<Aurora> reboot | Keeping things Chill and Simple (we has discord msg/voice call)

305 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Spiral-Wwyvern
i would like to join this guild

In-game name?

Cyber-Strike Blast

Are you 13 or older?

i am 14

What time zone are you in?


How much do you play in an average week?

14 hours i guess

Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?

wolver style with a use of some guns and ocassionaly my only bomb freezing atomizer

Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server?

i dont have skype---LOL

Why do you want to join Aurora?

It is a famous guild that looks competely BOSS

Favorite pokemon?

Hard question but id have to say CHARIZARD (sometimes Swampard)

Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?

i play lockdown
i tried blast network but i got murdered in it

Portrait de Ankokuflare
It draws near!

Invitations sent~

Who else will join the fray?

Portrait de Superjo

1. In-game name? Superjo
2. Are you 13 or older? I am 13
3. What time zone are you in? EST
4. How much do you play in an average week? idk, probably 10-15 hrs :3
5. Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? full 5*, have Vog Cub, working on Skolver and Snarby armor, and im mostly a swordie, but im trying to become a better gunner
6. Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server? no thank you
7. Why do you want to join Aurora? because i have a couple real life friends in there already and ive been trying to find a fun active guild for awhile (i think i found it ;P )
8. Favorite pokemon? dont play pokemon, but if i had to pick out of the ones i know, id say Pikachu
9. Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? im rather good at Lockdown, i can cap well and i average about 7000-11000 dmg per round,and i have never tried Blast network

Portrait de Fradow
We need more recruits! Don't

We need more recruits! Don't forget to bring me some food!

Portrait de Slyco

My IGN - Slyco

I am 13 1/2.

I live in the Atlantic time zone.

I play about 5 hours a week if not grounded.

Swords are my strength but i like Guns {BANG BANG}.

I do not have a skype or mumble [Mother wont let me] but i'l try to convince.

Well my current guild is mostly inactive pretty nice people when active but that's only once a month I want a guild that is active friendly and with guild meetings.

My favorite pokemon is Blastiose respect to those of Pikachu.

I am 25869 years old.
I am a pro i'm TWINS.
I friendly if you don't piss me off.A.K.A. Rob me or Treat me as a stupid hobo.(Im in the gifted program at School)

Portrait de Auraknightone
i would like to join

In-game name?
Are you 13 or older?
What time zone are you in?
How much do you play in an average week?
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server?
Why do you want to join Aurora?
Favorite pokemon?
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
-yea im 14
-Pacific Time Zone
-Weekends because of school time active if on break
-Have Vog cub Set, Skolver Set,
BTS shield, Grey Owlite Shield, Crest of Almire, Final FLourish, DA, Voltedge, Leviathan Blade, blitz needle
-i am not interested
-You guys seem fun and interesting
-Slowbro because he is layed back.

This looks like a really amazing guild!!! <333

In-game name? Wasp-Sting, that's with the hyphen!!
Are you 13 or older? Yep I am 23, I think I am wayyy too old but hopefully you won't hold that against me!
What time zone are you in? Eastern Time, but I sleep so late I might as well be in PT!
How much do you play in an average week? So far, just a few hours a day, but my current guild isn't very lively...
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Gear is lacking but I'll get thereee. I'm working on some LD equipment so hopefully i'll get my
flourish heated soon. My preferred play style is aggressive suicidal swordie!!
Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server? I don't have Skype but I can download mumble, yayyy.
Why do you want to join Aurora? ASAP!
Favorite pokemon? Snorbolax. You may not know this pokemon since as far as I know I'm the only one that has one.
It is a snorlax except it has 6 eyes, is red and black all over and has spikes.
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? I'm dabbling in both but I'm pretty terrible at Blast Network!

You guys seem really awesome, I'm excited to maybe get to know all of you!!! <3

Portrait de Msaad
My app

1. Msaad
2. Yep
3. EST
4. 3 Hours +, Mostly on weekends
5. 5 star, I prefer gunner!
5. Mumble :D
6. It's a nice guild, and i would like to join.
7. Mewtwo >:D
8. Both, i'm not really goot at anything of PvP, :P

My application

Lovely told me to post my application on here although i did send in game mail.

