Let's react: Playerbase suggestions:

1 respuesta [Último envío]
Imagen de Shamanalah

Hi there! I know a lot of people did not enjoy the UI update as much as I do (for many specific reasons)

And there seem to be a whole lot of turmoil for this update so here is a Thread where YOU

Yes, YOU! have a chance to show OOO what you really want

Tell OOO WHY you don't like the new update, what you wanted to see, how you would like to see

Personally I would've put the Ce/mist and cr at the bottom left (always appear), take the 2 menu sliders and put them where the Knights portrait is (and take out the portrait at the same time), HP bar the same as it were before but maybe more detailed (% value and maybe a shield bar on top of that? real thin this time, or just a % value again for the shield)

That way, glance at the bottom left to see mist/ce/cr and access the market and the menu (icon) can slide in the upper left corner (unlike before)

Maybe add an Arsenal button in the Activity and it's golden

Last note: I won't be monitoring this Thread, I am going to work and this Thread was put up so that the player could react and give OOO feedback on HOW WE want the new UI to look. If you have Photoshop ability (which I lack) you can even post a link of your photoshopped version of the new UI. Bashing here and throwing insults is pointless here. This is a Thread to make constructive criticism so that OOO is aware of the playerbase opinion.

Last but not least: I saw D3 appeared and they decided to not follow their playerbase at first, which cause a lot of people to run away from this game. And after a while they realized their mistake and gave what the player wanted: Paragon level (more lvl) and buffed legends, even though they said that D3 wasn't about grinding levels... -_-

Imagen de Thunder-The-Bright
ok, I start.

I'm not going to complain just because. I am really neutral about this UI. so:

the knight picture is useless.
mini map should show where your teammates are facing too.
you should be able to see how many crowns you have and to click directly to get into haven.
you should be able to see your energy at all times.
the game now displays the enemy weakness/ attack type only when you have a target on. you should be able to target something like you had AT on, but essentially not targeting it, just to display the window; or, you should be able to use the target key to show the window, AT or not.
party health should be displayed in bars.
adjust the enemy bars so they are empty when the monster is actually dead, or make them flash on the monster's death, so we have a feedback.

I haven't tried the devilites yet so I'm not going to say anything on that.