Do you hate boring but efficient weapons? Super Splodin' Shard Squad is looking for you!

Frequently asked questions (that nobody posed):
Who are you guys?
An important prelude is this topic, which has led up to the creation of this guild.
We have a youtube channel, too!
We're a group of bombers who got together to get the most fun out of our shard bombs. If you use them in random parties, chances are you'll feel left out from all the people killing everything with their blitzes and combusters before your bombs even go off. Grouping up, we felt that encounters can be cleared just as quickly as other setups, but in a fun, flashy manner.
Shard Squad is a small-ish guild that has been around for almost as long as shard bombs. We've got a steam group that you're welcome to join whether you're interested in the guild or not.
Is shardbombing all you're doing? That seems like it'd get old quickly.
Absolutely not! Shard Squad welcomes those who enjoy experimenting with gear in all weapon lines. If you think a Flamberge is fine too; if you try to tango with Triglav; if you prefer to perforate piercing opponents with Pepperbox, if you boast Bombastic armour, blasting away with your BAB; if you see fun mechanics where others see a waste of design time, then Shard Squad is for you.
The reason this guild was instigated was initially to be able to hold a pureshard Guild vs Guild match, but we don't really do a lot of (Guild) Lockdown and that never really took off.
I'd like to join, but I'm not very good at this game.
We don't care! Join us all the same!
I'd like to join, but all I have is 2* gear.
We don't care! Join us all the same! Any knight-ranked player or above are welcome!
I'd like to join, but I'm worried we'll just lose a lot in Lockdown.
All my prayers have been answered! Where do I sign up?
Post right here, join the steam group, message Zeddy or Dricscha. Whatever works!

I love my Winmillion! :O!
Nontraditional weapons ftw~
Same as Mysteryzx, since we are the GMs of our own guild, Elegance, I cannot join. And unfortunately my alt(s) is(are)... occupied. Though I would love to see Elegance and this guild work hand in hand one day if you guys go anywhere. :)
<3 Winmillion <3

Well we are aware that our target demographic for this kind of group is a pretty niche one and won't likely attract that many. The thing is that everyone involved in these runs and our shard experiments are all in different guilds completely and have few connections between us all. Right now the "guild" is being run just by a couple of our alts as well, but we just wanted somewhere where we could have a common ground between us all (and ofc, for access to GvG) so expect it mainly just to be alts living in it for the time.
You're all welcome to have an alt invited in there (even one you don't use much/ever) as a "token" member, to show your interest/desire to be involved (and we could use that alt to contact you if we set anything up) as the guild currently won't be too active until more people get involved.
Truthfully the guild will probably remain quite loose and "alt-y" for the time being, but we're hoping that in time, with enough people seeing our S4 thread and getting interest in shards, hipster weapons and "fun runs" that we'll get a small gathering people such as ourselves genuinely interested in this. When that happens, and the group becomes wide enough, we'll start putting more and more time and effort into making it a more serious guild so that everyone involved can really take advantage of it and enjoy it more.
For the time being, in its infancy, all we're really looking for are alts of people interested, while we gather a group of people who want to be involved in our shard runs and play about with our hipster setups and do experimental runs (such as our pure shard shadow lair run) as we simply don't have many people involved right now, and tend to need to wait a couple days before we can get enough people for runs all online at once.
So aye, just toss in an alt, join the steam group if you'd like, and we can start building up our hipster runs more and more; hopefully with enough people joining in the guild will become more serious and involved over time :)
(think I blethered around that a bit, but hopefully still got the point across? o: )

Id love to join, but being a Guild Master of my own guild, I cant just leave it. :C

I HIGHLY qualify for this guild, but my guild is falling, and I need to put it back together. Is it possible I can send an alt in there??

Although I cant join your guild, I really want to be in a party full of Pepperboxes, My fiery pepperbox was the 2nd 4* weapon I ever Crafted.

I've tried convincing myself that I will stay guildless on this account but you guys convinced me otherwise. Where do I sign?!?!?!?!?
PS I know the answer to that question don't worry I can read :P

Yes you can! If you mail me the alt's name or something I'll send them an invite.
@Grittle We'll keep you in mind when we do a pepperbox thing! In the meantime, joining our steam group does not require actually being the in the guild.

Aye, sending a token alt in is by no means a precursor to leaving your guild and joining us full-time. You can certainly send in an alt just to maintain contact while we invite your main for such parties. Also, as Zed sed, the steam group is an even easier way to just keep touch w/o any connection to the guild. We're trying to make this as easy as possible for people to join up in our adventures without having to actually full-time commit to the guild if they don't want to, as we're aware that it sucks you can only join one guild at a time D:
just drop a mail to either one of us and we'll set you up! Soon enough, you'll be able to meet the guild plant! O:

Hm. I myself am a bit of a sucker for the unappreciated weapons and gear and love using them, so this guild sounds like a good one for me. Though I am the co-guildmaster (along with a friend of mine who founded it, then promptly left...) of my own guild, Magicae Ordinem, which is pretty much inactive, but I haven't the heart to leave it. I can drop an alt in there though and will be as active on that alt as I can. I joined the steam group as well. I don't quite have my shards up to par (currently 3*), but am working my hardest to get them upgraded as fast as I can. But anyways, I do hope you'll let me leave an alt in there, as being in a party of like-minded players sounds quite fun.
And as for pepperbox raids, troika runs, and catalyzer crusades, I'm all set!