1. My IGN is Deathbubble

2. Im 12 and a bit

3. I am in the Pacific time zone

4. In an average week i probably play about 7-8 hours

5. I like to just use a sword and a gun and ive almost always used wolver stuff(the wolver tree of coats and caps) and i am 4*

6. Not really but if i change my mind ill just post a comment

7. I want to be in an active guild(in the past guilds ive been in hardly anyone ever came online)and i also would like to be in a guild that is well known(this guild)

8. Either Pikachu or Poocheyana or Cubone their all cute <3

9. I play lockdown although i am not very good at it


In-game name?

Are you 13 or older?

What time zone are you in?

How much do you play in an average week?
25-30 hours

Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
4* jelly mail, helmet, and shield. (moving to chroma)
4* Knightblade
3* Super Blaster

I like to play safe. Sometimes attacking twice then shielding

Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server?

Why do you want to join Aurora?
I need a guild who is active, awesome, willing to go out and help others. I'm so sick of going on missions with noobs who don't know what to do or people trolling by holding the statue and afk leaders sleepin near the elevator. I decided I wanted to join this guild to make Spiral Knights a more enjoyable game. Plus this is a cool guild name.

Favorite pokemon?

Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
I play lockdown, not good at it, trying to get voltedge recipe.

Portrait de Emforay
Guild application.

1.In-game name? Emforay
2.Are you 13 or older? Yesh.
3.What time zone are you in? GMT 8:00+
4.How much do you play in an average week? As much as possible,if my parents don't remove my laptop from my room. >.>
5.Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? I fancy swordplay. :p
6.Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server? No thanks.
7.Why do you want to join Aurora? It'll probably be my first guild,and I want it to be a good,active one. :p
8.Favorite pokemon? Peekahchoo.
9.Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
I do play LD. :p

Portrait de Hexidac

1.In-game name?

2.Are you 13 or older?

3.What time zone are you in?

4.How much do you play in an average week?
Anywhere from 10-30 hours, depends on how busy I am.

5.Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Pure gunner

6.Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server?
Mumble (Skype and I don't get along very well -_-)

7.Why do you want to join Aurora?
My current guild is somewhat inactive. It would be nice to log on and see some other guildies online for once.

8.Favorite pokemon?

9.Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
I don't like PVP very much, but I'll join in if I have to.

Portrait de Spiral-Wwyvern

In-game name?


Are you 13 or older?

I am 13

What time zone are you in?


How much do you play in an average week?


Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?

Dusker with swords

Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server?

I dont have skype

Why do you want to join Aurora?

My brother is in it, Cyber-Strike-Blast, and I think its a great guild

Favorite pokemon?


Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?

Yes Blast Network

Portrait de Fradow
Happy new year! I want a big

Happy new year!

I want a big jelly cake, with chocolate, and some devilites stuffed in it!

In-game name? Super-Tiny Are

In-game name? Super-Tiny
Are you 13 or older? Older
What time zone are you in? GMT +8
How much do you play in an average week?12-16 hours
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?Gunner
Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server?Mumble Server
Why do you want to join Aurora? Invited by Samplefriend
Favorite pokemon? Liepard
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?i play neither

In-game name? doqqi Are you

In-game name? doqqi
Are you 13 or older? older
What time zone are you in? pst
How much do you play in an average week? 10+
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? swords atm
Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server? skype
Why do you want to join Aurora? looks fun c:
Favorite pokemon? totodile <3
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? bn sometimes, haven't tried lockdown

Portrait de Ankokuflare
Humans share one third of their DNA with lettuce!

I'm back from my holiday trip.

Lately, we ran into a bit of trouble with some intrusions from recent recruits.
Our guild staff has agree upon adding a few more additions to membership requirements and applications.

We are still open, just slightly more restricted in terms of taking in applicants. Thanks for reading!

Portrait de Celasti
Applying for aurora

In game name - Scerpanda :3
Are you 13 or older? yes
What time zone are you in? GMT
How much do you play in an average week? about 4 days :3
gear/loadout/playstyle?? swords and guns
Are you interested in joining a skype group or mumble server? no D:
why do u want to join aurora?? i want to join a guild that has friendly and active people that i can do missions with :3
do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? yes i do play both :D

I hope you will accept me into this guild soon ^_^

Portrait de Ankokuflare
Note to self: Thanks for always being there.

May you fill out this one? We've changed around the application.

Application questions:

  1. In-game name?
  2. Are you 16 or older?
  3. What time zone are you in?
  4. How much do you play in an average week?
  5. Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
  6. Why do you want to join Aurora?
  7. What would be three words that would best describe you?
  8. Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
  9. Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?


Thanks! c:

Portrait de Fradow
Where is my cake ?

Bump, don't forget to use the new form!


