New items?

4 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Bigfootm

I didn't get a Chance to test to see em today, what are they?

Legacy Username
t1,t2 equips

t1,t2 equips

Imagen de Bigfootm
What Dark Ritual?

Figured that out, may just be easier to say what they DIDN'T put.

Imagen de Pteprocks
Only thing they added that

Only thing they added that was terribly interesting (to me) was a Static Flash. Other than that, typical T1/T2 items. Mostly downgrades of the 5* stuff they gave us.

Imagen de Fallout
Didn't feel like starting a new thread.

But, do trinkets count as t3 equipment? as in would we be allowed to equip trinkets for lower grade matches and still be able to participate?