<Aurora> reboot | Keeping things Chill and Simple (we has discord msg/voice call)

305 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Ankokuflare
It's an itch I can't scratch

le bump

Portrait de Volkke
In-game name: Volkke Are you

In-game name: Volkke

Are you 16 or older?: Currently 18 years old.

What time zone are you in?: Central Time Zone (Houston, TX)

How much do you play in an average week? I play about 1-2 hours a day at the very least, if I have people to play with. Sometimes a little more or less depending on school work.

Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?: I've always wanted to be a bomber, but currently, I'm working on swords first.

Why do you want to join Aurora?: I want to join Aurora because you guys seem to be an active guild and I personally don't like playing SK unless it's with others. Hopefully, you guys have a good environment that I can run with pretty often.

What would be three words that would best describe you?: Extroverted failure comedian.

Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?: I used to play a lot of LD.

Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?: DEFINITELLYYYYY.

Also, just a little bit more about me. I'm in between T2 and T3. Only 5* gear right now is a DA, but I've gone through FSC a bunch of times before and I'm pretty capable. I would never consider myself useless on an FSC run, and I can definitely pull my own weight. I simply don't kill things quite as fast as other people. I played SK back before shard bombs changed (aka, when RSS was a big deal for bombers) and I'm coming back to the game now. It's been a while, but I've picked up on a lot of things pretty quickly, and I wanna get geared up so I can get back into LD as well.

Portrait de Ankokuflare
or should I say go?


Portrait de Akclios

In-game name? Akclios
Are you 16 or older? 15
What time zone are you in? Greenwich Mean Time
How much do you play in an average week? Weekdays-2-3 Hours, Weekends-7+ Hours, It's my Exam Year so playing hours may be decreased.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? Full Gunner, planning to have a Leviathan Blade as a side-arm in the very future.
Why do you want to join Aurora? I would like Guild Members to accompany me in missions, clockworks etc. & of course I would do the same for them. Also I would like to make friends, chat to people & to make my Spiral Knights experience better. Lastly, My IGN & The Guild name both starts with an A :P
What would be three words that would best describe you? Spontaneous, Straightforward, Friendly?
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? I have never played them so I do not know hehe.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? I have no idea what they are but they sound interesting so sure I would be interested.

Portrait de Blazzberry
I have no mouth and I need to scream

Invitation has been sent.

Welcome, Akclios!

Portrait de Oroseira
May I take your order, sir?

Finally, now that I can play almost 24/7, I can finally have fun with you guys!
In-game name?
Are you 16 or older?
No, sadly, I'm only 13.
What time zone are you in?
UTC -4, which means you'll see me in the canadian afternoon/evening about 99.5% of the time. The other 0.5% is the morning.
How much do you play in an average week?
I have no idea, because I play a lot!
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
A mix of gunning and swordplay.
Why do you want to join Aurora?
Entertainment, fun, and generally having people to talk to aside from the guy who is so legendary yet doesn't play a lot *cough Magnus cough*.
What would be three words that would best describe you?
Interesting, mysterious, weird.
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
No, sadly.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
When I get better gear for lockdown, of course.

Portrait de Implodez

In-game name?

Are you 16 or older?
Just turned 16 in January!

What time zone are you in?

How much do you play in an average week?
during school days not very much, but on fri, sat, sun or holidays I can play a couple of hours.

Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I mainly use swords, but I have a kilo pulsar. Thinking of getting a valiance latter on.

Why do you want to join Aurora?
My old account Nukeblitz and Lord-Bacari were part of your guild. I liked it then, so why wouldn't I like it now?

What would be three words that would best describe you?
Strategical, dependable, and talkative.

Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
Yup. Currently 3 star, just started playing again this week. :)

Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Yup. For sure:)

Portrait de Ankokuflare
Hello World

Finally got this done. Sorry for the wait Hamachi

Portrait de Akclios
Can I rejoin?

Hey Guys, I deleted my previous player named Akclios without mentioning it to any guild members about this, eventually I created a new one also named Akclios. Can I rejoin the guild?

Portrait de Ankokuflare
Invite Sent

Invite Sent

Portrait de Ankokuflare
It'll get stuck to you like super glue

Finally updated the wiki

I should so some kind of hall of fame in the talk page sometime... nothing like writing up some history, mhm.

