My take on the Shield Bash and Dash

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Portrait de Shamanalah

Everyone has done it. I gave my opinion in multiple Thread (like I always do), now it's time to make mine!

First of all OOO I want to say this:

I never had this much fun in SK than I did with the super dash, it made me laugh and I was showing it to some friend and they couldn't believe how far I could dash and avoid traps and whatnot. Great times! (although it is gamebreaking and made all your puzzle 1 super dash away from skipping it.

Shield Bash:

Love the mechanics, cooldown is fast enough (because the shield regen is fast enough) although *now* that this is a new feature I would like to see a shield dedicated to shield bash... Like a 4* Normal shield that grant Shield Bash speed (ASI for Shield Bash so you can *deploy* it faster, but still has to wait for normal shield regen rate to use it).

Fun fact:

You shield bash as far as a Trojan charge and it works on Vanadukes since he is not immune to stun (insert-lol-meme.pnj)


The shield bash stuns but doesn't flinch mobs, making slimes and mobs that have a circular attack kinda hard to deal with... (gremlins, mechas, etc.)
The shield bash speed gets reduce while stunned.

Side notes: Talking about the shield bash while stunned made me realize... could MSI be the "ASI" of Shield Bash?

I think that would be better to have MSI increase the speed of which you can deploy (use) Shield Bash & Dash accordingly


Sadly I can't swear otherwise I would right now... It's awesome... Clearly a great addition that need some tweaks ^ ^ (like everything). The main thing with Dash is the invinciframes which happens about a block after you dashed and last up until .2-3 secs after you land... meaning that in FSC you can "dash" into flames (those that you cannot dash through, they will make you stop) and you can walk back away from it and you do not catch fire. It happened a lot of time when I miscalculated my dash so I would land into spikes (on the edge) and would have time to walk away without getting hurt.

That is game-breaking... I could understand invinciframes happening when you are dashing but when you land in a traps, you take dmg from it...

Fun Fact:

you can hop over most obstacles and it SERIOUSLY takes some time to get used to it as you do not normally use it and did not use it for X amount of time you palyed (1,600 hours in my case)


erf IDK I can't think of any, you have a 9 seconds delay (which is good enough, otherwise we would always dash), you have invinciframes, you can dash into oncoming dmg w/o a care in the world...

Super Dash?!?!?!?!

What on Earth is this sorcery?

Seriously the game mechanics should stay, it's only Shield Bash followed by a Dash in the same animation, it's great as it is but with the tweaks I suggest, the super dash could be balance. Just hear me out...

Super Dash consume your Shield Bash and Dash all at once but is divided in two section, the first would be the regular shield bash and the 2nd one would be the dash... Meaning you would stun and be vulnerable first and then invincible during the 2nd portion of the super dash...

As it is now you Shield Dash... If you super dash in front of mobs with full of traps you will, stun the first mobs like a regular shield bash and you will not take dmg from the traps, travelling 11-12 blocks away... 11 blocks of invincibility... So... hum... what traps?

I love it, I have the time of my life. It needs to stay because of the distance you can travel with, just plain amazing... The invincibility is what's making it game-breaking...

Or simply remove the invinciframes whenever you perform Super Dash, just a stun & long distance traveled thing

Edit: OR! I just thought of that... what if you could Super Dash but if you get hit it cancels it out? leaving you w/o Dash or Shield Bash? hmmmmmmm I kinda like this ^ ^

*pant* *pant*

that's a long post...

TL;DR Shield Bash cool, Dash needs to rework on invinciframes that happens when you land. Super Dash = need some serious rethinking but NEEDS to stay in-game as it is too much fun. REALLY too much fun, I messed around 15-20 minutes in Sanctuary just racing and testing Super Dash against someone >.<