Testing Feedback: Gorgos and Fiends

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Bild des Benutzers Glacies


Overall I have to say that I really enjoyed the Gorgos. They're weird looking and they're actually slightly challenging! They're an extreme hassle when fighting in large groups and can easily start eating away at your damage despite their somewhat-low damage. Gorgos have the potential to be a great monster really. These guys act like a mix of Pre-Nerf Wolvers and Kats which I really enjoyed. Their movement speed was fine however, I have two suggestions/complaints to add:

Firstly, their charge time is kinda ridiculous. Despite it being a cool monster their charge time to attack really needs a tiny buff. I'm not talking about INSTANT, I'm talking about a tiny bit faster than what it already is. I was able to kill most of them before they even had a chance to launch their attack.

Secondly, I think this might be personal opinion, I don't know but for a burly-looking Monster... they don't exactly have much health. I'd suggest a tiny health buff to fit the look. They're currently as weak as Devlites in terms of HP when they're much more burly.

Thirdly, their drop rate is really awful, the entire time they dropped little-to-no Heat or Crowns. I suggest increase it.

Otherwise, I really like them!


It's strange that out of all other fiends you decide to give Greavers more HP while decreasing their numbers. It's an interesting take but it doesn't really seem like something I enjoyed. They still made a heatly-appearance in big numbers during Arenas but honestly, I'd really just revert it aside from the drop-increase. Me? Suggestion and HP decrease? Crazy, right? There's a reason for this and that's because the Greavers traded vitality for annoyance. The HP increase didn't really change anything as they still die in the same number of hits. I'd rather see their population back to normal just with the added benefit of increased-drops.


The Gorgos are a really nice addition to the already-annoying Fiend-Family and they have decent difficulty, I still suggest increase their HP and decreasing the charge-time by a slight amount. Nothing major! As for the difficulty, the levels felt slightly easier and faster without Greavers constantly being annoying. I'd prefer if they were in swarms again rather than just pretty much decreasing their population.

Now another thing I'd like to ask or add is can you please make Wolvers in Tier 3 had Auto-Target again? I know it's not related to the feedback but it's something that I'd really like to see as Gorgos reminded me of how fun Wolvers used to be.

I may update this later whenever I find a party to run it.