Portrait de Clandi
Hi, I used to be in this

Hi, I used to be in this guild a long time ago and just starting up again. Not sure if I should fill out the application questions again but here they are x.x

In-game name?

Are you 16 or older?

What time zone are you in?
Central Time

How much do you play in an average week?
I just started again so hopefully lots!

Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Swords mostly. I like to keep a handgun on me when I need to flee, and I'm kind of wanting to get a fancy vortex bomb of some sort. :o

Why do you want to join Aurora?
Because I was in here before, lemme back in! D:

What would be three words that would best describe you?
I don't know? >.>

Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
I have played lockdown before, but that was for the sole purpose of getting a voltedge.

Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Usually, I'm not big on pvp type stuff but occasionally I may dabble in it a little bit

Portrait de Thunderbolts

In-game name?

Are you 16 or older?
Yes, 16
What time zone are you in?
GMT -800
How much do you play in an average week?
50+ hours

Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
I am full vog and I use swords, planning to use guns in the future

Why do you want to join Aurora?
I want to join a friendly community to socialize and make new friends

What would be three words that would best describe you?
Smart, Weapons, Friendly

Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
Lockdown, not really good at it but I still play it

Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Maybe, I'm not really good but I'll try if I get better.

Portrait de Ankokuflare
A whole lot of Luv

Invites sent

Portrait de Pipipipipi
The 4th wall shall be shattered!!!

In-game name?

Are you 16 or older?
Meeeeybe... *trollface*

What time zone are you in?
All of them again

How much do you play in an average week?

Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?

/smashes Ankofuflare

Why do you want to join Aurora?
i herd u has a arora scren

What would be three words that would best describe you?
Master Hammer Machine

Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
I lock down the network by blasting it

Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown
Sure, the guild I'm playing against is you

Portrait de Ankokuflare
1110001100 Err0r 0000111000111

You my good sir have won the lottery.

Portrait de Ankokuflare
Good morning to you~

Le bump

Portrait de Shadowstarkirby
Aww, this guild...

So many good memories, I went and dug around the guild pictures and happened to remember all the people that played with Amby and I for years. Oh the guildheart...and when we tried to convince Lynavi to join from Dragon Knights when it went heavily inactive...Pilotx's comic...the guild couples like Chubbles and Sleepy, Aarathi and Propelly, god, and those SL runs with Daiquiri and Fradow that ended with +20 pills scattered over the ground. Lovingly...Readreact...Redhawkone...Alphappy...and you Anko, as well as so much more other people! Seriously, great times, first guild I joined on SK. And while I've joined multiple guilds post Aurora, nothing has came close to the friendliness and silliness that this guild has. <3

I'm glad to see you glad this guild is still going strong, thanks for continuing to hold the flag as long as you have Anko. I should treat you to a free heating bang (I'd be surprised if you still remember that!) sometime.

If you want a friendly guild, look no further than this one community. :)

...oops, I mean, "C:" Dang, I miss Daiquiri, haha.

Portrait de Ankokuflare
Ha, Call me stubborn

Aw, glad to hear you had some fond memories of this guild x3

That sounds like the old crew, alright, aha, it's refreshing to talk with someone else around the same timezone. I feel like the last one of them first dozen members to tell the establishment story of this guild, I think Readreact being pretty close up there. I still Talk with Lyn, apparently their guild is renamed Titans. She too is often swept away by business of school and life. Spoken to Lovingly, he pops in here and there, unfortunately he came to conflicts and went to help another guild. We are still good buddies who help each other on in all sorts of matters.

I remember you and Amby pretty well, I'd say both of you made an impressive duo. It's was obvious to me how well you guys work along side to side well. You guys were also fairly friendly and humble, a bit on the introverted side, but hey that's right up my Alley as well ahah.

I miss Daiquiri too. Ah, she was my inspiration to what the purpose of this guild should have. I'd say she contributed the brain while I work on getting the bare bones to stabilize it. I can't really expect everyone to stick around forever; I learned that a while ago, you have to adapt and use your strengths and have others contribute on other things. Can't say it was an easy ride to stick around all these years, haha.