Application questions:

1) Clarine.
2) Eeyup.
3) Man... i just don't know.
4) 4 hour per day maybe.
5) Shoot to thrill/Hulk Smash.
6) To meet and interact with other cool, mature and dedicated knights.
7) Fresh, sarcastic, energetic.
8) Yes
9) Also yes
Favorite Pokemon: Mawille.
Truths And Lies:I have an unusual Samur-eye, i am expert at rocket jumping and i have a tulpa

Portrait de Ankokuflare
1 UP

We still have room~

Portrait de Drestroy


Portrait de Ankokuflare
Eggs, I eat them

We are still open~

Portrait de Anunnaku

Application questions:

In-game name? Anunnaku
Are you 16 or older? Older than 20
What time zone are you in? Central (Chicago time.)
How much do you play in an average week? On a daily for prestige runs and friendly banter.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? All 5* armor and weps. Current fav loadout: Acheron/Divine Avenger/Graviton Vortex/Blitz Needle
Why do you want to join Aurora? Im looking for a friendly, team-oriented guild free of social ignorance and without alts to farm crowns.
What would be three words that would best describe you? Mature / Helpful / Anu
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? LD sometimes, but I mainly just like helping Knights run the clockworks and do prestige.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? Of course, anything to help out guild brothers or sisters.

Portrait de Fradow
Still open!

Still open!

I would like to join

1.In-game name?: Thefallylord
2.Are you 16 or older?: I am 14 but alot of people say I am mature for my age.
3.What time zone are you in?: GMT
4.How much do you play in an average week?: Almost everyday.
5.Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?: I use pve i use a sword and a gun.
6.Why do you want to join Aurora?: Because I am looking for a guild and this seems like one i would enjoy.
7.What would be three words that would best describe you?: Gamer, smart and mature
8.Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?: I dont play them much but I prefer lockdown.
9.Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?: I would love that.

Portrait de Ankokuflare
Are you gonna eat that?

We still have leftover spots that want to be filled in. :D

Be sure to check out our new Aurora Newsletter
Kudos to Notalgicreaverbot

Portrait de Ankokuflare
Don't mind me, just bumpin around...

We still be looking~

Application Form

1. In-game name? Voltimate
2 Are you 16 or older? No
3. What time zone are you in? GMT -5
4. How much do you play in an average week? Atleast once per day
5. Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Guns
6. Why do you want to join Aurora? I am looking for a guild
7. What would be three words that would best describe you? Friendly, Calm, and Silent
9. Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? BN
10. Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? Yes

My app

1. Heartplug.
2. 26.
3. Hawaii.
4. 30+hrs.
5. Unsure.
6. To make friends.
7. Cool, calm & easygoing.
8. Not yet.
9. Of course.

Portrait de Ankokuflare

Don't mind me, just ringing the bell here...

Portrait de Ankokuflare
Just a little bit

A bump from the quirky loyalist.

Application Form

1.In-game name? Majmage

2.Are you 16 or older? Nope, but I won't act like a brat, unlike other people my age.

3.What time zone are you in? PST

4.How much do you play in an average week? Don't know specifically, but I'm on most afternoons.

5.Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Swords, swords, and more swords. I want to get a Stagger Storm eventually to help out my squad. :3

6.Why do you want to join Aurora? I own a clan that plays FPS games with the same ambition; for the people, by the people. Looks like I'd fit right in here. :3 And I need people to help me with quests, if at all possible.

7.What would be three words that would best describe you? Ambitious, Stubborn, and Reckless.

8.Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? Blast Network, I haven't ever played a single round of Lockdown. :P

9.Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? Guild Blast Network would be sweet!

Hope to see y'all soon ingame.


Portrait de Ankokuflare
How do you do Rockman

Invitations sent, thanks for taking your time to apply everyone!

Returning Member!

Hello! I'm a previous member of Aurora who was booted for inactivity. :3

I should have probably given notice, but I did not expect to be without internet for 6+ months. Guess that's what happens when you move to a new place without scouting it 100% first!

Is there a slot available?

Portrait de Ankokuflare
We are able to accept more

We are able to accept more member thanks to the upgrades from the recent guild hall updates.

The invitation should be sent, thanks for notifying us!


