Mission - Skies Under Cradle: Piercing damage from Jellies intentional? And return elevator says it costs energy.

Encountered in the Jelly Farm part of the mission. After going through the energy gate, and stepping on the party button, I was playing carelessly before I noticed I was taking a MUCH larger amount of damage than usual. It seems one of the Jellycubes in the second spawn wave had the ability to deal piercing damage, despite the difficulty being similar to that of T1 (which means they should only be dealing a minimal amount of normal damage).
Is the piercing damage from the Jellies in this area intentional? If it is, would an explanation about damage and damage types be added? (Or has it already been added in a later mission?)
In addition, the elevator at the end of the Jelly Farm level, the one that finishes the mission and returns you to Haven, says it has an energy cost. The hologram has a "10" above it, when of course, it should be a 0.
In the normal clockworks, the two jelly farm levels always have a jelly cube or two or three that spawn that are of a higher tier both in tier 1 and 2. I guess its done to make the levels just a little bit harder, since the Aurora Isles stages as a whole are considered more "special" stages.