But thank you for your kind words Shadowstarkirby. :D

Portrait de Ankokuflare
la, la, la

Needs moar bumps

Portrait de Nethergrim

Hi I'll try and mail an application hope to see you soon :)

Portrait de Nethergrim



1. In-game name?
2. Are you 16 or older?
3. What time zone are you in?
-08:00 (Pacific Time, US)
4. How much do you play in an average week?
Anywhere from 10-20 hours
5. Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Gear: Standard (3 and 4 stars, Cobalt Armor, Defender, Calibur, and Blaster)
Playstyle: I mostly use my blaster when my health is low, so until then I'll be right in the middle of the fight!
6. Why do you want to join Aurora?
I've been in a few guilds but I've wanting to join a guild with more of a friendly attitude.
7. What would be three words that would best describe you?
Friendly, easygoing, logical.
8. Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
Neither (but willing to)
9. Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?

Portrait de Ankokuflare
you've fixed it

Invite sent

Portrait de Oroseira
Mailed you in game, Ankokuflare.

I also wiped my friends list recently - sorry I removed you.

Hope you guys are still recruiting!

1. In-game name?

2. Are you 16 or older?
Yup, I'm 16

3. What time zone are you in?
GMT + 08:00

4. How much do you play in an average week?
Around 20-30 hours

5. Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
3 starred gear. Wolver Armor, Calibur, Great Defender, Super Blast bomb
I use my sword a lot but i'm trying to train on using bombs now

6. Why do you want to join Aurora?
I haven't been in a guild before so it'd be nice to join one and this seems like a really good and friendly place to start (and stay) heheh
I actually haven't played since 2011 and I'm trying to make new friends again (since 9 of them quit playing and abandoned me ((CRY))))

7. What would be three words that would best describe you?
Nice, Gullible, Friendly

8. Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
I'm sorry I haven't heard of any of them but I'm pretty willing to learn

9. Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Haven't heard of the both of them but they sound fun so I'm up for it

Portrait de Spookatastrophe
I've sent an ingame mail

I've sent an ingame mail application to you, Ankokuflare, if you're still recruiting. This guild looks like one I'd have fun in. :3

EDIT: Oops, I think I forgot one of the questions or answered it in an awkward way. Sorry about that.

Portrait de Blazzberry
I have no mouth and I need to scream

Invites have been sent. knyack knyack knyack

Portrait de Spookatastrophe
So, after deciding for sure

So, after deciding for sure that this is a guild I want to join, I resent my application a while ago because of complications 'n' stuff. I'm posting in this thread again because I haven't received word back in a couple days; I hope I'm not being too much of a bother.

Portrait de Blazzberry
I have no mouth and I need to scream


<Aurora> application to join.

1.Mine IGN is Coliar.
2.I'm 17
4.Trying to play everyday.
5.Mine favourite gear is DA and BTB is from swords.From guns Valliance,Polaris,Argent Peacemaker and Storm Driver.
6.A lot of mine friends tell cuz its such a friendly,active and i suppose big guild.And i think in ur guild is not writing crap in guild chat.
7.Active,good,not annoying.
8.No sorry, i dont play Blast Network and Lockdown cuz i dont have maxed heated gear to fight with (it for lockdown,i cant play Blast Network,im skill 0% at it).I like more to play arcade and rank missions for farming goodies.
9.If it GvG i suppose yea,if it blast network i think nah.
Thanks,if u interested in mine application.

I'll join Steam Group of

I'll join Steam Group of Aurora :D

Portrait de Nuclear-Breadstick

1) Roger-Pines
2) Naw, I'm only 14.
3) US Central
4) On weekdays, I'm usually only active at night. I go full gamer on the weekends, though.
5) Sword/Bomber Hybrid. Works surprisingly well, actually.
6) To meet new people, and learn new trolling strategies from said people.
7) Insane, Sarcastic, and Talkative.
8) Blast Network.
9) Yes, of course!

want to join

In-game name? Darkhappyman

Are you 16 or older? Im 20 c:

What time zone are you in? (UTC-06:00)

How much do you play in an average week? all days like 2 hours

Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? starred gear. Wolver Armor, Calibur, owlite shield, avenger
I use my sword but also prefer to use guns

Why do you want to join Aurora? because i know its an active guild, friendly and i wish to have a lot of fun in Spiral Knights

What would be three words that would best describe you? social, friendly and loyal

Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? i play lockdown a little bit more than blast, still working to get a better weaposn to play better there

Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? of course :)

I revoke my application.

I revoke my application.

