Ultimate JK (NOT revamped JK)
I know this belongs in suggestions (and it is there too), but since the devs will be reading this bored more often for awhile I suspect, here it is:
So I hear JK is being revamped, but as one of the games most endeared enemies, it BEGS for an ultimate version as well. You can't just ultimize the other three bosses without giving this guy a well-deserved t3 chance.
Here is what we have so far:
: At least triple the HP, but less minicubes. The number of normal spike jellies can be slightly increased.
: When JK starts to spin, he cycles randomly and fairly quickly through different status cures/immunities. Careful with your vials!
: At the end of each spin, JK is now weak/strong to different types of damage, random of course.
Add any more suggestions, and leave feedback!