Royal Jelly is now horribly overpowered.

The turrets aren't the problem at all in this fight, it's the fact that even getting close to him now bounces you halfway across the arena. Was your intention to make royal jelly a gun boss? This is the worst idea I've ever seen.
Of course, if this was completely unintentional, I can understand that maybe his physics are screwed up. But this is just over the top.
How can you fight him if he constantly pushes you back AND heals? Is he a bomb boss now? Because guns sure as hell won't work because of all the little slimes blocking you. This really needs to be fixed.

I pretty much completely agree, I beat him solo with 5* using Dream Venom, Gran Faust, Venom Veiler and Leviathan Blade.
The frequency of the knock-back is ridiculous, I think the range is less annoying, it's just the constant running back over to him which gets boring and repetitive.
I was using Venom Veiler at the start to get Poison on him then spam him with Fire Vials and Dread Venom unless he has a spin around which is when I start to charge Venom Veiler again and continue to spam Dread Venom... And of course all that while struggling to stay near the f***er.
I can get a bunch of damage in before he has chance to heal but then I get flinged half way across the room 50 times in 4 seconds at which point, he heals the damage, and I get molested by a bunch of adds.
Haven't tried guns and have had no success so far with bombs.
Also, I think the actual model/textures were a bit half-arsed, a cracked crown which falls off after you deal some damage.
That's all from me for now.

I kinda like the new mechanics, feels more polished to me.
But in regards to the knockback, I can't really disagree there. It's pretty dumb.
Still though, aside from that I think it's an improvement over the current gelatin monarch.

I was lagging pretty badly this evening (darn you ISP!) and could only get in 1 shot before being flung across the room. I think he completely healed several times during the spin phase until I finally got the hang on lagging/knockback. It was really hard to connect with a DVS, did minimal damage before getting sent across the room. Found the Acheron much better and I imagine a GF would have been a better choice.
Going to try again tomorrow, should have less lag then.

Knockback definately need reducing, half the time I was thrown back I'm sure I wasn't even getting hit. I'm not sure what's going on here, either the physics are screwed up or the range of his attacks are going further than they visibly appear to be but either way it's tedious and not actually challenging any real way.

In my fight I got knocked back maybe two or three times and we beat him pretty quickly with only one death of one of my teammates. I hardly even noticed most of the changes.
Please don't inflate his already planet-sized ego.

I've been hearing from people that this is not a Ultimate version of RJP, it is a revamp of the existing T2 boss. So, from what you said, it seems that the actual place of the boss will be revamped, will the levels before him be changed too? I am not sure if you are allowed to tell me so it is ok if you don't.

I've noticed no real differences to our JK o:
The bounce was annoying but not really dangerous o:
I've bet him alone with: FoV, Ash of Agni, Dread Venom Striker and Venom Veller, and the fight took 1-2 minutes.
A bit more challange would be nice =/

The knockback got horribly annoying, and if it was meant to keep the focus away from just swords, guns do not do nearly enough to counter the amount of healing he does. However, me and a friend managed to take him down without reviving, I was wearing full skolver(admittedly deadly virulisk would've done even better so there are options) with gran faust(although I would've done more DPS with a lot of other 5* swords as he never got cursed), umbra driver (which I didn't use), Venom Veiler and ash of agni with Aegis and two bomb focus trinkets.
I'd say if the knockback stays in, halve the amount of times it happens, and I don't know if this is a glitch but he lost his crown about a third the way through the battle after doing a fake death animation(I think that's how he summons more turrets? I'm not sure though). If this is meant to be a replacement, then the T1 turrets are just fine, it provides motivation to stay away from the edges and in the fight, and at one point there were like 3 turrets in each corner, had they been properly T2 I think players would not be able to move without getting damaged by random flying spikes. His healing I think is fine, all it really does is encourage people to bring something that inflicts poison (giving the Veiler a decent use) and creates more of a team-based fight rather than the normal way me and my friends usually do it where I just spam ash when he's not on fire and everyone else runs to him.

Just to prevent further confusion, this is a revamped version of the Tier 2 boss battle. Please use the Tier 2 (3 star) gear provided for this particular test so we can get an accurate picture of his intended difficulty for players at Tier 2. Thanks!

even with tier 3 equipment there it was almost impossible to solo him lastnight, JK to got to much of a power up in the knockback department. if solo'ing he knocks ya back and by the time you get back to him he's almost healed all damage that was inflicted upon him. and the curse status effect wasn't working properly against him either as while he was cursed he could still heal and operate as if nothing was wrong. i'm normally able to solo jk on a normal basis but there isn't any chance of me doing that on the upgraded jk.

The Jelly King is not Over Powered, he is just more challenging to kill.... i truly think his new looks and feel make him a grate boss to kill... the new shield that he have like the twins robot makes the new JK more challenging to kill.... and thats what we all Beta Players wants, new and exiting and challenging bosses and monsters a like
I don't know, we killed him without a death in the whole group REALLY REALLY fast