Knerdknitter's Feedback

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The vials are very difficult to identify, especially in Tier 1, and it's annoying to have to put your mouse over the vial in order to tell what they are.
Don't like mist/crowns only being visible when you open your inventory.
Other than switching your weapon, there's no way to tell which weapon you have equipped.
Hard to tell when party members are dead and not just low on health
Initially difficult to find indicator of status effects
I think this was a bug: I got too close to a crystal block that had a pot under it and the option changed to pick it up and I couldn’t attack it; I was unable to pick the pot up because the block was still over it

Great stuff:
Love being able to see enemy HP
Love the shortcut keys for inventory, player, loadout being displayed on the icon itself
Love the scrollbar in the chat/item acquisition section
In depth 3, the 4-switch puzzle was really cool
In general, levels felt more puzzle-y, and that was fun
The shield health bar is very nice
The display of your weapons when you switch is awesome (although, as mentioned above, it's annoying that you can't see the icon for the one you have equipped)
The display of the knight's health in a percent is very nice

Keep up the great work! I love the game!