Absolutely. Send us the name of your alt somehow and we'll invite them.

Aye, anyone can just leave a name of their main/alt here or mail either of us in game if you'd like an invite and we'll happily do so.
Tbh, we're getting more invite requests than we ever expected (at least so soon) so we're thinking of starting to bring all our mains into the guild if this keeps up, to show our support and commitment to the hipsters who're joining us. Zeddy already has, in fact! o:
And ofc the plant. The ever loyal guild plant.
Also, it's Pepperbox Parties! D:...

I'd so love to join this, but I don't own a lot of hipster weapons...

Hm... Actually just go ahead and send the invite straight to me, Magnicth. I've got a couple of alts that I can leave running the guild, so I'll just put my main in the guild.

You don't need to be loaded up in Hipster weapons; it's more the attitude we're after. Speedruns and Metagaming is useful and all (don't get me wrong, we're not condemning it) but we're just a group who enjoy playing the Nerfgame, or experimenting with other weapons and such. It's more about the atmosphere than the actual equipment loadouts themselves. We have some people in already who aren't even 3* yet, but plan to gear up towards some of these things.
Will do~
Would love to go nontraditional on my alts! Occupied on my mains with a fantastic guild, but my alt is named Mahatma-Gandhi. Shoot him a req!

(hint: put channel link in op pl0x)

All right, so I'm considering making another alt (ahahahahahah... ehem, inside joke...) just for the special purpose of this guild. Or maybe I'll decide to use one I already have.
Now to mull this over.

I like hipster weapons, I just don't particularly have enough resources to gather up all the awesomely unique weapons because I'm still mostly 3* and my guild's been in default for a few weeks... Right now, I'm crafting spurs and handing out the extras to noobs. SPREAD THE SPUR.
Anyway, could I friend you guys? I'd like to come along once I get better equipment.

Just need to remember to friend you guys when I log on next. GOOD LUCK, FELLOW CRAZIES.

I have elemental and shadow "shard type".....but its still 2 star and i already have guild -_- what should i do?

You can ditch them and join us, or you can send an alt of yours towards us (or join us and leave an alt in that guild) so that you can maintain connection to both. If you do leave an alt here, you can still use that to check up on the guild and see who's around, so that you can organise runs to do with your main.
As for the bombs; there's no rush or anything; we have a few people without 5* gear yet.

I really applaud for your work Zeddy and Brady, congratulations !!!
And good luck with your guild you two :P
You will probably find alot of Hipsters in the large world of Cradle...

I may not have a shard bomb (yet), but I would really like to join this guild. I have always strayed away from popular/generic/overused weapons, and take my volcanic pepperbox and neutraliser everywhere I can. A 5 star troika is in the works.
I would love to join this guild even if there would be more alts than mains.

The guild my alt is in isn't that much fun anyways.Although I have most of my hipster weapons on my main though.I love using the catalyzer.It makes things go BOOM!And I did get a 3* shard bomb today....Send me a invite toward my alt: Necrospawn I mostly use that alt to make me cr.It would be good to give ol neco another purpose.

This is the only remotely interesting guild forum I've seen in a while. xD

I sent an invite to Necrospawn, Hero-of-Cheese' alt.
You should probably send me an in-game mail where I'll actually remember to check from now on. .-.

...does using my FoV without charging count as being hipstr? D:
I do have a Pepperbox as well as an ISB, DVS and Virulent Catalyser.
Not that, you know, I'm leaving my guild... but Steam group elegibility...

I've been saying FoV's a decent elemental sword ever since I got it. The Steam group is open, so we couldn't stop you from joining it even if we wanted to.

