[Guide] Another way to install Spiral Spy

This is another way to download Spiral Spy. If your here it means just like me, you couldn't find the answer from other tutorials. No fear, after installing Spiral Spy with the help of a few others, there is another way to install Spiral Spy. I sure hope this Guide shows you how it is done. :)
Another Guide to Installing Spiral Spy!
Before We Start
This Guide is meant more for Window 7. If you own another OS Im afraid I cannot help you 100%.
1. First of all, we need to know where the Spiral Knights folder is located in your computer:
*go to search
*first type this into the search bar: c:\Users\[your username goes here]\AppData\Roaming\Three Rings Design\Spiral Knights
Did a folder open up? if yes, please disregard the following steps
*if that did not wield any results, try this one instead. type into the search bar: c:\Users\[your username]\AppData\LocalLow\Spiral
If you do wield results and a folder opens up, then now i can really help you. See, when its in LocalLow, SpiralSpy doesn not recognize it so we will have to download the Spirak Knight client into Roaming
*go to spiralknights.com and click the Play tab. Below the screen, you will see ,"If you see a security warning like this one..."
*go below that text, you will see this, "If you experience technical difficulties, click here to download the game instead." click on click here
NOTE: this will download the game again on your computer. sorry no other way around it.
[not completed yet] (need to reedit, change HTML tags around and make it more organized)
Note: i first started off this thread as a 100,000 crowns bounty on correct directions for someone to help me download it into my computer. They helped me, and now i help you. Please Disregard the text that is emphasized. Its no longer relevant.
Dont say it....i know your gonna say it... please dont. ok.
I need help installing Spiral Spy. other tutorials does not help me or have different specs or i cant find the main folder.
So...I need one of you to help me understand on how to install it. For the first person to help me out completely, not paraphrasing from onxybits, will earn 100,000 crowns. yes I am that desperate. the 100k goes to the person who helped me all the way, 100%.
my computer basic specs:
Dell Inspiron 560
Window 7 basic
Intel G43 chipset
running off of SK client
The first comment to help me get these 100k crowns. If you think someone beat you to punch, please still tell me how to install it. Theres a huge chance that comment didnt help me out and your comment did.
your t3 noob,
note: i cannot find main game folder. "Three Rings" or "Spiral Knights" wield no results other than screen shots i have taken.
EDIT: Oatmonster is helping me on this one yet anybody can also help. Currently i got Spiral Spy in OOO design folder yet when i click, nothing happens.,
EDIT: 11/08/2012 FIXED i finally got Spiral-Spy to work. gimme a few hours and i should edit this to make it into a guide on another way to get Spiral Spy to work.

Where do you launch your SK from?
If you don't know, can you try searching for "Three Rings" or "Spiral Knights" from your start bar? When you have found it, open the folder or, if what you have found is the file itself, right click and select "open file location".

Your spiral knights folder is probably here, just drop the spiralspy1.2.jar into the folder labeled Spiral Knights. Double click it to open. I like to have a shortcut on my desktop.
C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Roaming\Three Rings Design\Spiral Knights
Sometimes I have seen it end up under C:\Users\[User]\AppData\LocalLow\Spiral although spiralspy1.2.jar won't recognise that location as the spiral knights directory folder.

Edit: Sorry, you posted before i finished typing. Did you find it under locallow? Do you have a folder in [User] folder that is called AppData?
Don't put it into your search bar.
Anything I type in [] brackets represents something that would have a differend number/name on your computer.
First, click on the start menu. Click on "computer." Under the drop down menu "Hard Disk Drives ([Number])" there should be an option for "Local Disk (C:), double click on it. Double click on the folder labeled "Users." Find your windows user from the list and double click that folder. Double click on the folder "AppData." Double click on the folder "roaming." Double click on the folder "Three Rings Design." Inside that folder there should be a folder labeled "Spiral Knights." Drop the item "spiralspy1.2.jar" (the thing you downloaded from spiral.onyxbits.de) into the folder labeled "spiral spy."
Now when you double click on it it should open up spiral spy.
Edit: Sorry, you posted before i finished typing. Did you find it under locallow? Do you have a folder in [User] folder that is called AppData?

no app data i find where i go manually from Computer>Hard Drive>etc.

Hmm, I'm not sure what to do if it's in locallow. Maybe you could try creating a folder in "Roaming" called "Three Rings Design" and putting a folder in that called "Spiral Knights" and then copying the contents of the "spiral" folder into that folder but I have no idea if that would work.

u mention that i put spiral spy file into spiral spy folder?

To get to app data, you have to either enable hidden files, or simply type it into the address bar. To type it into the address bar, go to c:\users\canine-vladmir\ (replace canin-vladmir with your local computer username), click in the address bar, and at the end of what is there, type \app data\ and then press enter. you will now see the local, local low, and roaming folders. Oatmonster should be able to finish this off, if not I'll check back later and see if I can help you out some more.

If not, go to Play, then go to the hiligheted "Click Here".
Save it on your desktop. Then use the wizard to instal the files, then click on the Play SK icon to save all game files.

Oh good point Atrumvindex, I forgot to ask him if he had done that.
Anyway, I'm just going to reiterate what he said and add a little more. Click the "Play" tab on the top of the screen, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Click Here." It will download a file called "spiral-instal." Open it and it will install the spiral knigts files onto your computer. It will save it in one of two locations.
It might save it in:
C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Roaming\Three Rings Design\Spiral Knights
Or it might save it in:
W:\Application Data\Three Rings Design\Spiral Knights
Either way, take "spiralspy-1.2.jar" or "spiralspy-1.2" and put it into the folder labeled "Spiral Knights"
It should work for you now. Sorry for not asking if you had manualy downloaded the files. Also, sorry, I meant put spiralspy into the folder labeled spiral knights (post #7).

