OMG in Heaven

OMG in Heaven
The 1st Round with Sarbby WOW it was nearly IMPOSSIBLE to beat, but i kill him after die like 20,000,000,000 billions times
i could say overall the 1st round was GRATE! the monsters are more harder to kill that Superb! because its more challenging and brings a hole new roll to the game, i love the new monsters looks they make them look sweeter =O) the stages look awesome i like the way you guys re made them...
up to know i have not found nothing bad yet with the game...
ok lets keep on testing.

What made it even harder was the bell not stunning them half the time.
It seemed to happen if you hit the bell really fast after it resets itself. It makes the aoe marker but it not not make the bell sound nor stun them.

i try and try hitting the bell and nothing but it was fun, the jelly Run was a waste of time you never could not kill him, when you had the JK pin down he bounced you off and send you flying and the baby jelly pin you down to the corner and did not let me moved and the jelly flower trowing spikes at me and killing me in a hart beat. hey did you noticed that the crown fell off the JK after the two 1st rounds...
i like the new jelly King? he looks like a Real Jello cube if you look at him closely and he has a Pink Shield like the Twins Robots when he starts bowling around
ohhh Dran it starting laging like hell broke lose... and to make maters testing wheres servers are going down let me go to heaven and do some jelly runs before its all gone! Darn Darn Darn Lag Lag Lag.... i was sow happy Testing =O)