Hoya doya.
If anyone in our guild, or even people out of the guild (who we will be making fun of behind their backs in guild chat) needs help starting up bombing feel free to ask any of us. Not that I personally have any problems with getting friend requests in the mail asking for bomb help. If you have Steam and join our group you can see when I come online and our other Steam members to avoid the dreadful wait-all-the-time-for-someone-to-show-up-ditch-in-the-floor by sitting in game for hours on end. You can also throw friend requests at me or anyone who is willing to accept them, or you can try to throw them at people who are not willing to accept them and see how fast they yell at you for it.
I have made this public before but I am willing to help people learn the basics of bombing in game when I am online (around 5-8PM PST/server time, 8PM-1AM EST, or whatever time zone you live in you can translate it yourself) and I try to jump online at least once a day to craft out my mist so I can do something entertaining. If you want me specifically to help you it may involve throwing large and heavy objects to get my attention, Steam messaging, sending a friend request if you have not already, or even smoke signals. Sometimes I look out for those. I have no idea how to interpret them, but I can see them with my eyeballs. If you somehow get me to help you know that I will not be supplying equipment for you to use but I can show you how equipment works if I have it myself and can use it. I can also help with runs but I will not participate in crown grinding (Firestorm Citadel, repetitively doing boss runs) but I am normally fine with repeating fun missions like those custom arena maps, Roarmulus, or whatever. Arcade is also great. I feel like there should be at least one other thing after this. Market stuff? Not a fan of retailing, personally. When someone puts something up on auction I either buy it to use it, like a fancy weapon with a pretty UV, or leave it be. Sometimes I grab abnormally cheap equipment with UVs for the sake of laughing about it later but if you want to flop around buying stuff cheap and selling it high to rip profit find someone else.
There are people who will put us down. I see two options in that situation. The first is to run away crying because clones output more damage and are more obnoxious flopping around with their ballerina dresses. The second option involves clones under our wheels. Team bomber, baby.

I recived your invite and joined.I won't be on necro as much as I do with my main knight, but I will come on and do stuff with him.See you guys around!

I know a few people here have rigadoons and flamberges ;D If you have some time perhaps you could help lancer knights fill this in?

I think Not-Hollows will be a nice substitute for me. Besides, my alt is causing too much confusion in my own guild.

I'd like to join with my alt here, Halandin. (Can't remember my steam password to use my main character Hareth on the forums lol). Halandin is a little 2* Wolver clone generally, but he dreams of exotic weaponry...and people who work together instead of dashing about on their own.

Not-Hollows and Halandin should both have their invites.
Thanks for your interest!
Whoa. If you are this open to joining, sign me up! I would love to be in a bombers' guild and not a guild that's purely:
- An extended friends list
Oh. Oops. I made a post on the S4 thread. May I join?

Putting my name in a fishbowl....
Got an RSS to dust off and a newly crafted fiery pepperbox to blaze away things.. + some Mad bomber+ Skelly to rock.
Likelihood is I'll be active on and off... but whenever I am active I'll be available for much any run. As all I do anymore is sit around.
IGN is the name you see.
Steam account: will provide upon receipt of invitation.

Just now, I left Aeturnus Imortalitas (Sorry guys D: ), leaving me guildless. Considering my first 2* craft was a Splinter Bomb and my first 3* is going to be a Khorovod (crafting it in honor of Troikamas), I think I'm fairly well qualified for this. Not only am I aiming to craft every single bomb in the game, I've also decided to craft all of the undervalued weapons. My rule is, if a Lockdown or FSC Clone wouldn't use it, I would.
IGN: Unstable-Ordinance

Invitations sent!
I forget to check this topic because it goes forever without replies, so please send in-game mails if you wish for faster invites.

You had me at Catalyzer crusades... Unfortunately I'm already in a guild but you're more than welcome to invite me on a run. I still need to get a toxic catalyzer recipe...
IGN: Aabluedragon

I'm about to quitting my guild so can i join this guild? Also i've a toxic vaporizer so can i join this guild?
"Catalyzer crusades"? I'm in!
I'm already in a guild that i have no intention of leaving but I can have my alt drop in (IGN: Dirq).
Unfortunately, its still at 1* and i dont play on it much, so I'd still like to do runs with my main :P

Recruitment is open! Forum bump.
Bump~ Congrats to our newest recruit Kuro-Harvey!

Yes, YES that bump is what i was waiting for , i'd like to join the guild if it is not a problem.

Invite mee! IGN Retaeq (same as forum)
I'm an alt.
Hi sirs :)
I love using catalyzers and shard bombs! I'm totally in! ;)
I'm technically vanguard but my shard bomb still 2 star :P
My IGN:Hingy
Thankz :>

All three of you should be sent invites by a GM soon! Thank you all, looking forward to running together~
On a personal note I crafted an ASI High Industrial Cata today after rolling twice and giving up on getting a decent UV. :P
Recruitment is still open, we have plenty of space for hipsters!
Extra info-we do have a mistwell, but it is member and up only access. We do expect anyone who uses the mistwell to support the guild in turn through either crowns or ce into the mistwell. Otherwise our mistwell would collapse :3
Well, I can't quite join though :P "in my guild and staying there" to put simply, though I believe I'm highly qualified for this sort of thing :P I can stick an alt there if you want, but I can honestly say activity will be practically non-existent on it, as all my actual weapons are here with me, and not the alt :P but yeah, I enjoy this type of random stuff most of the time, sometimes I'll rush it out of boredom or whatever, but if I have time I can do this pretty much whenever :P I'll be waiting to hear from you.