Downloading as we type. Now it works with C:\Users\my name\AppData\Roaming\Three Rings Design\Spiral Knights
So now, do I paste spiralspy-1.2 jar it inside the folder, and if i double click, it will appear?

Yeah, just drag spiralspy-1.2 into the spiral knights folder and then it should work after you double click it.
Like I said earlier, I like to keep a spiralspy shortcut on my desktop so I don't have to open the spiral knights folder everytime I want to open spiral spy.

didnt know it was gonna reinstall the game. got 35min left. anyway, i believe it will work.
i cant enter SK yet, but oatmonster, You have worked hard to get 100k and it is yours.
I trust that your IGN is the same, correct?
wait a minimum of 30-45minutes.

I'm goning to assume it didn't work, I haven't recived any mail. Does it not recognize the folder as the spiral knights directory? Does the game work with the location that you saved it in?

no idea how. my alt is working on my laptop. thats all. It should be up and running by tomorrow. it was loading and then my whole screen froze. of course i had alot of big programs in the background so its no ones fault but mine. sorry for delay, also im not 100% sure if SpiralSpy will work.
question: just paste it inside folder? wont it show up as as some file? i mean....that doesnt sound too.... technical. and just double click Spiral Spy and it shows up? again, im not 100& sure but it should work.
note: desktop crashed, never found if spiral spy works, will try it in the morning, shouldn't have any problem and someone gets 100k richer.

you just have to drag "spiralspy-1.2" from wherever it was downloaded into the folder labeled "Spiral Knights.If you see a folder called "RSRC" in the same place you put "spiralspy-1.2," it's in the right place. After that, yeah, you just need to double click it.

Ok I got the mail with your probelm. First of all, what happens when you try to open Spiralspy outside of the spiral knights folder? Something I would check is what you are trying to open spiral spy with. First, right click on spiral spy. Select "open with..." and see what the recomended program is.

When I clicked it, it shows the loading emote for a half a second, then nothin.
i tried open, and open with... the only program listed with open with... was a Java program. I didnt want to chose another program, highly becuase i didnt want to mess it up any more.

You could try right clicking spiralspy, selecting properties, and clicking unblock. Or maybe you could redownload spiralspy. I'm not really sure what's causing the problem. If you have it in the right place, it should be working.

I dont know you use spiral spy already but perhaps i can help. Spiral spy works if it is place in the sk game directory. Once the game is finish downloading and is installed into your chosen path file you should first, extract the the file. Once you do, copy it to the game folder. The sk game folder is the FILE PATH you chose while installing the game. Simply double click it. if it doesnt open, are you sure the path file is correct? you should place it in the folder which you can see the "uninstall" or the"spiral-install" icons. Hope this helps :) if you the spiral spy does not still work, then please disregard.

Hay wait a minute, I never got the rest of the 100k from this.

Haha, I would have helped you install it for free.

@Oatmonster I believe i send you a detailed mail regarding that i never got SpiralSpy working. the 100k was for 100% job complete. but you helped me so much that i believe 50k was a fair amount for trying your hardest.
@others. my computer is wack. i tried every single way possible to get spiral spy yet it never would come up. I should probally frap what im doing but yea...SpiralSpy isnt working for me.

Oh, so you still haven't gotten it to work?
Ok, does it still give you the "please put the .jar in the spiral knights directory" or does it just not do anything when you doubleclick it?

you did help me get it from LocalLow to Raoming and into OOOrings design.
heres a quick screenshot

And what happens when you double click to launch "spiralspy-1.2.jar"?

nothing happens. It seems like its going to open.
I double click, or right click Open. Loading emote comes up and then....nothing.

It says "spiralspy-1.2[.jar] (3)". There shouldn't be a (3). The only thing I can think of is that somehow you have three Spiral Spys in the same folder and that could possibly mess up java.

As you can see from his screenshot he only has one spiralspy in his folder. It's actually "spiralspy-1.2 (3).jar" which indicates that he downloaded it 3 times likely to make sure he had a good copy of the file.
@Canine-Vladmir Do you know if you have a 32 or 64 bit OS and if you have the corresponding Java? You can check your Java version in your control panel. I believe it will say something like Java-32bit if it's 32 bit and just "Java" is it's 64. You can check your OS's bit by right clicking on your "My Computer" icon and going to "properties" If you do not have corresponding versions of Java, uninstall your current Java and go to the Oracle website and download the corresponding version.
Let me know if you have the correct version of Java or if changing to the correct version does not help.

are you an admin on your computer? try right clicking and running as administrator, chances are your firewall could be blocking it or you do not have the sufficient privileges.
add ngfrost on steam/skype and ill fix it

Derp, I completley missed the (3). Delete that part and it should work.

Oatmonster is right.
Let me know if you need help actually using Spiral Spy as it can be confusing sometimes.

start all over again?
or just rename it?
i did delete Spiral-Spy and Spiral-Spy (2) from my OS a few days ago while cleaning out my computer.

i renamed it and it worked!
how did works? i have no clue.
thanks guys,
gimme 2 weeks top to collect everybodies money. (have 40k right now >.<)

You can just rename it. (right click, rename). I'm guessing Java doesn't recognize "Spiralspy-1.2 (3).jar" as "Spiralspy-1.2.jar"
Hi. Hope someone sees this. I installed it (finally XD) but all models are white (textureless). Also, it won't show the players model and the word ''model'' is red.
Thanks for your time u_u