Application questions:

In-game name?Mariusir
Are you 16 or older?16
What time zone are you in?UTC+02:00
How much do you play in an average week?7h on day
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? i use a sword and a bomb.
Why do you want to join Aurora?my friend is in this guild and this guild best
What would be three words that would best describe you?Cool, calm
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?yes
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?yes

In-game name? SilverHorn Are

In-game name? SilverHorn
Are you 16 or older? Yes
What time zone are you in? GMT+7
How much do you play in an average week? 10 hours
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Swordman
Why do you want to join Aurora? My friend suggests me to join Aurora
What would be three words that would best describe you? Moody but kind :)
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? No
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? Maybe

Portrait de Fropps
I am Fropps! This is my wonderful application.

My in game name is Fropps.

Hmm... I don't know why you would ask if I'm 16 or older but instead of lying, no, but you wouldn't know that if you talked to me.

My time zone is Eastern Daylight Time, piffsh, I don't know why anyone would wanna live in Eastern Night Time...

I'm pretty active, but not TOO much so, about an hour or two a day, and about 3 or 4 on weekends.

It's pretty hard to keep track of all my gear, but my current (in progress) set is a volcanic pepperbox, extra crispy! A Volt Driver, for bouncy fun! a perfect mask of seerus, flawless in every way... An extra dusty sunset Duster and a Wise owlite shield which is displaying telekinetic properties. I'm also no stranger to swordplay with cutters on every side, and other vastly different equipment. My play style can vary, I can go hyper offensive and bodyslam lumbers at point-blank range with my pepperbox. Aww,yeah! Just note that while this is, Super Effective! It results in me dying... alot. I can also go defensive in which I backflip over the mecha-knight in front of me and land a shocking bouncy bolt on his back while dodging out of the way of 2 electrodes before reviving my fallen comrades to let them do the slicing and dicing.

I want to join aurora because I used to be in a few nice guilds with a few nice people, sadly most of these fell away from not enough donations... Including the two I co-founded. The Beta Squad and Blazefrost. I used to walk alone with pride, but now I want to find a good guild, I'm in one now, but I get the feeling that they really don't care about me, being very elitist themselves. I want to find a mature guild that has a caring, laidback, fun nature, you tick all those boxes.

Three words...

Reckless, reasonable and impatient.

I play blast network, not that I'm very good at it... But I gave up on LD a long time ago, it wasn't worth trying. Sigh...

I would love to play Guild LD and guild blast network! I've always wanted to try it, but none of my previous guilds actually did it...

Oh! Oh! Ma favorite pokemon is Rotom!

So I guess that's it! I hope I can see you in Aurora soon, Frop, out.

Portrait de Ankokuflare
Dun dun dun!

Invitations sent.
We are still throwing welcome parties :D

Portrait de Valentine-Vk

Hurtling through space and time at the rate of 1 second per second!

Portrait de Luxur
Up up and away!

We're still welcoming newcomers! :3

Portrait de Lynavi

I lub you , Anko :D <3

Portrait de Hell-Raider
Im searching for a guild and found Aurora

Are you 13 years or older?Yes
What time zone are you in?GMT+8
How much you play in an average week?Mostly 5-6 times a week
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?Currently i have Dusker set,Great Defender,Ascended Calibur,Fireburst Brandish, and voltech alchemer MK2.I like to play as a balanced knight and sometimes i strike first.
Do you have Skype? Nope
Why do you want to join Aurora?Im searching for a guild and i heard this guild is mature and active
Favorite pokemon?Arceus,Latias and Latios.
Two truths, and one lie about yourself.I like pokemon.I like Kamen Rider too.I hate cartoons

Portrait de Hell-Raider
oh,we need to use the new one?

OK,my fault.ill only post the ones that i forgot to put.
What would be three words that would best describe you?Talkative(in other words i like to chat),Helpful,Cheerful.
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?Yes,but i have stop playing them around 2weeks ago.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?Yeah,if the requirements met.

Portrait de Ankokuflare
There are no koalas up there

Thanks for bumping this thread up guys. c:

Yes, we are still accepting~


In-game name?: Syphael
Are you 16 or older?: ys
What time zone are you in?: pst
How much do you play in an average week?: 40 hr+
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?: hack n slash
Why do you want to join Aurora?: I want to join a good guild so I can play with people, playing solo gets a bit lonely sometimes
What would be three words that would best describe you?: wizard - dragon - caring
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?: both, but im PVEing for gear, only at 3 stars right now, want 5 for pvp personally
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?: yes

Portrait de Ankokuflare
tiny toaster dragons warawrawrawr

We are still open

Portrait de Ankokuflare
It all started with a hmm...

A little push here and there.