Lockdown NEEDS team matchmaking.
I feel that it really needs the ability to queue up for random teams, with 1+ friends, filling the remaining slots with random players. We all have those friends we want to play lockdown with, but since we're not from the same guild it will never happen. Many other games of the kind have this, and lockdown should aswell.
yessss. i would love to be able to FORM a team of friends and play..
top ten has formed a guild.. get your friends together and for a big guild
This is something I even wanted in Blast Network. At least there you can just make an alt to join a friend's guild, but that's unlikely for Lockdown.

I like it, but would be way to OP.
Such as, earlier today, Dogrock, Poul, Twili, and a few others including myself were on a team, and we just destroyed the other team. They never even got a chance to attack.
Think about this:
Top 10 all comes to one group vs New players
Who's gonna win? The Top 10 of course.
lol we're forming it just to see if we can play OOO.. and play around with the guild team matches.. instead of random play. never know if their's bugs with the guild team matches..
wow bigfoot such an OP team
If "new players" don't want to get destroyed by organized teams, they don't have to. Adding another form of gameplay isn't restricting them, it's simply making more available to them. They would continue to be able play random games, just with the additional option of playing with players of their choice who aren't in their clan.

I love my guild in the main server but they may not want to play with me all the time, but some friends may want to.
Instead of coming here to inflate your ego, some proper feedback would be nice bigfoot.
What im suggesting is not with the intend of making full teams and stomping, is for people who have 2-3 friends that they want to play with, but are from different guilds.
+1 Good idea. I would love this. Maybe an invite system? A tab with 'Custom Party' and then a 'Make party available to all' check button for when you don't have any more friends who want to play with you. Foreveralone.
It'd be nice, especially since when it publicly releases it'll be full of newbs or idiots, that will whine, or be a bunch of team killers. Not trying to be rude or anything... but seriously, we see how BN is now.
Random teams will just be no fun at all. Lockdown is a actual PvP, its completely different from BN. You need PvE skills to play. With random teams, you wont know (most) anyone and how they play. I personally, want to play with a good team, and play against another good team. No idiots running around, dying every second, sitting behind the mist gate the whole time and shoot, not knowing how to dodge or use their shield, etc.
I especially do not want, LAGGERS.
So please make another option for good team building, OOO. And one that isn't just Guild teams. :3c
Would be cool.
Also about OP teams: The actual issue here would be making proper matchmaking and point assignment.
Have a ranking of players that is relative to each other (not just who plays more like the current blast networks one), and match teams of similar skill whenever possible.
I think they can even steal the "player skill measurement" from Y!PP, and taking into account victories/defeats as points.

I hope you mean people who lag and not insulation fitters. The fact that your equips depend on the team selection should keep out the...shall we say less desirables, but not for long due to people being able to purchase anything at any tier. So maybe there should be a league, or you have to compete/win a certain number of games to be able to play with the more acomplished, that way its a learning curve that will benefit newer players.
up for importance.. after last night I think many will agree that this will be nearly necessary
YES! Yesterday it was 30 mins to end of lockdown and i never got into a game -.-'
I agree. Its something that all games have nowadays. Thats because it's such a great feature