Just some things about the new UI

I'll start with the problems.
1.The health bar is unnecessary in Haven as well as the shield bar since it's easy to tell a shield's health just by looking at its color.
2.People like to see their crowns and energy so rather than having to go to their arsenal.
3.Screen shakes are a bit annoying even though they last for a split second.
4. There are 2 icons of the same weapon in the weapon change wheel which is unnecessary.
5. When I change weapons (mainly in Lockdown) I unexpectedly double change more than usual. I'm not sure if that's part of the new update, but it is happening more frequently than before. A few others have been experiencing this as well.
6. Can't really tell another player's color or exact gear (like the wolver line) on the player icon. But that might just be me.
7. Chat gets in the way of player icons in Lockdown, maybe in Blast Network to, I haven't done that yet during the update.
8. The Lockdown report gets in the way of the right of the lower left buttons.
9. Items such as vials,capsules, and remedies should remain arrangeable for easier use. I for one like to arrange them.
10. Even though people hardly drop vitapods, many say they want to be able to and I agree that they should be able to be dropped willingly.
11. Players need to be shown more in the map in Lockdown. Adding team color will help, but that might just give away the enemy's position. (good and bad)
I forgot a few but I'll head on to the good stuff.
1. Showing monster health and weakness.
2. The new display after cancelling or finishing a depth. Nice pose
3. Cool UI appearance, more advanced.
4. Players and monsters showing up on the map.
Not a lot of pros I'm afraid.