Only one nerf needed.

1 Antwort [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Thinslayer


The Gorgos cannot be knocked back with weaponry, and shield-bumping them is nigh-impossible. They need to be pushable before I will have any enjoyment in fighting them.

I'm also not a big fan of their looks. If they were, say, hovering Fallen Valkyries with all the same movements and attacks (3-swing sword combo in place of the bites), I could easily excuse any overpoweredness just on the basis of sheer awesomeness alone. As they are, though, they're a little too cartoony for my liking.

They are harder than either Devilites or Greavers, and seem to have the combined advantages of these enemies. If you wanted them to be on-par with devilites, you've failed - they're harder.


They move around so much, even in their attacks, that they are hard to hit with nearly any weaponry. They're even harder than T3 kats in this regard. If you'll check a few lines above, I've listed that as a good thing. ;)

Their bite can only be reliably avoided by tightly circling them, but it is possible to avoid them with some fancy footwork. Naturally, this doesn't work nearly as well against mobs of them. If it weren't for that annoying lack of knockback, I'd really like this feature about them.

Their cartoony look, while not in my personal taste, is still pretty well-done.


Allow them to be pushed, and I'll be a happy camper.

Bild des Benutzers Neodasus
1. No knockback enemy? Oh

1. No knockback enemy? Oh man time for STRATEGY. Keep it.

2. Yes

3. No :)