A few items that should be tested before Lockdown goes live.

4 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Sirusswan

The Winmillion and graviton vortex bombs

They each have unique mechanics that could be useful.

Imagen de Chris
Might be banned from pvp as

Might be banned from pvp as they are not in the test, I can see gravitron having problems in pvp.

Legacy Username
not to mention

The graviton would be hugely ineffective as well.
I can't think of a situation the VT would be outshown by it.

Imagen de Splinter
I was under the impression

I was under the impression that all items would be allowed / usable in PVP

Imagen de Fallout
....troika got an upgrade

....troika got an upgrade with the BN patch. I always assumed winmillion upgrade would come out with LD.
But i was actually looking forward to playing a match with ele vortex etc. seeing as i could group an entire team and relocate them at leisure. I always wanted to have a go spinning around in one D= if they're banned all hope is lost.