Portrait de Ankokuflare
Also addicted to PAD x:

Back from road trip adventures
I'm back on invitation duty

Portrait de Nova-Royal
I'm The Royal

IGN: Nova-Royal
Tier: 3
Star: 5
Rank: Vanguard
Style: Gunner
Age: 18
Time: EST
Why: I was here before
Three words: I'm the Royal

Application from a sexy newbie

- In-game name?
Fuhqued (it's based on my website http://fuh-q.com, in case you were wondering)

- Are you 16 or older?
Yes indeed, 36 and will be 37 on August 5

- What time zone are you in?
Eastern Standard Time (Ohio to be more precise)

- How much do you play in an average week?
I'm a disabled housewife (my disabilities don't affect my game play or hours I can put into it), so I don't work and my husband works 35-40 hours a week, so I play around 30-40 hours a week on different games. Just started this one today, but I love it so much that I bought the two expansions and have been throwing down money like crazy on the in game boxes. :P

- Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
Whatever is best, I love to min/max since I used to play WoW. I am just getting started but learn fast and will have a better answer for that soonish!

- Why do you want to join Aurora?
I love that you are so well organized in this post, have events, and are friendly.

- What would be three words that would best describe you?
Patient, self-control, giving.

- Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
No, I do not.

- Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?

Portrait de Valkayn
Application from a new player !

- In-game name?

- Are you 16 or older?
Yes, I'll be 20 in september, on the first to be precise.

- What time zone are you in?
French Time Zone (Yes, we're proud - JK), which is CET/CEST

- How much do you play in an average week?
Well i try to play at least 4 days a week, but I mostly play everyday. Still I'm a new player, just began the game one week ago and played every day of this week.

- Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle?
More a swordmaster, but I like everything.

- Why do you want to join Aurora?
I'm looking for a friendly, active, and nice quilg. I love the community aspect in MMO, I feel it's really important.

- What would be three words that would best describe you?
Friendly. Talkative. Baguette.

- Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown?
No, I just heard of these modes. Never tried them yet.

- Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown?
Sure, could be a interesting experience.

Portrait de Popoixd
I was reading the main post

I was reading the main post and this was y reaction: This guild is awsome ! Mature, event, meaningful ranking, active people, and last but= not least active guild chat. Then
2. Are you 16 or older.
Well to bad see this guild is not for me !

Portrait de Ankokuflare


This guild is back being a chill yet always making some sort of progress ;D

Portrait de Abelisk
Application for Aurora

Hi there! My name is Killerhotness, glad to meet you.
Application questions:

In-game name? - Killerhotness (Name does not describe me)
Are you 16 or older? - Yes! (16 and a half, b-day on June 30)
What time zone are you in? - PST (Pacific Standard Time)
How much do you play in an average week? - 3-6 times and about 7-20 hours.
Gear/loadout/preferred playstyle? - Sword with a touch of gun or bomb. I am a Vanguard!
Why do you want to join Aurora? - I have been searching for a guild I can relate to and Aurora looks like a guild I can enjoy.
What would be three words that would best describe you? - Peaceful, entertaining, understanding.
Do you play either Blast Network or Lockdown? - Lockdown.
Would you be interested in playing Guild Blast Network or Guild Lockdown? - Anytime!

Hope I can make it in! If I ever use Mumble it would be on my phone since my computer is "messy".

Portrait de Ankokuflare
Early bird special

Tossed ya an invitation Killer c:

Portrait de Ankokuflare

Another bump on the road

Portrait de Ankokuflare
Trying to keep it as simple as in-game

First post updated

Portrait de Ankokuflare
sea salt and haywire

le bump

soldier rainalis wants to join

Application questions:

In-game name? = Rainalis
What do you look for in a guild? = A fun, helpful, kind, community like place like yours ^_^

Portrait de Alzalea

The nostalgia! I used to be in this guild, before life got in the way and I took a break from SK for a while *cough*twoyears*cough*. This was my favorite guild I was ever in! So much fun, great people, good times! Anko, I'd love to rejoin the guild, now that I'm back to playing!

Portrait de Fscq
can i join?

1. Name: Fscq

i look forward to joining this guild as all the guilds ive tried are never active. Everyone just disappears

defender elite strike needle, gigawatt pulsar and blackhawk working to 5*

4* gear plasmatech suit with aura and pauldrons

ill be active every week ill help other guildies

Portrait de Skoldeng
back in game

Name: Skoldeng

i was in this guild before i stop 2 years ago :D and now im back in the game

because this guild is awesome lol

Defender Elite 8-2 Obsidian Edge, Gigawatt Pulsar