb still get the head swank.

What is happening with Artifacts?
Were I to buy another starter pack would I get something other than a Hatch Handle?

The other artifacts I see are gained via boss fights. And should be.

Anyway. What does everyone think? Any insight from the Players? SK devs - Forum Masters ?
Never hurts to dole outta taste.