Almost all "Locked in a room" Ultimate Encounters should be like the first arena of Snarby Level

10 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Khamsin

Seriously. That fight is what you guys should be aiming to reach with all your Ultimate encounters. I don't mind if the various random encounters along the way aren't as challenging or interesting, but all the big time battles should be like that. Interesting and unique fight gimmicks and a challenge for some of the top players. That fight is definitely my new favorite encounter in the game.

I like the direction of Ultimate Wildwoods overall though. Monster variety definitely makes the place feel much more fresh than Ultimate FSC. Also, I liked the new Snarby battle. In a group you aren't as engaged but for a solo player the fight definitely felt well-paced and fun.

Bild des Benutzers Glowing-Ember

Was not impressed with most of the new content, but Ultimate Wildwoods, and especially that first arena, were incredible.

Bild des Benutzers Klaxoff
Also Agreed

I'm also going to agree here (at least regarding the encounter, boss not so much). I felt the encounter was really creative with it's use of enemies and obstacles, especially adding a Snarby to the mix. Very hectic, very engaging, and most importantly very fun.

Bild des Benutzers Giannii
I died a lot of times there,

I died a lot of times there, I did bring a bad loadout, but I felt that was okay for a team with correct gear, not for a solo player. The zombie wave was okay, but the kat wave has a dozen kats and snarbolax covers almost all the map with its spikes, leaving no room to dodge, if your shield cant take the hits you are done for (I brought ironmight expecting lots of piercing, and that specific arena is full shadow, not like I want wolvers plus kats :P), I can only imagine a team with a shivermist user or at least a vortex or some other crowd control device, or great timing on the spawn, to kill all the kats on the first charge, since I wasnt expecting them I lost that chance. The final wave is also doable with a team or good gear too. The other arenas I had were nothing compared to that one though, was there a stun bell around I missed? That would have made it much easier. But really that arena is misplaced for the middle of the first level, that or the other arenas should be made as hard as that one lol.

Snarbolax seemed to hit me out of the blue as well, I think it does damage when it jumps out of the ground, sometimes that felt unfair.

Bild des Benutzers Alice-In-Pyroland
Nah Giannii, you just need to

Nah Giannii, you just need to get better at it lol

This encounter was wonderfully designed and whilst I can write no end to my criticsm of UIMF and UFSC, UGWW is amazing and moments like these especially are why I play Spiral Knights. All the other new content needs tweaking but if this gets altered before release I will be a very sad panda.

Bild des Benutzers Giannii
Did you solo it? what gear

Did you solo it? what gear did you use for the kat wave?, would using other gear be as easy or make it even "impossible" to do without deaths?

I could have done it without deaths, but wouldnt have been easy at all, the success rate wouldnt be 100% even with practice, using that gear of course.

Bild des Benutzers Khamsin
Skolver + Barb Thorn Shield.

Skolver + Barb Thorn Shield. BTB, DA, Polaris, Shiver. I can solo it without death but it takes me about 2 HP pills. You could use radiant silvermail or dread skelly if you're really having problems with that encounter and get a different shield. Using the statues as cover on the third wave helps a lot. The kat wave honestly isn't that bad, one of my guildmates was saying something about it, but when you're equipped with a DA and shivermist, you can 2-shot a couple of them before they even have a chance to move, and with polaris you can gun down the rest if you're scared.

There isn't anything I can say that would be 100% though. That's the beauty of it. There is no true cheese because there's that loose variable that you can't 100% predict. That is what makes that fight beautiful, because you can't just shiver him, shield bump him, or have someone draw his aggro and have him run back and forth.

Bild des Benutzers Giannii
yeah just with polaris the

yeah just with polaris the fight is easy because you can just hide in a corner and run to another if snarby comes for you. For the kats FOV, keep the charge up, draw all attention at the beginning and nuke all the kats away on the first attack. Divine avenger etc would also work, etc.

My problem personally is that I dont like the idea that you need specific gear for this, and that the gear is the usual gear I see everyday. It should be doable with more varied stuff, it goes back to the normal jelly king fight where people without the right gear will usually get slaughtered. All they need is to open up a bit the traps so that you have room to run away. The zombies reach is long enough to get you if you try to do that usually.

Although now that I think of it, the checkered room's spikes only stun you, originally I thought they did damage you too, and in general wasn't that hard, if the vines only poison and dont damage you then I have no problem with the fight at all, because you could do it with any weapon.

Bild des Benutzers Khamsin
You don't NEED specific gear,

You don't NEED specific gear, it just makes it easier. I didn't bring any poison or shadow resistance to that fight and can do it well enough.

Bild des Benutzers Giannii
I wasnt talking about any

I wasnt talking about any kind of resistance, I meant weapons. If you dont have the usual weapons or good uvs that fight is way difficult (solo). Like I said once I brought polaris it was much easier. To be able to keep the difficulty but open up more weapons to use, the brambles should do no damage, just status, that way you can exchange not losing health for some status effect.

Bild des Benutzers Alice-In-Pyroland
... What part of these being

... What part of these being 'ultimate stratums for people that have mastered tier 3 content' aren't you grasping? No they shouldn't be more possibly with a large variety of gear, the whole point is that they're challenging, and should require players to be either geared appropriately or be skilled enough to manner without an ideal set-up. More to the point I had negative poison resist, no polaris and my only sword was a btb and I still managed that room without deaths solo on my second attempt (Diedd twice first time round as I had no idea what to expect, mostly due to the howlitzers).