So basically you didn't listen to any feedback at all

And even released the update sooner than expected, ignoring all the feedback users have put their effort and time writing in this forum.
I cannot believe this. Why would you ask people to tell you what's wrong or what could be improved with your new UI if you're gonna do whatever the heck you want anyway. I'm very annoyed now, and so will be a LOT of other people.
Just wait for it.

Yeah well, now they're gonna face the consequences for not listening to people's feedback.
In fact it's already happening. Check the general forums.
Bravo, really nice job asking players for feedback on your ugly and horrible interface and then not listening to what a large majority of players have said. I hate you Nick. Thanks for ruining a game I really enjoyed. I feel ashamed I ever gave this company money.

"They didn't want any feedback on the updated UI, just on the new levels and swarm mobs."
That's a silly comment. XD
I suppose in your "simple" world, people shouldn't say anything unless they're asked about it. By that sentiment, maybe you should lead by example.

Guys, the new UI has only been on the test server for ~24 hours and the live server for less than 4 hours. If you're saying that OOO isn't going to change anything about it and that they don't care about our feedback, you're making a hella big assumption
"Guys, the new UI has only been on the test server for ~24 hours and the live server for less than 4 hours. If you're saying that OOO isn't going to change anything about it and that they don't care about our feedback, you're making a hella big assumption"
it`s not an assumption, it`s more like a weather forecast after looking at the sky.
I`m still waiting for revising reward system for rank mission. It is unfair. How? because i get incredible recipes for leviathan blade and mighty azure guardian...wait, i already has it, the hell i need it for again?

It's shard bombs all over again, except that it involves a bigger crowd in the downside and there was no UV tickets spam.
They didn't want any feedback on the updated UI, just on the new levels and swarm mobs.